

The Pendermores arrived at Audrey Hall. Lillie was dressed in a pink gown and a gold tiara that rested on top of her hair which was braided into an updo. Jasper was to her right and Kygo was to her left.

"Remember Sister, let them come to you. You shall not need to be doing anything other than accepting a dance." Jasper reminded the girl as he stared down some boys that looked their way.

"Yes Sister. Remember this, remember that." Kygo rolled his eyes at his brother's tactics.

"Not now."

"If you appeal for help, we can leave to go somewhere far more exciting than this." Kygo whispered to the girl.

"Stop it." Jasper warned his brother.

Before anyone could say anything, Lord Goring walked up to them. "Lord Pendermore, Lord Pendermore, Lady Pendermore. May I offer you a dance?" The boy stuck his hand out for the girl to take.

She looked at her brothers, Kygo smirking while Jasper kept his harsh gaze. "Why of course Lord Goring."

The girl took a hold of the boy's hand as they walked towards the dance floor. She tried her best to ignore the fact that he wasn't the best dancer. He kept stepping on the girl's foot. And it hurt, a lot.

"My apologies Miss Pendermore."

"It's quite alright. You mentioned before you wanted to go into the fruit and veg business?"

"Ah yes. The future is organic. I want to find ways to preserve our fruits and vegetables in a way it is organically grown."

"Is that not how it is already? Naturally grown from the ground up?"

"I guess you are correct." Lord Goring said, nervously. "I guess I am tripping over my words because of how nervous I am that I have such a beautiful girl in my hands." 

Can you say gross? The girl was never fond with sweet talks like this. She found it disgusting and unnecessary. And maybe it was the way Lord Goring said it. He had this creepy smirk on his face and it didn't sit well with the girl. So all she did was smile and continued on with their dance. That was until it was interrupted by someone. 
