

Lillie was exhausted from all the balls she had been attending. She really needed a break. And it also didn't help she got her time of the month. She was mentally and physically exhausted from everything. That's why when she heard her sister, she was happy with that she saw.

"Sister you have flowers!" Ophelia smiled.

"From whom?" Lillie asked, walking to the table to see two bouquets of flowers. She smiled as she smelt the fresh flowers.

"The Prince!"

"The Prince? Sister you are marrying a Prince?" Maeve asked.

Lillie shook her head. "I am not marrying anyone. No one has proposed."

"What a shame. You have to marry a Prince Sister. Nothing more nothing less. Oh how I wish my husband will be a Prince." Ophelia said.

Lillie chuckled at her younger sister. She noticed a bouquet of Gardenias.

"Who are those from?"

"Lord Bridgerton." Ophelia whispered.

"Lord Bridgerton?"

"There is also a note." Maeve picked the note out from the flowers and gave it to her sister. "Are you to read it?"

"Not now. Come, we must see what everyone else is up to." The two younger Pendermore girls nodded as they walked down the hall to the drawing room.

When Lillie knew her sisters were gone, she quickly read the note.

Lillie smiled as she read the note. Anthony has sent her flowers before, but this time felt different. Not only was it because he attached a note, but he's always gifted her Yellow Roses, her favorite flowers, so why the sudden change to Gardenias? 
