
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Chapter 41

I don't own Naruto

AN) Does anyone else feel lied to about the new Naruto episodes being postponed indefinitely

This is the map I am using for the world so if this is not accurate I am sorry but can't do anything about it


Jake has been in the ninja world for a while now and just found out that Naruto is about to graduate from the Ninja Academy thus starting Cannon most of the story from the show he watched when he was a kid he won't be able to see in person as they were sent out on missions and him tagging along with them would be suspicious as the only way he would be able to join the mission would be if the client requested any other Ninja or if he joined in for free


But Jake wasn't doing that anyway since he needed to start preparing to make his own Village He had quite a lot of SP saved up during the months he was training and going on missions (100,000 SP) is what he was going to use for the creation of the village he has a location he has in mind and no one would be the wiser it's the Land of Whirlpools as no one is going to look there for a new Village since the destruction of the Uzumaki


But first, he needs to get there and get past the defences of the Island which will be somewhat difficult unless he can buy a Uzumaki Ninja from his shop as it only stops him from buying known Ninjas there are powerful Uzumakis that were forgotten over time as 30 ish year's had passed since then and most of the ninja that was alive then have died


But he doesn't need a powerful one only one that can disable the defences and teach him how as well so he can have them still be useful They did after all hold 3 of the great villages at the same time and almost won so based on that information as long as he is in good terms with two of the great villages mostly the hidden Mist as they are the main factor why Uzushiogakure lost


Now all Jake has to do is get a mission for one ninja to travel to Wave or the land of Hot water as both are close to the land of whirlpools a plan he can make is buying a civilian and give it enough to purchase a C-rank mission so Jake can take it to where he needs to go and that is what he is going to do


The next day


Jake looks at the Jutsu shop in the system and looks for the Shadow clone Jutsu as this will allow him to travel to the Land of Whirlpools undetected as his main body would be on the mission just to be safe in case Donzo is still suspicious of him even though it's unlikely since he hasn't done anything suspicious since joining the leaf Village


He bought the Jutsu for 5,000 SP as it's only a B-rank technique and got ready an hour or so later he went to the Mission assignment desk at the Academy to get a C-rank extermination of bandits or an escort mission so he could get his summon out of the village


Jake stands before the Chūnin who is responsible for debriefing him on his C-rank mission. The Chūnin begins the briefing professionally.


The Chūnin says in a serious tone "Jake, you've been assigned a C-rank mission. Your task is to escort the merchant Hideo from the Leaf Village to the Fire Nation city of Emberlyn. The journey is approximately three days, and the path is well-travelled."


Jake replied in a monotone "Understood."


Chūnin: "Hideo is carrying valuable goods, so his safety is paramount. There have been reports of minor bandit activity along the route, so be vigilant. You are to ensure a peaceful journey and protect Hideo at all costs."


Jake replies still in a monotone voice "I will protect the merchant."


Chūnin "Good. Remember, this mission may seem routine, but complacency can be dangerous. Use your skills to assess and address any potential threats. Your success is important to the village."


Jake nods in acknowledgment of the briefing, his emotionless facade unchanged. With the mission details in hand, he sets out on his escort mission with Hideo. Jake mentally smiles this is perfect for him just the right amount of time to have his clone buy a civilian and give it a false identity from Wave country.


In the backdrop of Jake's ambition to establish his ninja village, he's assigned a C-rank escort mission in the Leaf Village. His task? Safeguard the merchant Hideo on a journey from the Leaf Village to the Fire Nation's Emberlyn City, a mission that fits perfectly with Jake's plan to have a summon with a false identity.


While accompanying Hideo, Jake is well aware that this seemingly routine escort mission is a stepping stone toward his ultimate goal of reaching the Land of Whirlpools. With 100,000 SP saved up, he's ready to invest in his village's creation.


As they travel, Jake maintains his calm, emotionless demeanour, hiding his true intentions. He pays close attention to their path, ensuring they stay on course while avoiding drawing any attention. The forest alongside their route conceals secrets and challenges, but Jake's primary focus is on keeping Hideo safe and capitalizing on this mission for his future village.


Meanwhile, Hideo, unaware of Jake's hidden agenda, tries to engage in a conversation:


Hideo in a friendly manner says "Jake, how long have you been a ninja in the Leaf Village?"


Jake replies in a monotone to keep appearances "For quite some time."


Hideo then says curiously "You must have some interesting stories from your missions. Anything you'd like to share?"


Jake replies still in monotone "Missions are missions. They all serve a purpose."


Hideo laughs "You're right, Jake. They do have their way of keeping us busy."


"Indeed." is all Jake said


As the conversation unfolds, the stoic ninja and the talkative merchant continue their journey toward Emberlyn, each with their motives and goals.


As Jake and Hideo continue their journey, Jake eventually decides to take a brief pause. He steps off the path and finds a secluded spot where he won't be observed. With practiced ease, he performs the Shadow Clone Jutsu, creating an identical clone with all his memories and knowledge.


Jake's clone, now fully aware of the plan, nods and quickly heads toward the forest. It knows exactly what to do. Inside the forest, it tracks down a civilian character available in Jake's summons shop, using some of the saved SP to purchase it. Then, the clone proceeds to create a fake identity for the civilian, associating it with the Wave Country.


Once everything is in order, the clone heads back to the path where Jake and Hideo are waiting, seamlessly blending back in. Jake, without revealing his actions to Hideo, resumes their journey, content in the knowledge that his plan is in motion.


Jake and Hideo finally arrive in the bustling Fire Nation city of Emberlyn without any major incidents during their journey. Jake completed the escort mission, and Hideo's goods were delivered safely to their destination. The merchant expresses his gratitude to Jake for the uneventful trip.


"Thank you, Jake. You've been an excellent protector on this journey. Here's your payment for a job well done." Hideo says in an appreciative manner


Hideo hands over the agreed-upon payment to Jake, who accepts it without a hint of emotion. It's another step closer to his goal of establishing his ninja village.


After receiving the payment, Jake and Hideo part ways, with the merchant heading off to conduct his business in Emberlyn. Jake, however, remains in the city for a brief moment to make sure all is in order before his return.


With the payment securely in his possession, Jake sets off on his journey back to the Leaf Village. His monotone demeanour drops as he silently contemplates his plans and the progress he's made.


When he returned he had his plan all set up now all he had to do was wait. Jake also thought about how the Scroll of Sealing would only be copyable when Naruto gets his hands on it. As he only needs to be hidden from a Chunin and with the Force he can easily hide his life force from them


In the mean time Jake when to the Ramen stand for a Miso bow


AN sorry about the this bit this will be the last chapter of this story I had this setting for a month now just posting this I might start a new story soon but life was crazzy for the last two months and it's slowing down now hope you have a good rest of your day and thanks for reading this


An again ok for some reason some of the words and paragraphs were split apart this is probably due to the update that happened a month ago for mobile if not I don't know I have tried to fix it on my end as best as I could