
Boring job

Wearing: Don't read this

My name is Alex, I am office worker but one day when I walk my way home like on any other day. I was kill and recreate in new world. This my story to you.

"Why do I have to die" said Alex

He close his eye and open in some where

"Where am I" said Alex

But he can't for reason and he can't move his feet

"What is this when he try to look at his hand" said Alex

But no matter how hard he try it felt tiresome try to move his hand and for some reason he can't talk or hear it inside his mind

And then a giant figure one with long hair and one with short are coming to him

"Are they giant, o sh*t so these monster in Greek are real. O my day having near death experience and dying again why, then again they can be drug lord that have me since I can't move and the way seen them may cause by my drug since I can't move" said Alex

As the giant figure approach him they grab him without any harmful sense

"Wait am I baby" said Alex

Remember that he can't really move his hand that much. It come to him that he badly