
Chapter 37

Xiao Lin's words greatly shocked Lei Ni, she was a simple and good-natured girl, and besides, she never had to hold more than a thousand spiritual coins in her hands.

"You will have four days to get used to it." - Seeing the puzzled expression on Lei Ni's face, Xiao Lin said. - From tomorrow you will conduct all operations at the auction, we will act only as an accompaniment. Is this your best dress? asked Xiao Lin, having finished explaining.

- Yes, Lin's younger sister. - Lei Ni answered slightly reddening, of course she could not afford to buy something more expensive than several dozen spiritual coins.

- Sister Yan, I think we should visit a clothing store after the auction. - grinned said Xiao Lin, to which she received a pleased nod of the girl.

While the girls were explaining to Lei Nee what she needed to do and how to behave, Li Yun found a waitress and asked them to cook something to eat, and also independently took a bottle of wine and four glasses. In fact, cultivators needed to eat much less, once every few days it was enough, but for almost everyone it became a habit, because of this they ate like two or three times a day like ordinary people. Having taken the wine, Li Yun returned to the girls and put the bottle of wine on the table and set the glasses in front of everyone.

- Soon they will bring us lunch, we can drink some wine now or wait and enjoy it after a meal. - said Li Yun, not paying attention to the strange expression on the face of Lei Ni.

- After meal. - answered Li Yan, and Xiao Lin nodded in agreement.

Just at that time, the melodious voice of Fey And notified everyone that the next auction lot would be a treasure.

- Dear ladies and gentlemen, today the clan has not provided us with a "Peach of Seven Stars" lot, I think you all know the effect of this amazing treasure. Anyone eating this peach will receive a significant increase in Qi energy, which can even help break through to a new level of cultivation. In addition, your life expectancy will increase by five years, unfortunately a person can use it only once. Please pay attention to this, those who have already used the "Peach of seven stars" repeated use of it will not bring you any effect. The initial bet is 200,000 spiritual coins.

- Indeed, this peach is pretty good. - said Xiao Lin. - Should we fight for him?

"I'm afraid that he will not give any of us the desired effect of Qi energy." - answered Li Yan, over the past few days she tried to cultivate on her own and came to the conclusion that the longer they use the Li Yun body fusion technique, the weaker her own cultivation technique becomes. This prompted her to think that objects to improve personal cultivation would not have any effect.

"Are you also afraid that a peach will be useless for us?" - said Xiao Lin, she also came to a similar conclusion herself, but until the last did not want to believe it.

- What are you talking about? - asked Li Yun perplexed.

- There is a possibility that soon we will not be able to increase our cultivation by anything other than the technique of bodily fusion. - Li Yan said a little hesitantly. - Therefore, this peach is useless for any of us. she added.

Li Yun was shocked, if this is really true, then a huge responsibility lay on his shoulders for the fate of two young girls who would not be able to develop further without him.

- Do not worry. - choked out Li Yun. "I do not intend to leave any of you."

"Even if you want, we won't let you." - exchanging glances with Li Yan, said Xiao Lin.

After these words the question was closed, each of them understood that now they are forever connected with each other and in the future this connection will only become stronger. As for the peach, it was sold for 350,000 spiritual coins, after which Ne Gong, who was still in the hall, left him and now Li Yun and the others are left here alone. Soon, the waitress brought a lunch ordered earlier, it included rice, meat and some seasonings, all except Lei Ni began a meal.

- Elder sister, why aren't you eating? - asked Li Yan.

"I ... These are too expensive dishes ..." muttered Lei Ni.

- Here in the VIP box any food is provided free of charge, because the benefits received by the auction cannot be compared with the price of food. But even if that were not so, I already told you that you must learn to behave differently. - said Xiao Lin.

The girl's words had their effect and Lei Ni began to eat slowly, enjoying the refined taste of food that she had never tried. Over time, she relaxed a little and began to behave more relaxed, but taking her new role a little.

The next few hours, Li Yun and the rest spent at the auction. They drank wine and talked carefree, except for them no one appeared in the VIP room. The lots that interested them did not appear at the auction either. Granules of spiritual concentration were sold over the next three hours, due to a rather large number of them, the average price decreased slightly and was in the region of 17,500 spiritual coins per granule. After selling all the pellets, Xiao Lin and the others immediately left the auction and took 330,000 spiritual coins they earned that day and went to a clothing store, naturally, to purchase a more suitable dress for Lei Ni there.