
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Chapter 25 |

I don't own star wars or any anime I use in this work

The Republic was in a panic the Empire now has access to its core that's not good at all since the Empire has the largest amount of troops they also have Superior technology. the clones that returned from the battle informed them about a weird ship it was gigantic over 30 times bigger than their main ships it is also made from weird technology

The Senate had a meeting on how to deal with the new problem of the weird ship as they were talking about what to do one Senator said " I have seen similar ships on my travels they were smaller than the one described but use the same technology " a second Senator asked where they saw it he replied " I saw them at a desert World in hutt territory "

that right there bought up a problem if they were first seen in Hutt territory it might be Hutt technology and if it is then they have Allied with the empire the Hutts themselves have a lot of territories if they get involved in the war whatever side they allied with will most likely win the war that's not good news so they are going to send some Jedi to talk the Hutts into being a neutral party

As the Jedi were on their way to the planet where the new ships were spotted they saw the Hutts try and battle the Ships and were losing the battle The Jedi saw what they needed and returned to Republic space to report what they found as the news of that incident spread through the Republic senate more and more people were getting a bad idea about that as that means that the empire is battling a three-way war when they're only doing a two-way and losing that makes a few senators want to desert to the Empire

As that was happening Jake was talking with a few of his summons about what to do now as they have access to the Republic core now one of them bought up attacking the main manufacturer of their ships Jake thought that was a good idea so he then orders the captain of the Covenant Ship to get ready for battle Jake and Obito are going to board the ship one so Jake can transport more fleets there as the Hyperlane is not assessable to them

The planet that Jake is going to invade is Kuat it's a core world that has a Shipyard that goes around the planet in a ring shape it has a large defence as the shipyard and is defended by three Mandator II-class Star Dreadnaughts and whatever Republic Ships are there

So Jake made sure to put 50 fleets of ships in his storage for when they get there he can summon them right as he gets there Jake then tells to the captain of the ship to prepare to travel there as the Covenant Ship doesn't need to travel through hyperspace Lanes it can travel straight there as it has the coordinates

As soon as the ship appeared in the Kuat system it was shoot at as the Republic already informed the Navy about Jake's ship but it was not taking any damage the Shields aren't going down from the firing as it was too strong for the defence system of the shipyard to damage Jake then summoned his 50 fleets hundred new ships appearing into thin air

The shipyard had a few hundred Republic Ships there sadly they are under mend before they set off to defend so the ships were performing worse than usual as the battle continues it looks like Jake's ships are getting outnumbered Jake sees that but doesn't worry as if worse comes to worst he can just summon new ones

17 hours passed by the battle is still in a stalemate with Jake losing 8 fleets and Kuat losing 50ish ships the Republic has yet to notice one of their planets being invaded as Jake has shut down all transmission out of this system but that can only last for so long before they show up here to get the more ships for the war

Jake is looking out his window seeing the bright flashes of light from explosions and Blaster fires his ships Shields went down 1 % over the battle with a lot of the concentration of the Republic forces focusing on it Jake then calls upon his Zanpakutō its power vector control allows him to manipulate matter within his eyesight unlike the original that required physical contact

Using its power he completely eradicated one of the star dreadnoughts leaving him tired from using that much power almost making him fall unconscious thanks to that attack Jake's ships now have the advantage in the battle three more days pass by in the battle the Shipyard is heavily damaged the Republic are on their last few ships Jake's Navy also suffered heavy casualties

As Jake was about to finish the battle the Republic reinforcements arrived just in time to stop them from taking the planet over. he then Ordered the Covenant Ship to retreat to the asteroid field. leaving the rest of his summons to try and take out as much as they can.

Jake was perfectly fine with this outcome he heavily damaged the shipyard of Kuat. which was the point of the attack in the first place so it's not a loss but not a win.

The Republic on the other hand was panicking not only has Jake's Empire invaded the core it was against one of the most important and oldest planets this news has brought many senators into losing faith in the Republic if one of their most defended planets almost lost what would happen if there's got attacked making around 120 sectors to try and get into talks with the Empire

AN) This is the end of the chapter leave a power stone if you liked it and have a good day :)

I will now be updating the story every day at 12:00 gmt-4 sorry about my awful schedule recently it should be back to normal now I will also stop doing 2 chapters a day as that was taking up to much of my time thanks for understanding