
『Scarlet Blade: The Rise of the Undead』[Closed]

Achathia is a kingdom coated with magic and swords. Heroic soldiers sacrificed their lives to protect the kingdom. In this land, zombies are normally seen everywhere and people dying every day in which you couldn't stop, losing the lives of their loved ones around them. Princess Aria lived her life in the lap of luxury: ruling the land by and beheading those who defied her every evening. Despite being a princess, she needs to know how to hold a sword in order to defend her family; the same as everyone else in the kingdom. Beneath an unbreakable curse cast at this land, in order to survive Princess Aria needs to find an elusive mage to unfold the curse in reverse. There were fire and smoke, Blood and corpses, People were paranoid, Mindless zombies roam the earth - each city, state, and street. Countless corpses corrupt the land; The undead, they never sleep. To live in a world of this apocalypse, you must learn to kill what you love, and love what can die. ~ "This isn't for ZA for ZA readers. This is Zombie Apocalypse for a generation raised on anime, manga, and MMORPGs. And don't forget, there's an exclusive thrilling action and reincarnation as genre on this story!" HOW COOL IS THAT? "This is a fun adventure tale with a mix of gruesome, horrisome horror elements about apocalypse in which civilization collapses due to swarms of zombies overwhelming social, law-enforcement, and military structures. Typically, only a few individuals or small bands of survivors are left of the living." Warning: This book contains poorly written, unedited, and a lot of grammar mistakes. If you want a flawless, perfectly written book, this book may not be for you. If you're interested in wicked imaginary adventures, feel free to open this book! Credits to the Sword fighter Cover Photo made by antilous. Contact: Insta: myh3qrtwhisper_ Discord Id: rishamyrs #9389 Join Our Discord Server to discuss the novel with me: https://discord.gg/7s9XUrjgt2

isharislynkia · ไซไฟ
10 Chs

Prologue - Part 2

Looking at their appearance her face wrinkled in disgust as she raised her the long sword then charged. This will be a long fight. She thought grimly.

The other person saw everything outside as if she was watching a scene. Every time she wanted to move but her body wouldn't obey. She couldn't escape or run away from these zombies, that she had seen in movies. It felt so surreal and unbelievable.

The more she struggled, the more her body became warier by the minute.

'Stop fighting it' a female voice echoed her mind. 'You and I know that you couldn't regain control of this body. . . .unless the death take me.' The same voice she had heard earlier. It became louder now.

The other person felt so confused and petrified at the same time. She couldn't remember how she got here nor know where she was. She thought she couldn't hear her. And now, she was relieved because she had heard? What kind of question is that? She didn't even know the woman was.

Although, her only choice in this situation was to listen to the woman's words.

The said woman felt her complex emotions swirled on her mind. The confusion, the lack of trust, and her intention to listen to her which was particularly the right option. She felt that this woman, here, right now, was strange as if she had known her somewhere. A strong bond or connection chained upon both their soul as if they reached each other in a long time with different dimensions.

At that moment, there was a low, sinister hiss that became a snarl of rage; deep, bloodied hand reach out behind her before it reaches to her, she drew out her knife and cut the hand. These rattled and erected themselves with the slight pain of the attack.

Out of rage, its head raised to bite at her with raw human bloody teeth. With a small flick on her fingers, the knife sliced the neck furiously, that had yanked the zombie's head, leaving the body with headless sight.

Adrenaline pumped rapidly, her mind clouded as she could hear a faint song inside of her as if ominous were happening, soft ancient whispers penetrating the depths of her soul, sending ripples of foreign energy in her veins.

Suddenly, she charged forward through the swarm zombies that were heading towards her. She twirled the blade across her wrist, blooding flowing in every touch, slicing hundreds of undead's neck, bringing sweet crimson release, in each twirl, she danced in her blade so eloquently, so agonizing spilling out the blood of her people that had just changed into a zombie in a short time. They were a living human awhile ago. She had no choice but to let them rest in peace.

