

Lillie's heartbeat has not slow down ever since she walked out her carriage. "Mother. I am absolutely terrified." Lillie said to her mother as she tried her best to calm herself down. But nothing. Nothing could help her. "Do you think my hair looks alright? Or what about my makeup? This gown is it ok is it not? I knew I should have wore the blue one. It was always my lucky color."

"Oh hush Lillie." Lady Pendermore silenced her daughter. She was getting tired of her not believing in herself. "You are beautiful and the Queen will love you. I promise."

The girl smiled at her mother as they waited for their names to be called. She saw Daphne and gave her a quick smile before she heard her name be called.

"Miss Lillie Pendermore presented by her mother, the Right Honorable Lady Pendermore.

The doors opened as the mother daughter duo walked inside. The girl was nervous. Her heart was beating and she wouldn't be at all surprised if everyone in this room could hear it. She tried her best to walk as slow as she could so she wouldn't trip over her own feet.

The Pendermore girl saw her family towards her right. Kygo and Keeton give her encouraging smiles. Merritt, Maeve, Norman, and Ophelia not knowing what was going on but they still looked happy for their sister. Her father and Jasper on the other hand had harsh stares, glaring at every Lord in the room that showed any interest in the girl.

As she moved her attention next to her oldest brother, there he was.

Anthony Bridgerton, her best friend. He sent her a big smile. She returned it as she walked closer to the Queen.

Right in front of the Queen, Lillie slowly did a curtsy. She hated the feather headset she had on. It was overly heavy and unnecessary.

When the Queen didn't say anything, every Pendermore in the room was nervous. Did the Queen not like their sister? Did she not see any value to the daughter they raised?

"Mother?" Lillie whispered to her mother only for her to hush her. The girl suddenly felt a hand lift her chin up. She looked at the Queen and smiled.

"Flawless my dear." The Queen smiled and kissed the girl's cheek.

The girl can vaguely hear one of her brother's cheer as they exited the room. Lillie couldn't help surpass the big grin she had on her face.