

Everyone has their own perspective. A different point of view of the story. We see the story in a different way. A person's character is determined by the narrator because every person has good and bad. Like the yin-yang. It's the narrator who gets to choose which side of the person we see. No narrator is right and that's a fact because they don't know the other side of the person who they are portraying as good or bad. If you think that I'm only talking about fiction or the stories we read, I'm not. This is real life because every person, every life is a story in itself. We only get to read a minuscule amount of peoples' stories. ******************** Scarlett Queen The 'Queen Bee' of her school. She doesn't take shit from anyone nor does she give it to anyone. She's perfect in everyone's eyes. Beautiful face and body, great grades, head cheerleader. Basically the golden girl of Whilmore High. Little do you know about the sleepless nights she spends, or the panic attacks, or the anxiety. Little do you know about her horrible past. Well how would you? She hides it amazingly well for a sad girl in her teens. Kai Wood The asshole. Not the bad boy necessarily but, yeah, a pure piece of shit. He is the type of person who makes everyone get a bad mood just because he's annoyed. I'm sure you know people like that. He's just so angry all the time. But little do you know about his parents who constantly remind him how much of a good for nothing he is. Little do you know how he beats himself up for his little brother's death. Little do you know how broken he is. Little do you know how broken they are.

Vani_Mallya · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Chapter 1

You have to understand that the main character (male) is a fucking piece of shit. (Aren't they all) He is inconsiderate, insensitive and basically a dumbfuck. But I can't stand players so this guy isn't. But even then he makes to be a fuckwad. Note that there will be character development.

The female lead on the other hand is a Goddess. She has Queen in her name. She is very strong but even she has her Achille's Heel. So do forgive her if you think that she's being over dramatic, at least until the end of the story when you know everything.


"And toss."


"No, no, no, no, no. Dammit.", our Cheer coach screams.

"Scarlett are you alright dear? Get out of the way. Give her some space."

Yah I'm great. Just peachy after taking a 6 foot high fall. Thank God for the mat. If it weren't for that I would have at least 15 broken bones by now.

"Yes, Miss Williams." I begrudgingly reply.

"Walk it off honey, walk it off."

Does she know that if I did have a broken bone or torn muscle that's the worst thing I could possibly do.

But, I walked it off. Confirming that I'm completely fine except for a bruised shoulder.

"How many times should we practice to get a toss right? Why can't you just catch her when she falls?", our coach shouts at the girls who tossed me. Or were supposed to toss me.

"It's not their fault Miss Williams I think I jumped a bit early."

"What why did you jump? You weren't supposed to jump."

"I got confused and a bit flustered so I jumped. I'm sorry Miss Williams. I assure you it won't happen again."

"Oh okay alright then. Today's time is up. We'll practice it again Monday. Now run along you."

She treats us like we're toddlers who just joined preschool.

"Thanks for having our back Scar. I really thought she would have our heads", one of the girls who messed up tossing me, Leah, says.

"Yah I was peeing my pants. You should have seen her face. It was becoming red and puffy like it always does when she's angry.", the other one, Betty says.

I smile at them and say, "Of course anytime. Us cheerleaders gotta stick together."

Then I wink, or try to. But I bet it looks like I have facial palsy.

They look weirded out and mutter something about getting home and slither away.

"Oh my God. The way you plopped on the floor was so funny.", Maya laughs pretending to wipe tears at the corners of her eyes.

"Hilarious Maya. Your sense of humor is worsening day by day."

"I really don't understand why coach can't make me toss. I'd be amazing at it. I was one of the tossers at my previous school.", she continues after ignoring me.

"You're short Maya. And look malnourished,  I'm sure Coach doesn't want anyone to die on her Cheer squad." I say as I change into my normal clothes in the locker room.

"Hey, that's offensive. Take that back. And by the way I may be short but this shawty has a lot of strength in her.", Maya counters while flexing her, may I say, non existent bicep.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night sweetie. C'mon, we gotta go to the library to get Lilah. It's my turn to host our sleepover remember?"

My friends and I have this tradition of having sleepovers every Friday where we share with each other and get our worries off our chests by confiding with the others. At least that's what it is to me. My best friends know everything about me and vice versa. Each of us gets a chance in hosting the sleepover on every third Friday.

And yes you read right. Lilah goes to the Library to spend her time when we have cheer practice. She's not a cheerleader. She's the brain of our group. That's not very accurate I guess because all three of us are beautiful, smart and strong.

