
the dream of void

Day 1

I wake up in a suffocating void engulfed in darkness and cold "crap where am I!?"

I exclaim in my head worried and stressed because I couldn't breathe.As I pass out I try to scream "ahh!"but nothing comes from my mouth .


I once again wake but this time in my bed dazed. I was not really sure if it was a dream or not. It was clear that I was suffocating in the void so I eventually got up and out of bed. For my daily routine I got dressed,went to the bathroom, ate my breakfast...and well you get the point my routine is pretty average .

I felt off the entire morning. for some reason i decided to look into the mirror but what I saw was my usual self but i seemed to have black irises instead of my usual brown that threw me for a loop because I at first thought it was the lighting but even when I changed the angle it was the same pitch-black eyes that could stare through a person to say the least i was amazed and curious how it happened .continuing the trend my hair had also been brown but was now black my slightly tanned skin was now much more white almost like paper or something.

To be honest I looked like a vampire child and personally I loved the new look but needed a good explanation to tell others so I thought "Well I guess I can just say that I woke up like this for some reason ".

I decided to go to school despite my off appearance. I walked to my bus stop under the Erie road side lighting fixture. After about fifteen minutes The bus finally came up to my Stop . I got on but nobody noticed the difference For the most part .when I got in class my classmates noticed instantly and said"Hay Henry how are you"I responded with "good overall I guess". that I was different at first they noticed my black hair so I eventually said "Yeah I got my hair done like it "telling a little lie thankfully no one noticed that I was. In a bit one of my best friends Desmond a relatively quiet kid asked me why my eyes were black and not brown like usual i told him that it was contacts And obviously he believed that because it made sense and I had already said that I didn't like my brown eyes or hair so it was understandable to think that it was contacts .

Later in the day I was asked why I was so pale I told them that i didn't know and that it looked the same as always to me for some reason they looked at me like I was crazy

I mean I guess there right but that's not the point or problem anyway.

During lunch I decided to chat with my most trusted bestfriend Jimmy He was your typical fortnight player although we were twelve I still thought it was childish and cringe. He had dirty blonde hair swayed to the left and descent height along with his slightly squinted eye on the right and a normal left eye for some reason he didn't really care about my changes although I know that he noticed it. He asked"Bro can you come over I think my mom will be baking unsurprisingly I calmly said "I think I will be busy but I will try "as I still need to talk to my parents about my changes along with figuring out how they happened and what else is going to happen .As the day progress I get stressed about how to explain the situation with my body .Finally seventh period ended I walked up to the bus and get in a seat .I ended up taking to a couple of bus mates about my change of looks One of them said "I think that you look good in black "I could not agree more with them because to be honest I was pretty hot in a good way although I wasn't supernaturally handsome I

definitely would be a nine out of ten. To say the least the bus ride was nice but the biggest difficulty was yet to come home because I couldn't just say lies like I did at school because they would already know that I didn't get contacts or dye my hair and I was definitely not this pale .

As I get off the bus I formulate a little plan. My plan was to simply to say the truth the fact that I just woke up like this I don't think anything else would work anyways

I get up to my door and grab my key out of my pocket and after a little struggle I managed to get in. My older brother Meyer a tall and skinny kid for a sixteen year old boy he had a lot of problems including me .his good looks didn't slack although he was a problem child with depression.

He noticed the difference instantly so I told him "Ok i literally just woke up like this ok i am in the blue as well "he was just as curious as I was and decided to help me explain the situation to my mom and step dad.

"So how are we going to tell them that I just woke up like this I mean it's not like every day that someone wakes up with a completely different hair and eye color now is it" Meyer responds "well obviously not but I guess you can try. I will attempt to help you at least "he pretty much said I am not gonna be of use to you anyways. Three hours passed as i do my chores like take out the recycle, do the dishes, sweep the kitchen, ect and my little siblings got home they asked the Obvious questions about the changes so I told them "yeah I don't know either ".

As I get my chores done I pull out my phone and look for some reason for the change of pigmentation changes throughout my body but find nothing that actually made sense for my changes .I researched for six hours before my parents got home. It was time to explain that I just woke up like this ahhhhhh it's real pain to try to explain to a human that doesn't trust you and is not logically in there right mind . As I try to explain I say"yeah I have no logical explanation for what has a happened to me and why "because they know me well enough they understood that I was telling them the truth my mom said "ok but are you sure that it's not effecting you badly "I responded "no actually I like this new look to be honest "no lies where told that night.

As i get ready for bed I decided to cuddle my dog as she helps me have less nightmares than usual. I eat a melatonin pill and lay down to sleep...

Void Smith first chapter may change or be deleted