

"Mother. It is simply not tight enough." Lillie complained.

"Honey it is as tight as it goes." Lady Pendermore told her daughter.

The girl shook her head. "I can still feel air coming in."

"You need to breathe."

"I need to make an entrance." Lillie argued. She was already on edge with the day. She needed to be perfect.

Lady Pendermore sighed. She can see how nervous her daughter was. She was happy to help her first daughter with her debut. But she much preferred it if she did it while being comfortable. "You do not need to attract people simply from how small your waist is."

"Mother..." Lillie groaned.

"It is done."

Downstairs, the three older Pendermore brothers were discussing their distaste and lack of interest in the matter. Of course they would never understand why it is taking so long.

"What is it that is taking so long?" Jasper asked as he looked at his watch. He was always the impatient one.

"Relax brother. Beauty takes time." Kygo said, placing his hand on his older brother's shoulder.

"And you know so much about it how?"

Kygo shrugged his shoulders. "Have you seen my skin complexion?"

Keeton chuckled. "I did twin Brother, it is not that nice."

"Says who?" Kygo asked, offended by the comment. He took pride in his skin care routine.



"Relax boys. You shall understand to never interrupt a lady's getting ready process. Maybe that's why you idiots are still single." Lord Pendermore told his sons, as he adjusted his jacket.

"That is not the reason." Keeton defended.

"And what is the reason son? Please do tell."

Before any of them could say anything, they heard. "She is ready." Lady Pendermore walked down the stairs, grabbing onto Lord Pendermore's hand when she came down. He kisses her and waits for their daughter to appear.

There she was. Lady Lillie Pendermore, wearing a beautiful white and gold gown that accentuates her collar bones.

Everyone was memorized by the girl's beauty and didn't dare to say anything. That was until Kygo had to ruin it with his ridiculously loud clap.

"Beautiful as always Sister. 10s all around."