

At Audrey Hall, Lillie wore a blue gown. Blue was always her favorite color and hopefully her lucky one too.  Prince Friedrich greeted her as he was talking to the Queen. Lillie was starting to feel nervous. Was he to propose tonight?

    Surely if he was to, he would have asked her to dance by now. Lillie quickly shook off the feeling as she saw a familiar face approach her.

    "Miss Lillie."

    Lillie smiled and curtsy. "Lord Bridgerton."

    "Care for a dance?" Anthony held out his hand for the girl to take.

    She placed her hand on top of his as he guided her to the dance floor. Lillie was not paying much attention to the Bridgerton boy like how she usually does. She was too busy thinking about Prince Friedrich. Did she get her hopes up?

    "What is bothering you my dearest Lillie?" Anthony asked as he pulled her closer to him. He only did this so no one could listen into their conversation and because he wanted to be closer to her.

    "I thought Prince Friedrich was to propose. But he hasn't even asked me to dance yet." Lillie said, sadly.

    Propose? Anthony was not expecting that. Has he been waiting too long? He thought that had an understanding after the moment they shared at the ice cream shop and their almost kiss.

    "Are you to say yes if he does?"

    "Of course. He is a Prince."

    Anthony looked at the girl as they continued to dance along. He couldn't ignore the aching feeling he felt in his heart. He didn't want the girl to marry someone else. It can only be him. "Do you love him?"

    Lillie looked at the man in the eye. His brown eyes held so much meaning and emotion, it made Lillie think about what would happen tonight. What her decision would be if the question was asked. "I don't know. I can learn to love him."

    "Do you love me?" Anthony suddenly asked. He needed to know the answer.

    "Of course I love you my dearest Anthony." Lillie said with no hesitation. And there it was. The answer Anthony wanted to hear.

    "Don't marry him."

Lillie didn't believe what she just heard. "What is it you mean?"

"Don't marry him." Anthony repeated, closing his eyes.


"Why? You know why."

Lillie shook her head. "No, no no."

"My dearest Lillie..."

"We are friends my Lord. You made that perfectly clear how you feel about me. No I cannot do this to myself."

"Cannot do what?" Anthony asked.

"Wait around for you to decide when we can and cannot be together. Prince Friedrich is to propose, and I am to say yes."

"I love you Lillie." Anthony silently shouted.

Lillie shook her head. "No you do not."

"We were to kiss yesterday. Are we to ignore that?"


"Maybe you can, but for me my dearest Lillie, I cannot. I cannot ignore the feeling I have for you. The love I have for you."

Lillie's heart ached as she listened to her best friend in front of her. She knew her love for Anthony was indescribable. He was her best friend.

But was that love for Anthony platonic?

Did she really love him more than just friends?"

"My dearest Lillie, please do not marry him." Anthony touched the girl's cheek.

"I am sorry my dearest Anthony." And with that Lillie walked away. All she wanted to do now was to get out of here and cuddle up with Harvey. At least he wouldn't make her choose between him or her best friend.
