

NewKiraKun · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Preparation for talent

Athan watched as Rosalyn suddenly close shut the windows

He tilted his dead in confusion but then put the topic behind his head and left to take a bath and get ready.

He was too busy in his training so he really didn't notice Rosalyn watching him for one hour. All that he said was just out of concern for her.





{ Athan POV }

How did it come to this ?

I sighed inwardly. All three of us were having our breakfast in Ella's room, on her bed.

Ella being a sleepy head was acting spoiled in mother's absence and wasn't ready to wake up from the bed.

Mother and Aunt were not here so i decided that it wouldn't be that bad to have breakfast together in the room where Ella is Sleeping.

But then why is there such an awkward atmosphere here, Rosalyn was acting weird since morning and Ella was still half asleep and was putting her food everywhere except her mouth.

" Ella eat properly, you are spilling milk on your clothes " saying that, i pulled Ella's ears.

" Ouch ! Ouch ! Ouch ! Brother stop stop "

" Brother you're so mean " Ella pouted cutely.

" Yeah yeah whatever, say that after finishing your breakfast properly ". I said and help Ella properly drink her milk and clean the milk she spilled.





We normally ate our breakfast after that with little talks in between.

" Rosalyn, are you not feeling well ? "

I decided to finally ask Rosalyn what was up with her, she didn't even talk or eat much and was lost in her own thoughts.

" No, nothing Everything's fine, absolutely "

She shook her both hands and didn't say anything, I also didn't try to ask too much else she find it annoying.

" Well, just take care of yourself. We don't have classes today so i guess you would be studying at home, if you have any problems you can always come to me okay. I have some old books i collected during my travels that would be of great help to you. They're in my room so i will give them to you next time. "

" Then i will surely ask you if i had any problems " She replied with a bright smile.

I got mesmerized by her beautiful smile and subconsciously spoke.

" Beautiful "

" What ? "

" Nothing, just you look even more beautiful when you smile, you should smile more often. "

" Thank you " Her cheek turned red but this time she calmly accepted my compliment.





I went back to my room and teleported to the pocket Dimension after setting up some basic restrictions that would alert me if anyone comes near my room. I wasn't going to meet anyone from the organisation so there was no need to specially change the clothes.

I still have a few days before leveling up to a Rank 3 wizard.

There was this ruin i had to go that would help me Greatly improve my [ Destiny ] talent which was my top priority.

I wanted to improve my talent as quickly as i can before it so that i could get the maximum Benifit from the ruin and maybe i could finally get to know the way to find 'her' after improving my talent.

But i know that haste bring waste so i was still keeping my calm and doing this as calmly as possible.

The ruin i was thinking of going to was a place where an apple shaped natural fruit called [ Talentum ] grows once ever 50 years and it stays fresh and edible for the next 1 year before its no longer edible.

To eat that fruit one must be atleast a level 3 wizard and from my calculations its already been a few months since the fruit was fully grown.

That place was something i discovered in one of the history books i read here in this Library.

The place where that fruit grows was converted into a testing ground for young geniuses by those people and later when their civilization was wiped out because of the war that place got abandoned and now it was a ruin filled with traps, i know that those people specializes in curses and there would be many instances when i would need the knowledge of curses.

My only goal for these next few days was to just train my talent and read about curses as much as possible.

The curses was a branch rarely taught and learnt by people.

Even in Academy there were only a very few students who choose curse as their mains.

Practice of curses was not seen in a positive way by common people, but in my opinion they were all fools.

Those beings that were hanging like a sword on our head, ready to invade our world at any moment were beings specializing in curses and these fools weren't even prepared to study and get ready for countering them.

It was ridiculous, but i knew that i have to get stronger and leaving behind a weakness such as curses was not something i was ready to do.

After studying the Theory on curses i went to the training ground in the castle.

I also received the news from Beta that her team has already found my mother and our army, they were keeping some distance and blending in with common people trying to keep an eye on anything unusual and their ears open for any information.

