


Birds_Eye · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Chapter 3: Off to a new world

After a moment of confusion I regained my balance and exited the platform, and found my self on a long cobblestone road.

The entire place, which I assumed was The Soul Palace, was themed medieval.

At the end of the long road, far off into the distance, was a Castle.

That was the Palace of The Soul Palace.

It was where everybody ent to choose the world that they would be whisked off to.

I decided to head to another place first before going there.

I was a large cathedral-like building off on one of the many smaller roads of The Soul Palace's main road.

I entered the building and went up to one of the many, many, many desks.

"Hello, welcome to The Skill Pavillion, the main Skill Trader hub in all of The Soul Palace., who may I help you New customer?" the female attendant with beautiful long curly purple hair and porcelain skin asked.

"Hello, I'm here to buy a few skills before I he's off to my first world"

She nodded her head and a new screen opened up in front of me.

It was liekt he stat scream but at the only thing there was was a search bar at the top.

And that was also the Search button, with the words 'search' imprinted on it.

I started by typing in 'All for One' and pressing search.

There was one option that came up and it was literally 'All for One', the All for One, like the one that the famous villain from My Hero Academia had.

It's price was 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 SO, I then cleared the search bar and looked up cheap generic skills that could be of use to me in the first world I planed on visiting.

I planed on buying a lot of cheap skills and re-sellign the ones I didn't want after I had come back from my first world.

And that's what I did.

After spending half of my SO I had the following skills.


Name: Frey Draft


Occupation: None

Physical Power: None

Spirit Power: 1,000

SO (System Origin): 5,000

SP (stat Points): 20


[Cooking Lv1]

[Observe Lv1]

[Dash Lv1]

[Adrenaline Lv1]

[Clean Lv1]


I planned on keeping Observe and Adrenaline for the future, and reselling the rest I maxed them out a few times over and put them through a evolution or three, this would raise their value from their initial value to a much higher one, this way I could make a small profit from reselling the skills.

This was one of the many thing that I found out you could do while I was questioning Light about the System and The Soul Palace.

I also planned on picking up as many skills as I could in the world so I could sell them as well.

Now that that was done, I went off to the Palace to choose the world where I would go first.

The Palace was huge.

It had hundreds of facilities and hundreds of thousands of permanent residents.

You could think the palace similar to that of a Hotel that let the residents stay as long as they like for free, the facilities were all free, but of poor quality, even for a Palace that was supposed to be the place were all the 'Newbies' hung out and lived.

The Palaces' outside and inside looked like any palace you'd see in any kids Disney princess movie, massive towers, gargantuan sized, but most importantly, there was a huge library that held every book, comic and manga ever written that could be read for free, anytime.

As I entered the Palace, I was met by an artificial servant at the gate.

"Hello, can I be of assistance to you novice traveler?" he asked

"yes you can, can you show me to the World terminals, please?" I replied to him.

"absolutely sir, please follow me" he said, as he started to walk

I followed the artificial servant around the castle and to the World Terminals.

The world terminals were computer-like things that one could access to teleport themselves to other worlds, at the moment there were several open terminals close to the door.

I thanked the servant and went over to free terminals.

The terminals interface was simple, you simply typed in the universe where you wanted to go and it would take you to version that universe, to insure that the balance of the multiverse stayed the same, each time a traveller wanted to go to a universe, the original would have a copy made of it and the copy is where you would go, these copies would be saved to your account and you could revisit them at any time.

So in order to quickly satisfy my growing excitement, I quickly typed in the world I wished to go to.

[My Hero Academia]

As I pressed enter, I was met with a choice.



These two options are soothing I had learned about while questioning light about the system, Teleportation was the fastest way to get into the world, as it put you directly into the world as your self.

I decided to choose ReBirth.

It was because I... Well, I didn't remember the faces of my family, and I at least wanted some faces to remember, it made me sad to think about it and even now I could sense that I was about to start to cry if I dwelled on it.

But, disregarding that, I felt that the family I would be born into this time around, would at least deserve something for taking care of me while I was in that world... and if anything, I guess being the faces I associate with family was the only thing I could do... At least for now.

I was presented with another choice, this time, a much bigger one.

[Please choose version of selected universe]

Instead of pressing anything like a already made version, I just made a new one.

After a few minutes of tinkering, I made sure that there would be some new people to interact with of I followed the story closely. I added a few new teachers to UA, I replaced some of the students in 1A with new ones, I didn't get rid of Momo or Todaroki or anyone like that, just some of my less favourite characters.

Then, as I pressed the begin button on the ReBirth function, I was blinded by a flash of light, and I found my self in a very different environment.