

 "Viscount Bridgerton." Lord Goring addressed.

"Lord Goring. If you do not mind, may I have this dance with Miss Pendermore?" Anthony asked, not really caring if the boy said yes or not.

"I think she is quite busy right now is she not?"

"She can make a decision for herself can she not?"

Both of them looked to the girl. She didn't know what to say. On one hand she was absolutely bored with Lord Goring but she was still mad at Anthony.  The girl sigh, there was clearly a better option here. 

"It is quite alright Lord Goring. I shall find you later." The girl smiled at the boy who was obviously sad by her words.

"Very well. Enjoy the ball Miss Pendermore." With that he left, leaving the two alone.

Anthony was quick to slip his hands around the girl's waist causing the girl to gasp. "Are you alright?"

"I am fine. You caught me off guard that is all." Lillie told the Bridgerton boy.

"My apologies. I can get rid of—." Anthony was about to take his hands off her waist before she stopped him.

"A fair warning would be great."

"Very well." The pair continued their dance in silence. Both didn't know what to say. Well Anthony did know what he wanted to say, but no words came out. "I called it off."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You were right as you usually are. It was out of line of me to force Daphne into marrying someone as nasty as Lord Berbrooke. She is more than capable of finding her own husband even if it is one of my oldest friends." Anthony explained.

Lillie chuckled. "Your Grace isn't as bad as you think he is. I think him and Daphne make an excellent pair."

Anthony sighed, not wanting to believe it himself. "I suppose you are right."

"When am I ever wrong?" Lillie said, gaining an eye roll from Anthony only for him to smile at her words.

"So do you forgive me?" Anthony suddenly asked. Her opinion mattered a lot to him.


"Please my dearest Lillie. I will do whatever it is you want as how sincere I am to what happened." He hated the power she had on him. But he would never say anything of it as he loved the girl dearly.

Lillie smirked when she heard his words. "Well, I have always wanted a dog."

"A dog?"

"Yes my dearest Anthony. A cute little puppy to have with me at any given time I feel alone and unhappy."

The Lord didn't know why he felt a sense of pain when he heard the girl's choice of words. "I will not get you a dog."

"Are you not a fan of dogs?"

"It is not that I—."

"How can you possibly hate dogs? They are beautiful creatures."

Anthony shook his head as they continued to dance. The boy didn't want to admit it, but he would buy the girl a dog in a heartbeat. All his life, he just wanted to make the girl happy. However the Lord couldn't ignore the harsh stare the oldest Pendermore was giving him. He ignored it as he tried his best to have his full attention on the most beautiful girl in front of him. 

The girl that he has been in love with for his entire life.