
ばかの夢 - A Fool's Dream

NEW CHAPTERS EVERY WEEKDAY AT 3:30 PST (NORMAL SCHEDULE RESUMING 2/1!) In a small town in the middle of nowhere, a young boy named Lavi is fed up with being treated like dirt. Despite what even he thinks is possible, he's dedicated himself to the pursuit of freedom. So, along with a few childhood friends, Lavi has begun on his journey to find true freedom. Along the way he will build friendships, fight monsters, and discover the truth of what happened oh so many generations ago.

AzariahSasaki · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs



I took a look around Adir's shop. I'll admit, I was impressed. All kinds of swords, daggers, bows and arrows, everything of the sort lined the walls.

"This is… Impressive." Keshet said, moving the pad of his finger over the surface of a blade.

"Damn right it is kid!" Adir responded. "Took me decades to get all this."

"Amazing…" I heard Naomi mutter to herself.

Adir rolled me up to the front of the store. There, was a counter where he accepted payment for customers items.

"Listen here Lavi…" I leaned in over the counter, "If yer really want to make your way to Crater, you're gonna have to pass through hell. An' no one wants to go through hell defenseless. So, I got'cher a little somethin'." Adir placed a long, thin wooden box in front of me. "Go ahead. Open it up."

I looked to Naomi and Keshet, they were just as confused as I was.

I looked at the box, then began to pull off the top. Inside, was a glistening object.

With the top fully lifted off, I could see a blade residing inside.

A one handed sword laid before me. Even to me, who knew nothing about swords, knew this one was special. It was beautiful.

"Right there," Adir said, "Is one of me finest swords. Go ahead, give 'er a swing."

I wasn't sure, but I forced my sleepless body to pick up the sword.

Immediately, I picked up on it. This sword was light. Really light. Like, freakishly.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, swinging the sword carefully.

"Light, isn't she? Don't worry, they didn't use any flimsy materials for that girl, it's just as strong as any other sword."

"Wow." I said, swinging it a few times more.

"Now, if you master that sword, you won't be going to hell, you'll just be one step away." Adir chuckled, "But seriously, if you want to make it to Crater, then you'd better learn to use that thing."

"Is there a correct way to use it?" I asked, ignorantly. Adir exhaled disappointedly,

"I'll tell you what, come back here tomorrow at noon. Then I'll give you some lessons."

"Perfect!" I said. Secretly, I was jumping for joy even in my head. I hadn't gotten any sleep since before we left Red. It's strange to think that all this has happened in only a day. It feels almost like months have passed.

"Rest up!" Adir said, smacking my bruised arm. It hurt for a second, then went away. I had nearly forgotten about it, but it didn't seem too bad.

I thanked Adir. Afterwards, Naomi, Keshet, and I began leaving. I left the sword on the counter, still not quite believing that Adir would just give me something so beautiful.

However, Adir grabbed me before I could leave.

"This is yours now Lavi." He said, handing it to me. "Treat it with care."

We retreated back to the inn, and used what little money we had left to buy a 3 bed room.

One after another, we took baths, and got ready for bed. However, as I was undressing, I decided I was feeling well enough to take off the cloth around my wounded arm.

"Goodnight Keshet, goodnight Naomi." I said, tucking myself in. They both said goodnight back, and I fell asleep quickly.