

The next day, Jasper was very surprised to see many suitors outside the drawing room. All of them bowed down when they saw the Pendermore boy.

"Lord Pendermore." Jasper simply nodded and opened the door. He saw his mother and father having tea as his sister was on the couch talking to someone who looked way too boring for the eye.

"Son. We were not expecting you." Lady Pendermore smiled. "Come. Have some tea."

"That is quite alright mother." Jasper walked over to the couch as he looked at the boy.

"Hello Lord Pendermore. I'm Lord Goring." The man bowed as he introduced himself.


The boy got very uncomfortable as the eldest Pendermore was staring him down in the hardest gaze. "Is there a problem, Lord Pendermore?"

Jasper smiled. "Yes. As you are in my seat."

Lord Goring nodded, got up, and left the room. Jasper was satisfied with what happened, however Lillie was not.


"You shall thank me later sister. He was nothing but a fool. Did you not see the socks he wore?" Jasper stated.

"As your socks are better?" Lillie argued back.

"They have cute Corgis on them."

Lillie rolled her eyes. "Brother, you know I am more than capable of finding a husband."

Jasper shrugged. "Very well. But as your older brother it is my duty to protect you from the suitors that hold no value to you."

Lillie groaned. "Father? Jasper is being difficult."

Lord Pendermore looked up from his newspaper, looking uninterested as usual. "Jasper, leave your sister alone. She is more than capable of finding her husband without your meddling."

Jasper sighed as he finished his biscuit and got up. "As you wish." With that the boy left the room, not before stating to all the boys waiting outside for her sister. "Unless you can spit the alphabet backwards, you have no worth to my sister."