

"Viscount Bridgerton. You have a visitor by the name of Lord Pendermore." Humboldt stated as he bowed and closed the door to Anthony's studies.

"Jasper. What is it you are doing here late in the hour?" Anthony asked, standing up and gesturing to the chair across from him. Talk about deja vu. "Please sit."

"Thank you Anthony." Jasper said, sitting in the chair across from Anthony as he took the glass of whiskey Anthony handed to him. "I have come to apologize."

"There is nothing for you to apologize for."

Jasper shook his head. "There is. I am sorry for what I saw weeks ago. I was only trying to protect my sister. But in return, it made her have to make a decision whether to marry for convenience or love. My Sister is so utterly in love with you it makes me so stupid to even think I was in the way of it. It was wrong of me to tell you you were not good enough my Sister. Because my dear friend, you are. I cannot imagine any better person to marry my Sister than you."

Anthony listened to the man as he explained everything. He could tell he was truly sorry with what he did. "But it is too late. She is to marry Prince Friedrich."

Jasper shook his head. "I believe she will say no."

"She has not given her answer yet?" 

Jasper shook his head again and slowly smirked. "I believe she did not give the Prince an answer because of her feelings for you." 

"She does not love me Jasper. Not in the way I love her." Anthony stated. 

"As much as I hate to admit it, it is my fault." Jasper admitted. It was hard for him to admit he was in the wrong. So this was a big step for him. "If I would have just let my Sister pick who she wanted to marry, you guys would have been married by now. I would have been an uncle by now." 

"We cannot be together." Anthony shook his head. "I'll just cause her pain."

Jasper sighed and looked over to his friend. "I have given you my blessing. She is to say no to Prince Friedrich. What more do you need to propose?"

"I watched my Father die at a young age. My life span will not surpass 36. If I die, I do not want Lillie to go through what my Mother went through. It is just better this way." Anthony admitted. 

"You cannot predict what will happen. Stop drowning yourself in a self pity pool and start opening your eyes to see what is right in front of you. If you do not propose to my Sister now, she will marry someone she does not love. That will not only cause her more pain, but you as well. And I cannot have that happen. I will not let it happen again." Jasper explained as he donned his last bit of whiskey and stood up. "I trust you will do the right thing my friend. But do not wait any longer, it is your time to be happy with the one person you love the most."

Then the Bridgerton boy was left alone with his own thoughts. His friend was right. He cannot predict the future at what will happen when he reaches that age, but he can predict his present. And he wants to marry Lillie. He knew exactly what he needed in order to do so.