
|| Nephilim Of The Void (HIATUS) ||

Catalan was a being born of both God and Devil. Unlike what you may think. He was hated among both of his kind. He then found a friend. Her name was Gaia the goddess of life. They were good friends until...Gaia betrayed him and threw him into the void. Now he got his revenge on all races but he found out that there were more universes beyond his. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm going to pour a bunch of my creativity into this but don't worry as I'll explain everything. Also Catalan ain't a good guy so yeah.

Indie_Excursion · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs


All of the citizens ran in fear their hero had been slain. It was Him the enemy of Gaia he had finally destroyed her host and her along with it. He wandered killing every creation that Gaia had made.

His name was Catalan he had no face instead his face was a mask that had a swirl he had a jagged mouth to speak he had no nose. He was tall and wore dark armor that had purple lighting that strikes anything that got near him.

He didn't spare any creation of Gaia as she was the one that caused him this pain...This emptiness he used to be like them he used to be like the children filled with excitement.




Now because of his parents, he has outcasted a child born from god and devil he was disgusting! He was discriminated against he was left alone until she came.

He trusted her! She was his only friend she protected him helped him in his darkest times! Yet after all of that their friendship meant nothing! She betrayed him threw him into the void.

Catalan punched a tree in anger completely obliterating it. A tear in space formed where the tree used to be.

Catalan: "Huh? What is that?"

Then a strong suction force pulled Catalan in he then found himself looking at a large being made from flesh.

End: "Hmm... Such an unfortunate being brought into existence only to feel pain. We will bring you across the multiverse you have no choice in this matter."

The being suddenly opened up to reveal a black abyss. Catalan looked in shock as he was pulled into the abyss.

[Darkverse System Intergrating....






Catalan woke up in an alleyway he watched as a dark screen popped up in front of him and showed him things.

\\Darkverse System//





-Skill Tree( Installing )-

//Library (!)\\

'System? What is this contraption? I've never heard of something like it.' Catalan thought.


-Shop/Forge: This allows the user to buy items across the multiverse including items from your own universe! The forge also allows you to create anything with a price of course.

-Status: Your status contains all of your skills, Racial perks, and stats it also showcases your name, bloodline, titles, and level.

-Gacha: Multiple items can be pulled from across the multiverse the gacha tickets don't cost much but the chance at getting good things is little.

-Quests: When you enter a world through Alter you will instantly be given a World Quest. Quest are missions given by the system there are bounties included as well. You will always get a reward when you complete a quest and if you want you can refuse quests or delay them at a price.

-Skill Tree: To gain and improve skills that you have also allows you to improve bloodline skills.

-Library: The library holds all the info you learn about the world and if you have enough points you can buy things from the world for a cheaper price. But if you want to buy them you have to know everything about the item.]

'Hmm, this will help me get stronger much faster. But that doesn't matter I need to know where I am before I do that.' Catalan thought as he stood up and walked around.

'Hey, the system can you tell me what the exclamation marks mean?' Catalan asked.

[The exclamation marks mean that something has happened in that category.]

Catalan then opened the gacha menu and saw that he had a one pull ticket he didn't know what one pull meant but it didn't matter He used the gacha ticket and got.

[Obtained Epic Skill! Sight Of Agony: You can now see trails of pain left by your victims.]

Catalan sighed in disappointment sure the skill was useful but. He could already track his victims via magic.

He then looked up to see himself in a village He saw a kid look at him and say.

Kid: "It's a demon!!!"

Catalan: "Shut the hell up!"

He grabbed the kid's head and popped it like a balloon brain matter and blood stained the area but the kid's cry didn't go unnoticed.

Guard: "H-hey!"

Catalan: "Tch humans can be such a damn pain sometimes."

Catalan then took out his arm and long black katana that had a swirl engraved on the blade it also had purple lighting coming out of it.

Catalan: "I'll make this quick! Madness Drive!"

The blade grew red and he sliced the man in half people near him began to grow mad they ate each other and started to even harm themselves.


Drives: Drives are items that can be implanted into the soul. They can have various effects such as giving the user armor, powers, or summoning entities. In order for them to activate they require soul energy using soul, energy doesn't harm the user but if you use too much energy then the Drive will break and harm the user's soul.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With all of the madness no one bothered Catalan he gripped one of the citizen's heads and used [Mind View] A rare skill that allowed the viewing of memories.

He found out that there were demons and angels in this universe. But the other thing was that the demons had a leader in their world demons had no leaders that were a major difference.

Catalan: "Holy war? HAHAHAHAH! This should be exciting!"

Catalan then revealed his four wings all of them were black and some even revealed bone he then jumped up and flew away.

He then landed near a giant tree he was attracted to the tree because of the mass amount of mana it leaked.

He saw small people with butterfly wings roaming the area. He snatched one of them from the air and asked.

Catalan: "Where is the mana coming from?"

Fairy: "I'll never tell you demon!"

Catalan: " I expected you to be smarter than these humans. But I guess all races are the same."

Catalan began to pull out the fairie's wing causing the fairy a lot of pain he then zapped the fairy wound via lighting magic. But the fairy still wouldn't give him the info he wanted so he decided to just end it off.

He squashed the fairy leaving only blood he then looked up and then thought 'Hmm I can sense some magical power coming from up there.' Catalan thought.

He spread open his wings and with one move he was on the top of the tree. He could see a cup and a person guarding it.

He landed near the cup and raised his arm he was interested in the cup for some reason. Then six vines wrapped around his arm and the girl stood up.

Elaine: "Get away from the fountain demon."

Catalan: "When will people learn? I'm above those filthy demons. In fact, I'm even worse than them."

Then Catalan broke out of the vines he then slowly began to fly towards the fountain. Elaine tried to chain Catalan but there were flames that burned the vines when they got close to him.

He then grabbed the fountain of youth he was about to drink it but then Elaine said something that made him disappointed.

Elaine: "I failed to protect the fountain of youth...."

'Fountain of youth as in the thing that gives an infinite lifespan? This is worthless to me!' Catalan thought and put the fountain back. He then widened his wings and flew away.

While flying he saw some hoards of fat demons he looked up and saw armies of flying demons and angels fighting.

Yes, I decided to make the book. But! Catalan's story will update only after a new chapter for Traveler of the multiverse.

Indie_Excursioncreators' thoughts