
Chapter 3: Interstellar Destiny

Dexter and Keira stood in front of the entrance of the mysterious temple, staring at the huge copper door in front of them, which was engraved with strange runes. This is the final level to unravel the mystery of the fate of the planet.

They must work together to unravel the meaning of these runes in order to open the copper gate and enter the depths of the temple. Dexter took out various clues and knowledge he had collected during his interstellar journey and worked with Keira to solve puzzles.

After hard work and deep thinking, they finally managed to unravel all the runes. The copper door slowly opened, and a magnificent and mysterious temple came into view.

Inside the temple, a mysterious energy emanated, and Dexter and Keira felt an invisible force surrounding them. They cautiously advanced through a long corridor leading deep into the temple.

In the center of the temple, they discovered a huge crystal pillar, shining brightly. Dexter's heart was racing, and he knew that this crystal pillar was the core of the planet's fate.

Suddenly, a mysterious voice echoed in the temple: "Dexter, you are the key to interstellar destiny. Your arrival is not only a coincidence, but also a mission

Dexter and Keira exchanged glances, and they understood that this mysterious voice was speaking to Dexter. They listened quietly, waiting for the sound to continue.

The voice continued, "Only you can master the power of the planet and use it to protect peace. But this is not easy, you will face enormous tests and decisions. Your choices will determine the fate of the planet

Dexter's determination ignited in his heart, and he decided to accept this mission to protect the planet from evil forces. He reached out and touched the crystal pillar, feeling the endless power contained within it.

When his hand touched the crystal pillar, a bright light enveloped him. He felt his body and soul sublimated, and he became the guardian of interstellar destiny.

Dexter turned to look at Keira, her eyes filled with determination and trust. The two decided to work together to protect the planet and fight for peace.