


SKMnovels · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

A Bleeding Heart, A Vengeful Soul (part 1)

Year 17843 AW

7:30 am

The alarm blared on the bedside, and Ivan groaned as he sluggishly tried to silence it. After some fumbling attempts, he stretched his hand, revealing a bit of a muscular frame, and a bolt of lightning effortlessly obliterated the buzzing device.

"That was dangerous," a voice remarked, filled with mild concern.

Ivan opened his piercing blue eyes and looked at the brunette lying naked by his side, her hazel eyes sparkling with amusement.

"What's even more dangerous, Eve, is me not getting my beauty sleep," Ivan quipped as he got up, revealing his well-proportioned physique.

"That's the fifth alarm clock this month. At this point, we have to put this in our monthly budget," Eve chuckled, her toned figure accentuated as she sat up.

"I'm sorry, babe." Ivan leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. "Just been cranky lately due to the lack of sleep."

"We are going to have to work on that. I miss you," Eve said, her fingers tracing his chest.

"I miss you too, babe, but I have to get this whole magic beast thing handled. It's getting harder to track them than we initially thought," At this point, Ivan was already getting into the bathroom, his voice echoing as he continued the conversation.

Reports of magic beasts have been coming in multitudes lately and being tasked to take care of this issue, Ivan hardly had time to come back home recently and even when he did, he was mostly too tired to do anything.

"Should I make breakfast?" Eve inquired, her hazel eyes sparkling.

"What?!" Ivan shouted from the bathroom.

"Should I make breakfast, Mr. Shadowcaster?"

"No, please, Mrs. Shadowcaster," Ivan snickered. "You know flying after eating makes me nauseous."

Eve smiled and got up to wear some clothes before heading downstairs to the kitchen where she went ahead to make a cup of coffee.

Perched atop a city skyline, Ivan and Eve's home was a marvel of design and technology that was common in this era.

Their shared bedroom, with its smart glass windows, transformed at their command, offering breathtaking views or privacy with a touch. The living space seamlessly integrated holographic displays that brought art and information to life. Smart furnishings, tailored to Ivan's tastes, adjusted to their preferences, creating an ever-changing ambiance.

In the kitchen, robotic culinary assistants worked alongside state-of-the-art appliances, anticipating their culinary desires. A sleek terrace, overlooking the city, doubled as an entertainment hub, with augmented reality projections turning evenings into immersive experiences.

Their home epitomized a harmonious fusion of futuristic elegance and the warmth of shared moments.

In other words, it was perfect.

As Ivan emerged from the bathroom, the couple shared a glance, a silent communication that transcended words. The terrace beckoned, offering a panoramic view of the city bathed in the morning light. Ivan joined Eve, and together they sipped coffee, the cityscape unfolding before them like a living tapestry.

"And this is the moment where I realize I'm late for work," Ivan chuckled and handed his mug to Eve before giving her a loving kiss.

A bolt of lightning rushed down from the heavens and struck him, creating a blinding blue light. When it cleared, he was now adorned in a regal AetherGuard uniform. The suit, sleek and form-fitting, bore the agency's insignia on his chest—a symbol of authority blended with futuristic aesthetics.

Dark, commanding hues accentuated his powerful physique, and metallic accents shimmered in the morning light. The uniform exuded an air of sophistication, marking Ivan as both a leader and a guardian of the realm.

As he adjusted the collar, Eve couldn't help but marvel at the transformation, a testament to the responsibilities that awaited her husband beyond their home's sanctuary.

Ivan smiled at Eve, "I'll be back in time for dinner." After those words, with a blast of air, Ivan flew away. His destination being the headquarters of AetherGuard; the agency that protects and keeps the law and order in Eclipsis.

As Ivan soared through the skies, he never would've known that two years later, the challenges he faced that day would pale in comparison to what awaited him now.


Year 17845 AW,


Ivan moved his gaze to the woman who stood at attention in front of him. She had just recently walked into his office and was waiting for him to acknowledge her presence.

Sitting behind his desk, Ivan turned his attention to the dedicated officer before him. His office, an epitome of authority, reflected Ivan's meticulous nature. Holographic displays seamlessly merged with traditional documents on his pristine desk. Smart glass windows provided glimpses into the heart of Radiant Spire; the capital of Eclipsis, a city alive with marvels.

A strange name, but despite the technological advancements of Eclipsis, the country was still traditional in a sense.

The walls of the office were adorned with commendations and holographic maps bore witness to Ivan's journey through the ranks. An intricate AetherGuard emblem, intricately illuminated, adorned the wall behind him, symbolizing the agency's commitment to justice.

The office exuded a balance between functionality and aesthetics, capturing the essence of Ivan's leadership within AetherGuard.

"Aria," Ivan called out the woman's name.

Aria Dawnswell was an agent in AetherGuard and was ranked 201 out of the 500 ranked officers. A true testament to her power.

AetherGuard was known to have the strongest mages in the whole of Eclipsis which was to be expected since this was the force meant to protect the country whenever it came to it.

"We've located him Captain," Aria responded.

Ivan's expression immediately turned dark. He got up and walked over to where Aria stood, staring deep into her eyes.

"Are you sure this is him?" Ivan asked for certainty and Aria nodded lightly.

Ivan walked past her towards the door to leave the office.

"Should I summon the tempest vanguard?" Aria asked as Ivan opened the door.

"I can handle a single man without the aid of my team," Ivan responded without looking back at her as he left the office.

Aria released a sigh as she walked over to Ivan's table. There was a picture frame that was faced down and she turned it over to reveal that it contained a picture of Eve.

