

Anthony Bridgerton was not in the best mood. His mood got even more sour with the sight he saw. His dearest Lillie was with yet another not good enough Lord trying to win her attention. It made his blood boil.

"We pick in the order of who won last year." Kygo said as he was the winner last year.

"We pick from oldest to youngest." Jasper argued.

"We said no such thing Brother."

"It's meant to be a game, a friendly one is it not?" Lord Kingsley whispered to the girl.

"You will soon realize I come from a very, very competitive family." Lillie chuckled. "Everyone. The only fair thing to do is let our guest pick first." Lillie said catching everyone's attention.

"Yes please. Take your pick Lord Kingsley." Anthony said, giving the Lord a harsh glare.

Lord Kingsley walked up to the mallets and studied them. He did not know how to play Pall Mall. He only said it as it made him more appealing. He ended up choosing the yellow one.

"An excellent choice." Anthony said sarcastically.

"It is a rather poor choice." Jasper said, also giving the Lord a harsh gaze. "Perhaps it makes this game far easier for me to win."

"Brother." Lillie warned.

"Are we to just sit around or are we to be playing?" Daphne complained as she quickly headed towards the mallets as did everyone.

Keeton ended up with the Mallet of Death. Everyone headed to the first course.

"It is your turn Lord Kingsley. Amaze me with your skills you boosted yourself of." Lillie said as Lord Kingsley got ready to strike. He was trying his hardest not to make a fool of himself. He only just learned the rules of Pall Mall the night before.

Lord Kingsley hit the ball as it landed in the middle of the field. Not a bad start.

"Weak." The girl heard her brother whisphered to Anthony as both of them laughed.

The game carried on and Lillie couldn't help but see how much of a horrible player Lord Kingsley was. He told her he was a good player. Was he lying? Even Lillie was doing a better job then he was. 

It was Lillie's turn to strike. She got in position and just as she was about to hit the ball, a sound erupted causing her to hit the ball lightly at how startled she was. She looked back and knew exactly who it was. "Anthony!"

Anthony shrugged, acting like he didn't do anything. "I had something caught in my throat."

As the game carried on it was like that between Lillie and Anthony. One would distract the other so they would miss their shot. At this rate, the one doing better than them without even trying is Lord Kingsley. The two didn't mind. Making each other lose their focus was fun enough.

Daphne couldn't help but see the interaction with her brother and Lillie. She knew they've been close since they were kids, but this was a side of Anthony she didn't know existed. He was always serious of his duties, protecting his siblings, but this side of him, she was happy to see. The one that had left when their father passed.

She couldn't help but wonder if her Brother liked Lillie. 

And if he did, what was stopping him from marrying her?