
Chapter 1: The Encounter of Fate

Dexter Harper held the old interstellar map in one hand and the cockpit joystick in the other, staring at the flashing coordinates on the navigation indicator. He is a young bounty hunter skilled in chasing fugitives in border galaxies. Nowadays, his goal is a notorious space pirate gang.

His spaceship "Starhorse" is a modified supersonic fighter jet, with its body covered with worn armor and various weapons. Just as he was about to start the superluminal engine, suddenly a eerie space-time crack appeared in front of his fairway.

Dexter stopped in surprise as he had never seen such a strange phenomenon before. The crack emits a deep blue light, like a gateway to the unknown world. He ignited a desire to explore in his heart.

Determined, he adjusted the "Star Horse" to its optimal sailing state and flew towards the space-time fissure. As the spaceship passed through the crack, the surrounding space seemed to twist for an instant, and Dexter felt a huge gravitational pull pulling him into the crack.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself on a strange and mysterious planet. The scenery on this planet is completely different from any place he has ever seen.

He found himself standing on a vast grassland surrounded by peculiar plants and rocky mountain ranges. There are two huge satellites hanging in the sky, emitting soft light. This is a different world, as if it's a combination of science fiction and Western cowboys.

Dexter couldn't help but feel curious and decided to explore this mysterious planet. He took firm steps and embarked on his adventure in this strange world.