


The sun was directly overhead, casting minimal shadows, as Emery and Gwen approached Rome City after their long trek from the port. The golden hue of midday shone down, making the cobblestones under their feet glisten, and highlighting the details of the great city walls that lay before them.

The sight was one of diversity and movement. Throngs of people bustled about, their numbers swelling the streets and plazas. From the regal Persians in their fine silk robes to the nomads from the distant East with their unique headgear, the city was a tableau of human variety. The clamor of multiple languages created a cacophony, with merchants haggling, children laughing, and the general din of a lively metropolis.

Surprisingly, the crowd that was forming was just at the western gate. The flags of countless nations and cities fluttered in the breeze, marking the entries to the north and east gates, hinting at the vastness and influence of Rome.

Next to Emery, Gwen, the Britannia Queen, had halted, her eyes wide and her face a canvas of emotions. Logress, her own kingdom, paled in comparison to the grandeur and magnitude of Rome. The scale of the city, with its architectural marvels and teeming populace, left her momentarily breathless. "It's magnificent," she whispered.

Approaching the main entrance, their path was overshadowed by an enormous statue. The chiseled figure, draped in Roman attire and displaying an aura of authority, was someone Emery recognized instantly – Julian Caesar, the zenith of Roman leadership. The statue seemed to silently watch over the city, its eyes seemingly following everyone and no one at the same time.

Gwen, her voice a mix of reverence and curiosity, remarked, "This man... He's elevated to the stature of their gods, hasn't he?"

Emery, choosing to let the statue speak for itself, offered no response. Instead, he motioned for Gwen to follow, and together they entered the city.

Inside, while Gwen continued to marvel at the sights and sounds, Emery's senses were elsewhere. His mystical abilities allowed him to probe the energies and auras of those around him. He was on the lookout for familiar signatures, hoping to locate Arthur and their companions. But amidst the overwhelming sensations of the city, a particular concentration of power drew his attention.

Five magus, their auras pulsating with controlled energy, thirty saints with their ethereal, calming presence, and over a hundred individuals from the sky realms, their very existence a testament to their capabilities. it was a shocking number for powerful Earth individuals.

Emery had arrived at the summit harboring expectations. He held onto the hope that he'd recognize the unique, ethereal signatures of his friends who had embraced the form of the magus realm. But the presence of five unknown magus forms disrupted his hopes. The energy patterns he detected bore no resemblance to Chumo or Thrax, friends he had seen transition to their magus forms. Their absence among the five only added layers of questions to his already burdened mind.

It wasn't just the quantity but also the quality of power that these beings radiated that made Emery wary. The concentration of such potent entities in one place was uncommon. Emery couldn't shake off the thought that maybe the Kronos faction had a hand in orchestrating this assembly.

For a split second, Emery considered barreling through the gathering, confronting the unknown head-on. Yet, his strategic mind and concern for collateral damage held him back. Charging without a plan might endanger innocent bystanders and his allies. Moreover, the shadow of Julian loomed large in the backdrop, adding a layer of complexity to his thoughts.

Opting for subtlety over confrontation, Emery channeled his energies, reinforcing his barrier spell. He intricately wove a new layer designed to cloak his presence, making him virtually invisible even to the keen senses of a magus. The spellwork felt like cool silk wrapping around him, a protective cocoon.

Lost in his contemplation, he barely registered Gwen's voice, tinged with worry. "Something wrong, Abe?"

Shaking off his reverie, Emery responded, "Yes, my apology I was just thinking, I think it's this way"

Before long, a looming structure unfurled before them: a vast, intricate complex that looked relatively new, with its pristine marble pillars and unweathered statues. The entrance was fortified with guards at every visible vantage point, making it clear that this was no ordinary establishment.

However, among the sea of centurions, one particular figure caught Emery's discerning eye. Dressed in a unique, darker variant of the Roman armor, a young man stood out. Though his face was still graced with the last remnants of youth, his stance, the way his hand rested casually yet confidently on the hilt of his blade, and the palpable energy he radiated suggested he was a formidable sky realm warrior.

The young soldier's gaze snapped to Gwen, a flicker of recognition passing over his eyes. "You are here for the summit?"

Gwen responded with a nod and offered a brief introduction of her being part of the Brittania Knights and came called by their King Arthur Pendragon.

Emery, meanwhile, remained alert and prepared. Every instinct in him tingled with the desire to peer into the young soldier's mind, to glean any useful information. But before he could make his move, their path was eased. The guard's demeanor relaxed slightly, a subtle nod acknowledging their credentials.

"Britannia Knights, they stay in the east wing," the soldier informed them. "However, most are currently gathered at the central temple for the day's proceedings."

The young soldier beckoned Emery and Gwen deeper into the heart of the complex. As they proceeded, the sprawling majesty of the complex became evident. Strikingly, it was almost desolate, a stark contrast to the teeming streets of Rome that lay just beyond its walls. This juxtaposition between the clamor of the city and the hushed reverence of the complex rendered the atmosphere even more surreal.

As they ventured further, the muffled sound of human voices began to pierce the stillness. These noises crescendoed into distinct shouts and the unmistakable clangor of weapons meeting in combat. Gwen's eyes widened, the color draining from her face, betraying her rising anxiety.

Sensing her distress, the young soldier offered a comforting reassurance, "There is no need to alarm, it's just a friendly match."

Continuing on, the path opened into a grand open-air temple. Majestic pillars, adorned with the finest craftsmanship, encircled the area, each marked with intricate statues. A captivated audience of about two hundred sat, their attention riveted on the duel unfolding at the center of the temple.

On one side was a dark-skinned warrior, his attire a blend of fur and leather, as he brandished a hefty axe with practiced ease. Opposite him stood a Roman soldier, his dark armor matching that of their young guide. Their energies vibrated intensely, the aura unmistakably that of sky realm warriors. But even to an untrained eye, the Roman's finesse was evident. In a breathtaking sequence of moves, the Roman deftly sidestepped an attack and, with a swift motion, disarmed his opponent.

From the shadowed periphery of the temple, a jubilant cry rose, "Roman win!"

Emery's gaze followed the familiar voice to its source: a man of commanding presence, radiating the unique energy of a magus realm. The Roman dictator himself, Julian Kaesar.

To be continued