'You handling him is what I am afraid of captain.'


Ivan landed in front of AetherGuard's headquarters, an imposing structure that blended seamlessly with the cityscape. The headquarters, a fusion of modern design and magical essence, stood tall against the backdrop of Radiant Spire. The exterior, adorned with enchanting glyphs, radiated a subtle aura of protection.

As Ivan entered through the grand doors, the interior revealed a nexus of magical and technological prowess. Holographic displays flickered with information, showcasing real-time data and mission updates. A bustling hive of AetherGuard personnel moved with purpose, clad in uniforms that echoed the same sophistication as Ivan's.

The central hub, bathed in the soft glow of magical illumination, served as the nerve center for coordinating operations across Eclipsis. AetherGuard's commitment to maintaining the delicate balance between magic and technology was evident in every corner.

Ivan navigated through the familiar corridors, his AetherGuard uniform marking him as a beacon of authority. The headquarters buzzed with an energy that resonated with the duty bestowed upon its members—to safeguard the realm from mystical threats.

As Ivan made his way to the command center, his presence invoked nods of respect from fellow agents. The headquarters, a testament to Eclipsis's dedication to order and protection, awaited the guidance of one of its seasoned captain.

As Ivan walked through the halls, he spotted Aria running towards him and he smiled. When she got to him, she matched his stride and walked by his side.

"You seem to be having a good morning as always," Aria commented and Ivan laughed.

"I went home last night, and I guess you could say that reinvigorated me with the energy I need to get through my day," Ivan smiled.

"Glad to know you are full of energy captain, I can't say the same about the rest of the team unfortunately ," Aria said.

"You all work hard, I apologize for the lack of rest recently, but we have to get those magic beasts contained or we could have a catastrophe," Ivan explained.

"Some of us feel that it is… degrading to have the best team in AetherGuard tasked with containing a bunch of wild animals Captain," Aria voiced.

Ivan stopped in his tracks and turned to Aria.

"Do you feel the same way?" Ivan asked.

"I can't help but think that we could spend our time doing something better," Aria voiced her displeasure.

"This mission is a bit more complicated than you think, Aria." Ivan's tone was serious. "It was given to us by the person above, so we have no choice."

"I understand ," Aria responded even though she still had doubt in her heart.

They kept walking until they approached a door that had the tag "conference room 13" at the top. Ivan walked in quickly into the room that had a long table that took up most of the room and had chairs on each side. Five people sat quietly in the room and rose when Ivan walked in.

He walked to the head of the table and sat down. It was only when he did that everyone else did.

Ivan took a glance at one of the men at the table. The man turned and looked at Ivan and as expected, there was an underlying hate in his eyes.

Rohan Emberheart, the man with a distinct air of disdain, met Ivan's gaze with his fiery red eyes, a stark contrast to his equally vibrant red hair that hinted at the tempest within him.

Ivan has already gotten used to Rohan's personality. It was to be expected when a privileged kid was rejected the one thing he wanted; the role of a leader.

A few years ago, the division, Tempest Vanguard, was created and Ivan Shadowcaster was granted the role of being it's leader. Being someone with no significant backing, that decision was met with disdain since others felt they were more deserving.

Rohan was one of those people. Coming from the noble house of Emberheart; a house known for producing Eclipsis' strongest fire mages, he felt he could have the decision overturned but however , the decision came from the person above so there was nothing anyone could do.

The most his family could do for him was get him drafted into the team.

Ivan could've had him kicked off long ago but Rohan had proven himself to be one of the best and he respected authority to some degree so Ivan could tolerate him.

The other people at the table were; Lysandra Vossenberg, a wind mage tasked with the role of second in command. She was the highest ranked numbered agent in the room at 106 and Ivan at 124… but that gap in ranking didn't last long.

With her windswept auburn hair cascading down her shoulders, she commanded attention in the room. Her striking green eyes held a determined gaze, reflecting both strength and resilience. The sleek AetherGuard uniform adorned her lithe frame, emphasizing the graceful poise that defined her role as second in command.

Calder Falkenshield. Wielding the same element as their captain, it was unsurprising that he became Ivan's student. With his rugged charm and a cascade of untamed brown hair, sat at the table exuding an aura of unwavering determination. His piercing emerald eyes, framed by a few stray locks, hinted at the intensity of his focus. His uniform clung to his athletic build, a testament to the training that marked him as one of Ivan's formidable proteges.

Elena Frostbourne, a mage with affinity to ice who was, like Rohan, a member of a noble house but unlike the latter, she was a lot more tolerable. Her graceful demeanor, ice-blue eyes, and her silver hair cascaded in gentle waves, complementing the cool confidence that defined her.

And then there was Seraphina. A member of the noble house of Nightshade, arguably the most powerful noble house and yet the most secluded. She had affinity with the darkness element. Her inky black hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing a face that exuded an enigmatic elegance. Her eyes, deep pools of shadow, held a penetrating gaze that hinted at the depths of her mystical prowess. The AetherGuard uniform draped over her form, accentuating an air of silent power that matched the secrets veiled within the noble house of Nightshade.

Then there was Aria whose element was the complete opposite.

The Tempest Vanguard was undoubtedly a force to not be reckoned with and under his leadership, Ivan intended to keep it that way.

In this world, the power scaling was calculated in ranks that spanned from one to nine. And in each rank, there were three stages; early, primary, and late.

Aside from Ivan and Lysandra, who were both rank 7 mages, everyone else here were a rank below.

Don't be fooled, to get to this point in power was not an easy feat so it was to be expected that their power was beyond imagination.

"Let's get to buisness," Ivan announced.