

At the Vauxhall Celebration, Lillie danced with a lot of Lords. Only one in particular caught her attention. Lord Kingsley. He was from a rich family that owned many properties in London.

"You are quite a good dancer Lord Kingsley." Lillie said to the man.

Lord Kingsley smiled. "As to you Miss Pendermore."

"So tell me Lord Kingsley, what are your hobbies?"

"I like to paint, read, and play Pall Mall."

"You do? I quite like playing Pall Mall although I'm not very good at it."

"I can help you. I was told I am a very skillful player."

"Really? If you are to beat one of my Brothers, then I shall see if you are a skillful player. We are to play a game soon, shall you want to join?"

Lord Kingsley nodded. "I would be delighted to."

Lillie smiled as she curtsy to the man as they parted ways. The girl was hopeful that with time, Lord Kingsley will propose. Of course, she didn't want to think he would be the only one to like her. She needed to keep her options open.

"My dearest Lillie." The girl heard from a too familiar voice. "May I have this dance?"

The girl looked down at her dance card. "I suppose so. I have one more space remaining on my card."

Anthony chuckled as he led the girl to the dance floor. She couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance from the man. "Is something the matter my Lord?"

Anthony sighed. "I was doing the right thing. Daphne must understand that."

"What is it she must understand?" Lillie asked, confused. The boy didn't say anything. He was convincing himself that what he did was for the best. "My dearest Anthony?"

Anthony sighed when he heard his name said from her voice. "Daphne is to marry Lord Berbrooke."

"Pardon me?"

"It had to be done. He has an excellent education, possesses no debt, and will never hurt an animal or a woman. He is what's best for my Sister."

"Did Daphne tell you that?" Lillie asked.

"It should be easy for her to love as it would be to anyone else."

Lillie shook her head as she released herself from him, causing her to feel cold. "You cannot force someone to love someone they do not care about. You say it is your duty to protect your sister, but you my Lord, it is cruel for you to make her fall in love with someone who she does not like. My dearest Anthony would never do that."

"Lillie." The girl left, ignoring his calls. She needed to get out here.