

"You cannot be here. Brother will have your he—."

Anthony shook his head as he walked closer to the girl. "Your Brother spoke to me. He told me everything that happened. And I've come here to show you how much I truly love you my dearest Lillie." He handed her the flowers which she accepted.

"He did?"

Anthony nodded. "My dearest Lillie, I am a fool for doing what it is that I did. I was scared as you are the only lady I have let in my heart. Every time I see you I am stunned by not only your beauty outside but your beauty inside. You truly make me a better person." The Bridgerton boy was nervous to say the next thing he wanted to say. If he wanted to show Lillie is wanted her, and her only, he had to come clean about this past. "Which is why I must come clean with my affairs. Before I had a mistress. Her name was Siena. She is an opera singer. I stopped everything with her because my heart knew it didn't belong to her. It belonged to you. It ached for you. I have dishonored you in everyway possible but believe me when I tell you my dearest Lillie, it will never ever happen again."

Lillie watched the man as he confessed to her. In all honesty she can see there was something going on with him and the opera singer. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together with the long gazes they exchanged. "My dearest Anthony, you do not have to explain anymore of your affairs as I already knew."

"You did?" Anthony asked confused.

Lillie nodded. "I saw the way you looked at her when we were at the concert. And again at the boxing match. I might be slow sometimes, but I am no idiot. Which is why I believe you when you tell me nothing else happened."

"I would never lie to you."

"I know." Lillie caressed his cheek as he closed his eyes.

"Did you give Prince Friedrich your answer?"

Lillie nodded. "I did."

"You'll make an excellent Princess." Anthony said even if it pained him. He still had his eyes closed.

"My dearest Anthony, please open your eyes." With that Anthony opened his eyes to stare into the brown eyes he fell so in love with. "I said no." Anthony couldn't help the smile appearing on his face. "You were right. I do not love him. And I do not think I ever will. He is not you."

"You love me?" Lillie nodded. Anthony took her hands into his and he bent down on one knee. "My dearest Lillie, I have made many mistakes in the past and I wish all can be redo as we have wasted so much time not being together. But I will do whatever it takes to make up those times. You are the light that shines forever in my dark life. You are the only one I know that will not be upset if I do not bathe for days. Because you my dearest Lillie love me through my flaws. And I promise you I shall do the same. Because even if you call your competitive side nasty during Pall Mall, I still love you regardless. So my dearest Lillie, will you marry me?"

Anthony opened the small box to reveal her Mother's ring. He had asked both Lord and Lady Pendermore for their hand and the family ring the eldest daughter will wear. 

Lillie stopped breathing. Everything was happening too quickly. She had just rejected Prince Friedrich's proposal, now she was asked for another. She was slightly overwhelmed, but she knew this was a pretty easy decision to make.

"Yes my dearest Anthony." Lillie smiled as Anthony returned it. He took the ring out of the box and placed it on her ring finger.

As he stood up, he pulled the girl closer. "May I kiss you my love?"

Lillie nodded. "You may."

Anthony pulled her girl into a kiss. Their first kiss they shared. And it's safe to say they were both eager to share more of it. That was until the Pendermores interrupted it.

"I told you didn't I Brother." Kygo did his happy dance as Keeton rolled his eyes.

Ophelia and Maeve were jumping up and down from excitement. "Hyacinth and I are gonna be sisters!"

Meritt and Nroman were looking away as they were both uncomfortable with all the kissing.

Lady Pendermore was crying and Lord Pendemore couldn't be any more prouder.

And as for Jasper, well his smile was the biggest of them all. He knew they both made the right decision.
