

"I deeply apologize I haven't asked for a dance since you arrived." Prince Friedrich apologized. They excused themselves to a quieter place from everyone. Lillie's head was still spinning at what just happened.

Her best friend, the one she has been attached to the hip since they were born, confessed that he loved her. Like actually love her. Not as a best friend. Not platonically. No, loves her loves her. That scared the hell out of Lillie. But it wasn't enough. He can tell her he love her all he wanted, but he didn't propose. He could have proposed right then and there, but he didn't. He missed his chance.

"You have nothing to apologize for Vincent." Lillie smiled. She needed to forget about what happened. Her attention needed to be on Prince Friedrich, and Prince Friedrich only.

"You look lovely tonight."

"Thank you."

Lillie couldn't remember what else he said after. She was too distracted. She was so sure coming to this ball she was ready to marry Prince Friedrich. Of course she didn't love him fully, but she knew she would with time. But she already loved Anthony. He has been there for her since they were kids. But was the love she had for him as a friend or something more? She didn't know. 

All she wanted to do was cry in her room because she was trying her best to ignore the fact that lost her best friend forever. Because she couldn't reciprocate the same feeling as the Bridgerton boy. 

"Miss Lillie." The girl heard Prince Friedrich say. Her attention quickly went to him. "Shall we play Pall Mall again? I had an exceptionally great time last time."

Lillie smiled and nodded. "We shall if you'd like. I might sit this one out though."


"I simply do not like how I act. I am too competitive and it makes me feel like a person I do not like."

Prince Friedrich nodded. "It was not a pleasant sight to see. I guess it shall be a friendly competition between me and your Brothers."

Lillie nodded. She knew her competitive side was a sore sight to see. But no one has ever called her out for it. Her family was fine with it. And Anthony. He never mentioned anything about it.

Urg Anthony. He needs to get out of the girl's head. She's trying her best to pay attention to Prince Freidrich but the Bridgerton boy was clouding her mind. That's why she didn't even notice the Prince getting down on one knee until he grabbed the girl's hand.

"Miss Lille. You have graced me with your beauty and it has been a delightful few weeks of getting to know you. You are an exceptionally beautiful young lady and I cannot imagine who else I want to spend the rest of my life with." Prince Friedrich said as he pulled out a small box. "Miss Lillie Pendermore, will you do me the honors and marry me?"

Lillie stared at the ring. Just staring at it made her dizzy. All of a sudden she felt like she was being suffocated. The space was squeezing her in and she felt like she couldn't breath. She continued to stare at the ring until she looked up at the Prince.

