

Anthony drank yet another glass of whiskey. How could he be so stupid? The one time he loves a girl, she slips right through his fingertips. He knew love was too good to be true. He should have never said anything. Then he wouldn't have lost his best friend, his one true love.

"Brother?" The door opened to reveal Benedict.

"Is something the matter?"

Benedict sighed seeing his brother. He heard from the Pendermore brothers what happened. He made sure to run as quickly as he could to check up on his brother. He might be an idiot sometimes, but even he can see the love his brother had for the Pendermore girl.

"I heard what has happened." Benedict said, sitting across from Anthony.

Anthony sighed. "I failed. I failed myself. I—."

"Brother." Benedict tried saying only for the oldest Bridgerton to shake his head. He noticed some tears threatening to come out.

"I told her I loved her. I should have proposed to her. I had my chance but I ruined it." Anthony cried, a tear falling down. He can't believe he lost his dearest Lillie forever. "Was telling her I love her not enough?

Benedict's heart ached for his brother. He's never seen him like this. He must have really loved Lillie. "Brother. We all make mistakes in our life. Nobody is perfect in anything. You did the right thing in telling her you love her. And you shall not beat yourself up for this. Time will let you heal."

Anthony shook his head. "I do not want to heal. I want to marry Lillie. I want to start a family with her. She is the only one I want to marry. Nobody else compares to her."

"There will be other girls willing to marry you Brother."

"I do not care for any of them. My dearest Lillie, she is perfect. She makes me want to be better. Everything she does brings a smile to my face. Even when she gets upset when she misses a shot in Pall Mall, she is still the prettiest girl I have ever laid my eyes on. I love her." Anthony choked out as he continued to cry.

Benedict got up and walked over to where Anthony was sitting. He gently patted his back as he heard sobs come out. On any other day, he would be laughing at the state his brother was in, but he too felt sad.

He really did like the of side Anthony when he was with Lillie. They were a match made in heaven. A part of him really hoped Lillie said no, but that would be cruel of him. "We can fence tomorrow. I shall let you beat me as many times as you desire."

Anthony lightly chuckled. "I already beat you."

"But tomorrow you shall beat me even more." Benedict laughed as they spent hours in the studies. Benedict doing everything he can to cheer his brother up. Even if it meant sitting there and listening to him talk about how much he loved Lillie.