Teleporting to the grounds i changed my clothes to a loose fitting one and sat cross legged.

Taking a deep breath i slowly activated my talent [ Destiny ].

My vision was filled with contless lines extendeding from me and vanishing a few meters away in void.

I focused a little and removed those lines from my view and concentrated them on myself. I was now seeing myself from a third person perspective.

I saw a thick blue Destiny lines coiling around me like a snake, focusing a little more, trying to go deeper, i separated the lines into different segments depending on their thickness.

There were so much chaos in the Destiny that it was making me dizzy just keeping a record if it and my mana was also nearing its limit.

I still focused a little more and found the thickest line of Destiny that i identified as Roslyn's and mine, locking it as my target i removed all other lines.

" Heavy " i murmured to myself.

Trying to focus on this Destiny was really taking its toll on me, it was so thick that even watching it in this form and trying to extract information from it was truly a hell.

I tried to track back the origin of the line but before i could see anything everything went black and i fainted.






I didn't know how long it took but i finally woke up by the alarm from restrictions i placed in my room, telling me that someone was coming towards my room.

I quickly get up with a little effort and after changing my clothes teleported back to my room.

" Athan are you free, can i come in ? "

As soon as i came back i heard Rosalyn's voice from outside.


I took a deep breath and replied.

" Yeah wait a second let me open the gates "

After checking everything and removing the restrictions, i opened the gates





{ Rosalyn P.O.V. }

I was having some problems with the magic circulations and healing but it would take quite a bit of time to find the answers myself so here I was standing outside Athan's room holding my books as he opened the gates.

" Looks like you were studying too deeply that you didn't even notice the messy hairs " he said and came forward and gently fixed my messy hairs .

" Ohh!! Sorry i didn't notice at all and Thank you " My heart was beating faster and my face was so hot that i couldn't describe.

Why is he such a cutie, he always does these little things that makes me have butterflies fly inside my stomach.

" Come in don't stand outside "

" Ok "

I went in and he closed the doors behind me. It was the first time i came in his room. It was a plain room just as mine in Silverline mansion, with a bed in the middle, shelfs on the side and a study table that was all messy with books and notes lying on it, but this room has his deep scent that was for some reason soothing to the heart.

I sat on the bed as he invited me to sit. I don't know why i always got nervous when i am around him but its getting better each time, now i was sitting on his bed in his room with door closed but i wasn't nervous at all. I just felt comfortable in his presence.

" What brings you here Rosalyn ? " He sat beside me and asked Making me come out of my thoughts.

" I was having a problem here, and here, I don't understand the reason for circulating the mana here when healing this " I opened the book i was carrying and pointed out all the problems i had which he listened very carefully.

" Wait a second "

After i finish speaking, he got up from the bed and took out 3 books from the shelf on the right side.

" Here, first have these three books, they would be of great help to you "

He spoke and opened the books after which he started pointing out the solution and explained me everything in detail.

I came to ask only a few problems but ended up spending hours studying together with him, i have to admit that he explained everything even better than the professor.

He looked even more handsome when he was seriously teaching me and i feel bad that i got distracted a couple of time because of it and he had to explain everything to me again.

But whatever, he is going to be my husband, i guess this much is justified. I chuckled inwardly and a smile came on my face automatically.

I found him stealing secret glances from time to time. How cute, i really wanted to hug him and pinch his cheeks but i controlled myself as it was not the time.

Comming back to the topic, the books he gave me were also very good, i had a huge collection of books myself that i bought from various places but the ones he gave me were truly exceptional, they explained everything in such a detailed and simplified way that it blew up my mind and some of the methods described in them were the ancients one's that were lost long ago.

" Hey Athan is it alright for me to have these ? Didn't you need them for yourself ?" I know why he gave me but i still wanted to hear it from his mouth.

" Its alright Rosalyn, what's mine is yours too. You're my future wife and i have already read those, i can just ask you again if i need them anyway."

As expected he replied what i had in mind but its always a different feel whenever he says future my or my fiancée.