Appreciating myself isn't having my head too far up my ass. It's called self-love. You might have heard about it somewhere.

"Hey, knuckleheads. I'm here.", a very familiar voice says.

I turn around and there she is. My little baby. Lilah. All offensive and hot-headed. She learnt from the best after all. We took her under our wing when she first stepped foot into our school in freshman year and cussed out the canteen lady because her icecream sandwich was squished.

The poor canteen lady. She left her job. Tired of the entitled teenagery shit she has to deal with.

"I'm here waiting for your dumbasses. And there you are almost ready to start the car without me. You were about to start the car without me. Do you understand how serious that shit is?", Lilah yells.

"We're sorry okay? We searched the entire library for you and you weren't there so we thought you ditched us for your man.", I yell back.

I hate people yelling. So I yell back.

Her 'man' (I prefer boy) is Kyle Morrison. Really possesive. I don't know how she tolerates him. And yah I know that all of you find possesiveness hot but that's only in books. In real life it's really really annoying and nightmarish. Anyway she's happy, he loves her a lot. She loves him a lot. They swap spit a lot. (To the point where you start retching). So I'm happy for her. At least she doesn't have to deal with guys constantly flirting and not getting a hint.

Like have some self respect and dignity. Even if they had only a pinch of it then they would leave us alone.

Speaking of the devil. Actually not the devil. The devil is much hotter. This guy is like that evil scientist in Phineas and Ferb. He just doesn't give up.

Doesn't he get tired of constantly plotting to rule the world. Even when every single one of his plans are foiled. I need that kind of determination in life.

Anyway back to topic at hand.

"Oh look it's Mister. My-Father's-going-to-hear-about-this. ", Lilah sings as we walk down the hallway toward the exit.

"Pretend you don't see him", I whisper shout.

"Hey babe. Going so soon? I hoped I might catch you at practice doing those sexy stunts of yours.", Ian says

"And I hoped that you would have been kidnapped by aliens. But we don't always get what we want do we?"

"You know you want me."

Wow such a well thought out comeback. He must get Nobel Prize for this. No one has put so much thinking in just one comeback as this fine specimen.

"I am clearly telling you I don't. Please get that disgusting thought out of your head. Please."

My friends both stuff their fists into their mouths to stop laughing. I don't know at whom. Most probably at Ian.

"Eh whatever. You'll come around some day.", saying that he walks off. To get on someone else's nerves I presume.

"Come on. He'll give up eventually. Then you'll be free of him.", Lilah says.

"God I hope so."

We had just entered the house and taken our jackets off that Rafael storms in with a dozen bags of chips in his hand from the kitchen. Chips that I had specifically bought for the sleepover.

Rafael is my foster brother. He's the actual blood of my parents, Raya and Peter Queen. They adopted me 3 years ago because Raya always wanted a girl child. I started calling them Mom and Dad after a particular nightmare from which I had woken up screaming and crying and they were there to hold me and tell me it'll be okay. I started calling Rafael my brother after he beat up two guys for cat-calling me when in the mall when I was still 15 and not a very confident person.

They're my family now. My home. And I'm very grateful to them for giving that to me.

But everything had a limit and Rafael eating chips that I bought crossed it. So I snatched them from his hands.

"Hey! I planned on eating those.", he protested.

"And I bought these so buy your own if you want them."

"But I'm so busy these days with college and I don't have time to eat let alone buy food.", he said giving me his best puppy dog eyes.

He's a sophomore at Harvard Law School. Yeah very smart. It's about 30 minutes from our town. Our town is kind of on the outskirts of Massachusetts.

"Oh alright you can have one bag. That's it."




"Oh by the way Mom told me to tell you to dress up tomorrow evening. The Woods are coming over.", he said glancing back at my friends.

I turned around to catch Maya swooning and completely not in this world. 

Maya claims she is in love with Rafael. I get grossed out even if he's not related to me by blood.

And Lilah holding a half tipped over vase with a panicked expression on her face.

Wait who's coming over tomorrow?



I had fun writing that. I hope you had fun reading it. Please Vote and Comment. Let me know if there are any mistakes or tell me anything you want to. Or don't. Do whatever you want actually.

Song Recommendations:

1. Somebody Else by Katelyn Traver.

2. Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra.

3. Dandelions by Ruth.B.