She was bathed on their blood, her face smeared with the smell of it, she didn't pay attention to what was happening to her. The ends of her ink-black hair were slowly turning into crimson. Her dark aquamarine eyes were partly shrouded with red.

Zombies clouded her proximity and she couldn't find an opening to breakthrough. Decapitated heads flew high feet miles away as she tried to strive out alive.

While she was fighting at the middle low-level of zombies, there was a zombie that had reached on high-level around five-level watching in her every move. As she was busy fighting the others, the five high-level took the opportunity and launch at her with its vicious claws. It was unexpected, she didn't regain to prepare from that attack.

At that moment, she was thrown out with one flick round half-miles feet away. This made her coughed out blood from extreme momentum. She had reached the edge of the cliff. So close, close enough to make her fall.

Groaning, she sluggishly to stood from her fall, but gritted her teeth when she saw the male five-high level zombie approach at her. There was something about her that made the male five-high level zombie interested to her. A strong power lingering to that female human body that caught his attention. He wanted to find out what it is.

She heard that the other who was trapped, yelling on her mind in a frightening tone, "Run!".

Before any of them could bite, strong energy surges on her brain, making both of them yell in pain.

It was like thousands of needles seemingly pricking her brain. They became numb and unbearable, however, she couldn't let herself cry out; yet, her body felt foreign and burning. 'Pain, so much pain.'

Before he reached to her, suddenly, there was ringing music filtered through the fading darkness of Aria's consciousness, inviting her to leisurely wakefulness. She lay still, eyes closed, till the melody ended. It was an alarm from her phone, awakening her from the real world.

Blinking several times, she fought against the heaviness of her eyelids as she struggled to keep her eyes open, the shadows of the dim room sharpened into her dresser, her cheval mirror.

She looked all confused. She really thought she was going to die.

She glanced at the papers scattered on the bedside table, leaving the chair neatly put to where it supposed to be.

Her laptop was left closed, as if someone had turn it off last night. Who could it be?

She can't remember how she get herself sleep on the bed. Unless, someone have could lift her and tuck her in on the bed.

There could be no one else on the apartment other than Luke who stayed the next door. He was her roommate, well, office mate, he decided to work for her as a team for the company.

She has sworn that the remaining memories she had last night were-sitting on her desk, sketching of various kinds of zombies, and a few drafts- for the next video games storyline.

She was accepted and joined a company; one of the most high-tech games on the business. She got herself team up on the zombie section. Her role was taken in charge of the storyline. Amazing isn't it? So it is possible she had known the cure of the virus that had implanted from the human veins.

Earlier, she had this peculiar dream.

Mind bombarded with thousands of images. There was a fire, a city, undead, the sea of corpses and blood.

"Find the cure." The words flashed into her memory, followed closely by an onslaught of images. An old crowned dying man, a box and a key.

She could feel her heart breaking at the man as she said farewell to the old man. 'The King. Her father', another scene flashed through eyes. It was that woman she somehow emerged from her body in that dream.

She was sorting out the images as they appeared. She stood unmoving as she registered everything bit by bit. Amongst the blurred images, a particular shadow covered in blood and it has raw ill-intent gave her some sort of fear.

'What was going on?' no matter how much she wanted to find out why it all happened, but only leaving her in clueless. She couldn't think what it was about.

She rubbed her forehead, trying to remember something.

But it didn't help to find the answer she wanted to know.

Maybe, she needs a break from making video game storylines for a while. It would be possibly the reason why she had a dream that way.

Dear readers,

Pardon to the author here for being so shameless. I know the update is frequently slow this time. And I sincerely hope for you guys to be patient and cooperate until the remaining journey. This is my first time in writing. I'm no professional nor an expert, but I will be very glad to those people who were willing to help me to improve my writings and especially, my story. So far, so good, how's the story goes? Feel free to leave some comments and remarks. Hahaha! Just kidding.

isharislynkiacreators' thoughts