

The ball was absolutely beautiful. It was held in a smaller hall which made the girl feel a little bit suffocated from the many bodies in a small room. And it didn't help that she could barely breathe in her dress. It was simply too tight.

"If you'd excuse me, I'll be at the drinks. For any of you that need me." Lord Pendermore stated as he walked away towards his friends at the drinks station.

"Lady Pendermore." The girl as a Lord approached them. "Lord Pendemores."

The girl curtseyed. "Lord Quincy."

"I was wondering if you'd do me the honor of a dance tonight."

"Of course." The pair moved to the dance. The girl wasn't lying when she said he was a good dancer. He gracefully moved through the steps. But the girl couldn't help but feel there was nothing. No spark. It was simply boring.

"So Lord Quincy, what do you like to do to pass time?"

"Oh. That is an excellent question." Lord Quincy said, not looking at the girl in the eye. "I do not have an answer to."

"Oh." Lillie was surprised to hear. Maybe he was nervous? "Well I like to paint with my Sisters and play Pall Mall with my Brothers. We play every Sunday afternoon. Would you care to join us?"

"Oh I don't play Pall Mall. I think it is a rather dangerous sport. I simply cannot keep the stick from falling out of my hands."

Lillie sighed when she heard the Lord say that. She cannot be with someone who doesn't enjoy playing the sport like she does.

Lillie was grateful the dance was over as she politely curtseyed and walked away to find one of her brothers. That was until she bumped into someone.
