
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Chapter 18 | The political side of the War

I don't own star wars or any anime I use in this work

AN) It has come to my attention that I have forgotten to add the SP from the last chapter { + 156 billion SP }

After the CIS incident, the Republic called an emergency meeting to discuss the next steps of the war. with the clone's usefulness being known the Republic is trying to get funding for the making of them Jake and his controlled senators vote to increase the funding while some wish to even lower the funds like Naboo's Senator Amidala trying to make peace and stop the fighting

There was a vote on if there should be more funding or not many senators went up and stated their case on why there should be an increase and why there shouldn't be after 3 days of debating the vote ended with 783 votes of agree 636 votes of disagree with 661 senators abstaining letting the bill pass with the increase of the funding for the war Jake noticed that with his involved meant in this vote the Republic has more funding then the original as the senators under his control would have split their votes with most of them voting with disagreement in the original

Jake ended up returning to his place of residence on Coruscant which is a large home they even let him hire his security though they wanted to use the Coruscant guards to do that they did not press on it after he declined. Jake's two most trusted summons Tobirama Senju and Yugito Nii also have a room there Tobirama is his adviser and Supreme Commander of his army. So Jake can take a more hands-on experience in the war. Then there's Yugito She is always by his side for multiple reasons the first one was the fact she isn't under the system's control. The second reason is the fact she is powerful and used to being in a shadow of someone else because of her time being a ninja

It has been a few weeks since the Battle of Geonosis Jake Is ready to reveal the Jedi Temple he had planted in the unknown regions. Jake is calling them right now to tell them the plan is a go " Jedi it's time to start the plan you know what to do. " the Jedi replied "Yes sir it will be done " Jake is thinking now that the Jedi here are going to to be suspicious at first but when they feel the force. They depend on way too much and since they have been made Generals of the clone army and lost a pretty large amount of their colleagues they will most likely be super accepting of them

At the temple on Coruscant, The Jedi had felt a large number of force users enter the system and the main chambers of the high councils a meeting was going on about their spot in this war when Shaak Ti said "Do you feel that there are thousands of light sided force users in the system or am I going crazy " Plo Koon says " no you are not going crazy as I too have felt it " Yoda then says " investigate we must see it we can " Shaak Ti replies with " why would we investigate if we can contact them I will call them to arrange a meeting between us"

And she did just that after sending a transmission to them she got a response almost immediately she then asked "May I know what you are as I feel the light side of the force with a large number of people in your ships " The person who replies said " we are Jedi we came here as we felt our fellow Jedi die recently and to help them out " Shaak Ti said " Jedi why haven't we seen you or felt you before why is that " the Jedi Replyed with " you haven't seen us before as we are outside of the known Galaxy and have used an old Force Relic that blocks all Force senses towards the planet and as I have said before we came here as we felt a lot of you die recently "

Shaak Ti then asked "Is it possible to have a conversation about this on the plants surface with our council members" The person answered "Yes it is possible to do so but first we need access to do so as the border guards are not letting us entry" Shaak Ti being surprised about this as the border has never been like this before and asked " what ship isn't allowing you clearance " he replied with " the largest one there "

Shaak instantly recognize what ship he was talking about. As it belongs to a respected member of the Senate "Jake Moraband" Shaak herself respects the man as he is taking the threat the CIS poses seriously he also supports the Jedi. he also is the number one founder of the army during the time it was needed so she is wondering why his ship is not allowing them clearance she tells the Jedi "Can you give me a moment to get this situation under control " As a member of the High Council she has access to the numbers of all important senators so she then calls Jake

Jake is getting a call from Shaak Ti Just as he planned he answers of course and starts by saying "Hello Jedi master may I ask why you are calling me at this moment is there something I can do for you" Shaak Ti replies "Yes there is your ship is currently not allowing access to some ships to land may I know why " Jake says " of course, I do I was the one to order it my crew told me 2, unidentifiable ships were asking for clearance to lend without any reason why so I believe them to be separatists " Shaak Ti understanding why then says " I can vouch for them not being separatists as they are Jedi from a different branch of space "

Jake smiles his plan worked the Jedi believe him and says "Very well but if they do happen to be separatist then I will have to inform the Chancellor it was the Jedi that let them land " he then tells his summons that they can land now he then tells Shaak Ti " well if that is all have a great day I'm a busy person I have a meeting to go to in about one hour " and ends the call.

AN) That's all for this chapter leave a power stone if you enjoyed