


Alexandria, a city known and regarded as the capital of knowledge and learning, all because of the existence of the Great Library of Alexandria. For a few hundred years, many prominent and influential figures worked at this Grand Library. These scholars all came from different corners of the world: the Greeks, the Romans and even those from the Far East.

"We have more than 400.000 scrolls stored in the Great Library, each containing the quintensee of the knowledge that exists in this world. If you can't find what you want here, then it probably doesn't exist," said Klea proudly, as she gave Emery and the others an introduction of her playground.

In the meantime, Emery was inwardly happy to see the massive hall presented before them, where rows of pillars filled with countless scrolls and parchments could be seen. The scale of this Grand Library was so colossal he didn't even want to compare it to the one the Lioness Kingdom had.

In the middle of her introduction, Klea turned to Emery and said, "I know you are also a student of knowledge like me. So, what do you like to see?"

Emery was sure it would take him dozens of years to read all of the precious information in this library and a few dozens more to completely absorb and comprehend them. Therefore, now was not the time to browse around and submerge himself in this deep ocean of knowledge.

The group immediately walked away from the hall they currently were in, as Klea brought them to the section filled with Earth's history. They look for any scroll with mentions of Gods, as it might have a link to the existence of the magus world.

As for Emery himself, he particularly looked for information regarding certain scrolls that ever mentioned a great tree. He was wondering if there was any record or text that stated and quoted the existence of Gaia and hopefully also the Feys.

Soon, Klea called a dozen scholars to come and help with their needs. The focus would be Earth's history and myths. They would definitely need days searching for the information they want if they do it themself. Therefore, better to let the experts do the work.

Minutes later, the scholars carefully placed dozens of scrolls on the long table standing in front of the group. Looking at the line of scrolls before him, Emery couldn't hold his inner scholar any longer, as he immediately approached the table to examine them.

The majority of these scrolls were copied from their original text. Hence, they were written in many different languages, corresponding to the person who copied the related knowledge.

Fortunately, with the help of the symbol on their hands, the four of them were able to read all of these ancient texts with ease, without fearing that they would misunderstand the context.

As Emery grabbed one of the scrolls of his interest, the others quickly followed suit. It was a few days of interesting reading and research for this group of friends.

They found out the oldest text that could be found was actually the one Klea came across and collected from the secret room in the pyramids. It was dated 3000 years ago, in which they actually found references of their master: Lord Izta, who was known as Gilgamesh at the time.

There was also a mention of Gilgamesh's companions: the Great Sage from the East, the North Shaman, the Beast King of the West and, lastly, his best friend Enkidu. It was a journey of how Gilgamesh and his companion were fighting against great evil and ended up finding the path to become gods.

The next oldest text the group could find was after the Great Flood, a world-shaking event in which a disastrous deluge occured and covered the entire Earth. This event, which was considered a punishment that God had given to mankind, had erased and destroyed almost all texts containing information about what happened to humans 2000 years ago.

This rendered human history before the Great Flood a blank that couldn't be traced back. The records regarding that era were lost completely.

After that, was the advent of the Bronze Age, in which humans started to gradually develop. Humanity developed themself in peace for about 1000 years until another mystery appeared in the annals of history. An event where major civilizations in Greece, Anatolia and Egypt abruptly disappeared.

"Disappear? What do you mean disappear?" asked Thrax, as he looked up from the scroll in his hand, which was swiftly followed by Emery and Julian.

"It's just that: disappear. There are no more texts. It's really weird. The scholars describe this period as the Greek Dark Age." explained Klea to the curious trio.

The group can't stop being suspicious that this must be Magus's hand at work. The group mind was all came to one name: Nephilim, the faction that was assigned to be the 'Caretaker" of Earth.

The Dark Age went on for a hundred years and become the missing history of the world.

Other than the scroll Klea found in the pyramids or the bits and pieces of historical text, The group collected three related records from three sources that was related to what they were looking for; one of the ancient Sumerian, one was the Greeks, and one text from the eastern kingdom.

All three records had mentioned a great tree. The name Gaia was even mentioned in the Greek text. Gaia was described as the Mother of Earth, the mother of Kronos, who later gave birth to the known Greek gods: Zeus, Hades and all the other greek gods.

They found many similarities connected between the gods written in the three texts. Unfortunately, these were not history, but more like poems. A series of tales that had been passed down throughout generations and then written into a physical record.

These scrolls have similar stories, all about the greatness of the Gods and those who challenged the Gods would perish.

Emery found the record named Gaia as Mother of Nature made Emery realize there was some truth written in it, after all. But there was no mention of a place at all in the greek text.

The text from ancient Sumeria came in 14 clay tablets. These ancient texts have even more depth as they mention that the god came thousands of years ago from outer space and taught them the knowledge to the worlds.

It mentioned a certain Garden of Eden and the great tree that was situated in the old city of Babylonia called Eridu.

"The Babylon old city of Eridu has also long been destroyed. There is absolutely nothing there at all." said Klea with conviction, which caused Emery to look at her with confusion. Realizing why Emery looked at her like that, she added, "The city isn't too far from Egypt, so I know the place quite well."

Out of the three texts, The only remaining lead the group had was the one that came from the eastern kingdom. It mentions a certain place, a temple with an ancient tree inside.

The information that was written from the text was very limited but Emery found it's definitely not a coincidence at all that Gaia's mission told him to go to the east.

"Do you know what place it is?" asked Emery.

Klea shook her head "I never know much about this place, but from the stories, it's supposed to be a temple, a place full of worshipers who shave their heads and just sit for weeks"

It was a weird fact when she heard about it years ago, but then it suddenly hit her, these said worshipers could be cultivators.

"It's somewhere within the Yavana Kingdom."

As she said that, Klea's finger pointed to a location on the world map. The pointed location was situated far east from Egypt, even further distance compared Egypt to Briton. This did seem to be a promising lead.

"Yavana Kingdom it is, then."

With this, the group had decided their next destination. This time, they would be travelling by land and it would probably take them 3 to 4 weeks to travel the distance by camel.

Unfortunately, Emery didn't find any information about the Feys or humans turning into wolves. There wasn't even any text about the Briton's forbidden forest.

During these past few days, Emery also came to realize he was very lacking in overall knowledge about his world. His inability to take a position during the debate between Rome and the rebels was the direct proof of this.

He was ashamed of this part of his, as he believed as a magus of Earth, he had to at least know more about Earth's history itself.

Before they left, Emery decided to put his stone formation in the Great Library, in the hope that, when his spirit force increased, he could return to this place to study some more. Klea, on the other hand, fully supported his intention when she heard it.

To be continued