


"Let me to be."

"I cannot when I see you so distraught like this." Anthony said. It pained him to see the girl cry.

"No thanks you to my Lord."

"I did not do anything."

"Yes you did. Daphne and I are already limited to everything as we are women in a men dominated society. We are to find a man who will not only provide us security and protection but also love. Your sister wants to marry for love."

"Love is not possible." Anthony argued.

Lillie shook her head at the stubborn Bridgerton boy. "Maybe not to you my Lord. But to your sister, it is. To me it is."

"It is my duty."

"And what about her duty!" The girl has never raised her voice before. Especially not in front of Anthony Bridgerton. The Lord was surprised when she did. "If you are the noble gentleman as I know you are, you would do the right thing and fix this. You shall tell Lord Berbrooke he will not marry Daphne as it is her choice on who she shall marry."



Anthony sighed. He knew the girl was right. She always was. "Understood."

"Very well. I shall see you soon for our Pall Mall game. And by then I hope you have done the right thing my dearest Anthony."

With that the girl left him in his own thoughts.

Anhtony Bridgeerton was a man who knew what he wanted. He knew what his duties were, what he needed to do to keep the Bridgerton name from going into flames. What he didn't know however was love. He loved his siblings, his parents, Lillie.

But he was having a hard time differencing the love he had for his family and Lillie. The love he had for Lillie was strong. Too strong that he didn't want to admit. He would absolutely die for the girl. If anything were to happen, he would blame himself for it.

Did he love Lilllie more than he think he did? 
