
{Star Wars} Empire Building gamer system

watch as our main character is transported to the Star Wars universe with a system that can summon droids ,clones, Jedi, Sith and Ninja! currently in Naruto this will be a massive AU if you cant tell I will try and keep Canon events but if I feel like it wouldn't happen because of what the MC does I probably will not mention that fact This will be a system that can summon characters from anime with what I believe to be a new point getting system on this site leave a review with some good points and leave chapter comments if I have any errors I will go and fix them as soon as I see them AN) the main character will be evil and maybe somewhat heartless there may or may not be romance in this story as I'm new to writing and feel I will be bad at it. AN) I'm new to writing in general I'm trying to start a new story that I saw kind of done by someone I don't remember with there main character being transmuted and they started like Droid factories and tried to take over the universe with a system ) Cover art is by leafeater

God_loves_reading · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

chapter 17 | The Start of The Clone Wars

I don't own star wars or any anime I use in this work

{ year is BBY 28 }

it's been three years since he summoned Tobirama Senju who got used to his new life fast learning the art of space battles quickly with his time in the training room and with his high intelligence Jake also had Yugito Nii become part of his team of bodyguards. he learned something strange about Yugito she didn't seem to be under his systems forced loyalty as he got to know her he figured out the reason the two-tail monster cat was the one under the system, not her he didn't mind as she has been loyal but that had made him feel worried about her betraying him at some point in the future

The Republic has been in chaos a few days ago thousands of planets had separated from the Republic led by Count Dooku although they became the CIS and separated from them doesn't mean there were any hard feelings from the Republic Senators the Supreme Chancellor has been trying to send Talks Of Peace to the CIS but the leader of the separatist's Count Dooku declined any talks of peace but right before the Senate voted on the Military Creation Act the CIS had hired assassins to kill senator Amidala the reason they did so was to get Nute Gunray to join them as that was his one condition

one of the assassins Wesell mounted an unsuccessful attempt on Amidala's life resulting in the High Council assigning Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker as Amidala's personal bodyguards Wesell's second attempt on Amidala's life similarly failed but this time the second assassin fett had then used a Kamino saberdart so she didn't give any information to the Jedi

Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi identified the saberdart's connection to Kamino and went to investigate and ended up being alarmed when his research revealed that the planet had been erased from the Jedi Archives With the help of Grand Master Yoda he pinpointed Kamino's location When Kenobi arrived at Kamino's capital of Tipoca City Prime Minister Lama Su greeted him and revealed the existence of the clone army Kenobi reported his discovery to the High Council, which ordered him to detain the second assassin they identify as Fett and to bring him to the Jedi Temple for questioning

Kenobi tracked the Fetts and after engaging in a starfighter dogfight that led him to believe Fett was dead, followed them to the planetary surface there he discovered that the Geonosians were manufacturing millions of battle droids in their droid foundries he also witnessed a meeting between Dooku and the Separatist Council Kenobi managed to contact his Padawan about what's going on before he was captured Skywalker then informed the Jedi High Council about Kenobis report

Yoda says "Troops we need for war to Kamino I must" Yoda starts to travel to the rainy water planet to get the clones that Obi-Wan had talked about as he was there Mace Windu was forming an assault team of Jedi and got a total of 217 Jedi to help rescue Obi-Wan. Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala attempted to rescue Kenobi but were also captured and sentenced to death the Jedi assault team Windu formed had sieged the Petranaki arena where the prisoners were to be killed the battle resulted in the death of many Jedi This was the first time the Jedi have ever faced B2 Super Battle Droids and were overwhelmed by their intelligence, armour, and weapons

the Jedi managed to hold their ground but were being beaten back by the droid forces just as they were preparing to fight to the end Yoda arrived with the clone army that dropped from the sky in Republic gunships Managing to rescue the Jedi from the arena after a battle the clones then engaged the droid army on the fields of Geonosis to prevent their escape there was a battle happening in space as well the clone pilots were battling Trade Federation battleships and managed to destroy a few back to the clones on the planets surface clone commandos were battling the Separatist forces after a drawn-out battle the clones won with them destroying the Droid foundries and the deaths of Geonosian leaders

Count Dooku took the plans for the Separatist's  Ultimate Weapon and fled to a secret hangar but Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi intercepted him Dooku bested both of them and even managed to cut off Skywalker's right arm Yoda then showed up Dooku knew he couldn't best his former master and used trickery to Escape

Jake had learned of this from a spy he has in the Jedi order the reason he didn't participate was the fact whatever side he helped the other would not have hired him as it would have looked like he was part of that side and with the death of many Jedi will give him the perfect opportunity to reveal his Jedi Temple that is in the unknown region by sending out jedi in UNSC ships form halo to the known galaxy with the excuse of feeling the death of many Jedi

AN ( the reason this battle was written in a summary was the fact it is the same as cannon with no difference as our MC didn't interfere and didn't want to just write multiple chapters of a battle everyone knows about)

AN ) This is the end of the chapter please leave a power stone if you enjoyed there won't be a second chapter today as something came up irl thanks for understanding:)