
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Chapter 29 | Anakin researching and New system feature!

I don't own star wars or any anime I use in this work

AN) I have decided that Jake will go through the Multiverse let me know if you want it to be on this story or make a new one every time he travels to a new world )

As the senators and the Jedi were on their ship to return to Coruscant. Asoka asked Anakin "Master do you think what he said was true about the Jedi of old using slaves "

Anakin not knowing for sure just said " I don't know but it does seem probable. The archives should have information about the Sith lord Raven and if he was a Jedi before "

Pedme was worried about Anakin he was acting differently than normal. she tried to get close to him but he was not opening up. it was weird from the hot-blooded man she was used to.

Anakin himself was wondering if the Jedi were the bad guys and not the Sith from what he learned. he knew about Raven being a Jedi at one point from his history lessons and as an example of what will happen if you fell to the dark side.

Asoka was worried about her master. he never acted like this before he was quiet and looking lost.

As they made it to Coruscant. Anakin and Asoka went to the Jedi temple. Anakin asked "Would you like to join me in the archives to see if what Jake said is true"

Ahsoka replied " I'm sorry master but I have promised a few younglings I would give them a lesson as soon as I returned "

Anakin gave a nod and told her "Make sure to have fun snips " and he started to walk toward the archives to learn if what Jake said was true or not. As he got there he asked the librarian where the information about Raven from the great war thousands of years ago.

After getting where the information was. He started looking through it all from what he learned before and now what Jake said could be a possibility. but there was one more thing he was worried about his ability to talk to technology. so he looked into that and learned it is a powerful Sith technique.

Anakin was losing his loyalty to the Jedi and is thinking about taking Jake's offer of joining him. not only would he be able to do what he loves he would also not need to hide his relationship with Padme. but was worried about what his Apprentice would have to go through if it was known he became a Sith.

Jake, is currently looking through the system for any features he missed and saw something that he has never heard from a system before it's called rebirth what it does is

{ rebirthing resets all your SP and powers except Powers you earned in quests giving you a 2x multiplier to all SP | - conditions needed to rebirth are the completion of the universe you are in and a key to a new universe these can be found in the shop can not return to a universe you've been for three Lives }

This was something that made Jake wonder what types of Keys there are so he opened the {Shop }


Naruto Key - ???

bleach key - ???

HSDXD key - ???

slime universe key -???

Overlord key -???

Halo key - ???




From what he can see there are plenty of universes he can travel to but all that is in the future as he isn't close to taking over the universe yet not to mention he can't even see the prices

Jake starts moving on from this section of the system to look at his other stuff like owned planets and how much SP he is making. Jake has 187 planets making him { 1.87 billion SP } per week.

With that type of SP gains, he can create a large number of Ships fleets or ninjas. all the time as all he has to do is keep his planets safe from the CIS. which will be easy since the only competent generals they have are General Grievous, Sev'rance Tann and Dooku himself.

After going through the system Jake went on the holo.net as he was bored he found an interesting news article about a Republic senator who was using his people as slaves or at least against their will. since it was known the empire saved them from their corrupt ruler. The people are talking about it.

The Republic senate was in a good mood as they finally ended the war against the Empire. But because of the news that a Republic senator was using his people as slaves. made quite a few senators lose trust in each other. The most affected senator was Padme Amidala. not only was a senator using slaves but it was one of her close supporters that almost always voted with her.

One thing that surprised her was that she was still in the Senate even though her planet is a vessel state of the empire. That just shows how incompetent the Republic is. But Padme was thinking about fully joining the Empire. As there aren't any problems, every planet has more than enough supplies for the population and also gets a few fleets to defend them for pretty much free since the tax is the same as the Republic and the Republic doesn't give supplies for free.

Ahsoka just finished the lesson she gave to the younglings and went to find her master in the archives. As she was looking she found a weird-looking box calling her to it. so she went over to grab it but before she could someone called out to her "Snips you finished your lesson did the kids give you problems " She turned and saw her master standing in front of her

Ahsoka embarrassed by being caught off guard looked away slightly and said "Not at all master they were very thankful " Anakin said just quietly enough for her to hear " Damm why couldn't my Padawan be as good as them " Ahsoka hearing that said loudly " what did you just say! your one to talk I heard from Master Obi-wan you were a troublemaker " and continues her rant making Anakin smile.

AN ) That's the end of the Chapter. leave a power stone if you enjoyed reading and have an awesome day : )