

Lillie Pendermore was the fourth oldest Pendermore from David and Scarlett Pendermore. She was blessed to have her dad's eyes and her mom's flawless beauty. Growing up, she attracted many lords, some a little too old.

The girl didn't care too much about them. She had everything she ever wanted. A loving family, a big house with nice staff, and most of all a caring, loving best friend.

Even his name made the Pendermore girl smile. Anthony and Lillie did almost everything together. They were attached by the hip ever since they were introduced to one another. Given their seven year age difference, it didn't stop their friendship to blossom into something so pure. One time, when Lillie was 9, Anthony was 16, he begged his father to cancel his archery lessons to watch the girl's dance recital. He even brought her-her favorite flowers, blue lilies, which were really hard to find/grow. And which of course, they went to go get ice cream as a celebration for her hard work. 

Although it was weird to have such a close relationship with a man you weren't planning on marrying, Lady Bridgerton and Lady Pendermore didn't mind. They knew in the future their kids were going to marry. It was only evident. 

Lillie was there for Anthony when his father passed away. How she would try her best to distract him from all the duties he had when becoming a Viscount. The boy was grateful for her. She was the light to his brooding, dark soul.

Anthony treated the girl like the Queen she is. She was his Queen. Of course they both didn't know the love they had for one another at the time, but time will tell when they will both see it as their love for one another wasn't any ordinary love, it was filled with passion, desire. 

Lillie grew up with three older brothers. Jasper, the eldest, was your typically older brother. He was impatient, impulsive, and just plain old controlling.  He took the older brother role a little too seriously. Then there were the twins, Keeton and Kygo. Keeton was born on December 31, 1788 at 12:48AM. Kygo was born on January 1, 1789 at 1:12AM. Keeton always made it clear he was the older brother even if they are only 24 minutes apart. Kygo however, didn't care. He was too busy partying it up in Oxford. 

Then you have the younger twins, Merritt and Maeve who really liked to play jokes on everyone. Norman who seemingly is always treated like the youngest sibling, even if he's the second youngest. Then there is the actually youngest, sassy Ophelia. She knows exactly how to win over her older brothers by playing the youngest card. She will do great things in the future. 

Debut season was coming up for Lillie Pendermore. She had missed her turn last year when she was stuck in Taiwan with her brothers. It didn't bother the girl too much. She was just excited to be taking part in all the balls. And it helped that she would be experiencing with Daphne. 

With many suitors lining up to attract Lillie's attention, will she be able to find herself a suitable husband? Or will a certain, jealous Bridgerton not allow it? He is only doing it because it's his duty as her best friend to find her the best man there is. 


Or was he pushing everyone away for his own benefit? 

Did he love Lillie as a friend or was it more?