
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

chapter 3 | point grinding *edited*

It was midday, and a quaint village with about eight wooden buildings surrounded by walls came into view. B1 battle droids patrolled the area on guard. Our protagonist, Jake, engaged in a conversation with Haku about gaining more SP (points) for his system.


"Hey, Haku, do you know someone named Sky?" Jake inquired.

Haku responded, "Yes, that's your system's AI. Why do you ask?"

Jake explained, "Well since you're aware of my system, I need to gather more SP to unlock additional summons. Could you start venturing out, eliminate any threats, and inform me if you come across other villages? This way, I can deploy B1 droids for an attack."

Haku agreed, saying, "Of course, Master. When should I set out?"

Jake swiftly replied, "Right now."


With Haku gone, leaving a trail of falling leaves, Jake proceeded to search the village for useful items. He entered one of the buildings and began scavenging. As he worked, Jake recalled Sky's earlier tutorial mention about Quests. He asked, "I remember you talking about Quests. When will I receive one?"

The AI responded, "{A Quest will be granted upon conquering a planet.}"

This answer slightly frustrated Jake. He pondered the system's requirement of needing a planet conquest to unlock its advanced features.


While lost in thought, Jake received a notification about his BP gains: "{+1000 SP for killing numerous animals}." Curious about his total SP, a box materialized before his eyes displaying the number: {1800}.


Contemplating his options, Jake pondered, "Should I invest in a second C-rank ninja or more battle droids?" As he mulled over his decision, Haku suddenly appeared right in front of him, startling Jake. Haku reported, "Master, I've located a massive city with around 10,000 inhabitants." The revelation surprised Jake; he realized he might be in a vast kingdom. He considered, "That's a substantial amount of points to potentially acquire," but he recognized the impracticality of facing them at the moment. Even if he spent all his SP on B1 droids, he'd only gain 90 more, which could secure a victory in one fight, but the remaining inhabitants would likely escape, causing him to lose a significant number of points.


As Jake pondered, Haku added, "I've also discovered two additional camps—one with around 100 people and another with about 50 people."


Upon hearing Haku's findings, Jake contemplated how a group of 70 people had yielded around 1000 SP, and extrapolated that a larger group of over 150 might provide him with 2000 SP—equivalent to about 100 battle droids, totalling 229. If he solely invested his SP in B1 droids, he could potentially initiate a conflict with the city Haku had discovered. With this plan in mind, Jake made his decision.


"Tomorrow, we're going to launch attacks on both camps. We'll divide it into two teams. One group will consist of you and 10 B1s, while the other will have 25 B1s. The remaining 4 will remain here with me. Get some rest for now," Jake announced.


Haku acknowledged, "Yes, sir," and retreated into one of the buildings designated for rest.


{day 4 of 7}


Jake rose from his rest and spotted Haku crafting intricate ice sculptures inspired by places in the Naruto series. Approaching Haku, Jake commented, "Those look great. How long have you been making these?"


Haku responded, "I've been doing this since I was a kid after my dad killed my mom."


Jake felt a twinge of guilt, though he reassured himself, "(It's just a summon, not the real one—only a replica)." You might be curious about how Jake could make this distinction. Well, in the shop, you can purchase the same summons that you acquired from the random C-rank Ninja summon for three times the original value. This means that if you obtained an exceptional summon, you could simply pay thrice the price to acquire it directly, bypassing the random selection. There's no limit to how many you can buy, allowing Jake to theoretically obtain 100 Haku replicas if he wishes.


While lost in thought, Jake's recollection of the day's plan snapped him back to attention. He instructed Haku, "Show a B1 where one of the camps is located and return as swiftly as possible." Jake realized it might take a while, considering the B1's slower pace compared to Haku's speed. He then organized the B1s, directing them, "When you begin the attack, divide into even teams for each entrance. If there are two entrances, form two teams; if three, then three teams. Ensure that two B1s guard each entry point."


The chorus of "Roger Roger" responses from the B1 battle droids satisfied Jake. However, during this time, Haku managed to secure more SP by eliminating creatures: {+135 SP}. Although it was an acceptable SP gain, Jake grew somewhat bored. He checked if he could buy a game system that didn't require power and found one for 100 points, complete with five games of his choice. Convinced, he purchased without hesitation: {-100 SP}. As the system materialized in front of him, Jake realized he had overlooked a television/monitor. He promptly found one for 35 points and bought it as well: {-35 SP}.


AN) Yes I did give him 135 SP for that as I figured he would be bored doing nothing so I gave him this :) |


After setting up the game system and indulging in a few hours of play, Haku returned alongside the B1 battle droids. Jake informed them, "Get ready; you'll be heading out in 20 minutes. It's getting late (around 4 p.m.), and I'd like the situation resolved today."


Once the allotted time elapsed, most of the camp's inhabitants had departed, leaving Jake with four B1 battle droids as his guards. He held firm faith in the abilities of his summons and resumed his gaming.


Several hours elapsed, and Haku, accompanied by the ten battle droids, positioned themselves for an attack on the camp of 50 people. Unlike the previous camp, this one lacked walls, only having a small stick fence and a gate. Haku detailed the B1s' tasks: "You droids will encircle them to prevent any escape. I'll enter and eliminate them all."


Executing his plan with precision, Haku initiated the attack by employing the "Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu." This technique saturated the area with dense water chakra, generating a thick mist that significantly impaired the villagers' visibility. Seizing the advantage, Haku engaged the "Silent Killing Technique," allowing him to move silently and dispatch his opponents swiftly. In a matter of moments, Haku eliminated 30 of them, leaving the remaining survivors bewildered and disoriented by the sudden turn of events.


The survivors were left in a state of shock as they struggled to comprehend the situation. Haku, harnessing water from both the air and the surrounding environment, coalesced a thousand elongated needles. With precision and swiftness, he propelled these needles toward specific targets at remarkable speeds. In a hushed tone, Haku murmured, "Secret Art of Water: The Thousand Stinging Needles of Death." The lethal barrage of needles struck their marks, penetrating multiple crucial areas of the survivors' bodies, resulting in their swift demise.


With the previous operation's success in mind, Haku turned to the B1 droids and said, "Let's back up our fellow allies during their attack. We want to time our arrival with theirs." They promptly headed towards the next camp.


Getting there before the other group of B1 droids began their assault, they started organizing their formation. Since this camp had walls, much like the first one they attacked a few days ago, Haku chose to have the B1s with him to support their allies. Taking a break, he felt the chakra drain from his earlier battle.


With all 35 droids ready, they unleashed an onslaught from all sides. The villagers were surprised, thrown into confusion and panic, rushing to arm themselves. However, the droids were already prepared, swiftly disabling anyone attempting to grab their weapons. In less than 20 minutes, 118 villagers were defeated, while none of Jake's B1s were lost. This indicated that the lucky archer from the prior attack had experienced fortune rather than skill.


They all began making their way back to their outpost and arrived by midnight. Jake was already asleep, so Haku went to bed as well, while the B1 droid remained on standby, waiting to report to its master.


Author's Note: That's all for today! If you're enjoying the story, leaving a power stone would be greatly appreciated. Your support keeps me motivated to continue writing. Also, if you spot any mistakes, please leave a brief comment so I can address them. Thank you!