
[Resolve To Eternity] : Only I Am Supreme

Hello there, Newbie trying create a good world for his reincarnation Attention!!! Mc is Neutral Evil so be warned if Incase you find any gruesome scene to you distaste. Expect a moderate Harem where MC's wife's are capable, powerful and Scheming. -[Expect atleast 3 chapters per week] -Also the real story starts later on from chapter 17, the rest is just mild info dump and can be skipped. Sorry but I had to do it. -My description is just Meh!!! so expect the first 16 chapters to be pure crap to some of you....maybe -Story gets way better afterwards, trust me

DaoistTempest619 · ตะวันออก
30 Chs


You guys might wonder why Ashton was surprised by my words....well for starters when she used her bloodline ability on me I instantly sensed it and browsing through the memory library of my Ancestor,I found he had on most occasions encountered abilities such as Ashton's so i instantly knew speaking the truth will be easier to win her trust rather than lying with which she might just ignore me as she did to others.


Name: Lexus (Zephyroth Tempest)


Body Cultivation:Nil

Soul Cultivation: Meditation Plane

Physique: Forbidden Physique???

Soul Points:Nil

Cultivation Technique: Heartless Mantra??

"Well Well it looks like someone is. Being a gentleman,sir Lexus do I take that as a compliment or..."she replied,her words carrying a different meaning.

"Oh how dare I,I assure you I don't harbour any other thoughts my intentions are pure"I said feigning a startled expression hoping to lower her guard against me cause after all who would like being near a lie detector.

"Well then,I'll excuse myself lest I bother you more from attending to the other guests"

Looking at her graceful demeanor while leaving,I sighed at how beautiful she was especially the mysterious air she had around her urging one to unravel her deepest secrets.

I continued attending to other guests with the arrival of the entourage of the Imperial Family lead by the 2nd Prince and 4th Princess along with other nobels from the imperial capital.

"Greetings both your Highness"I said giving a slight bow towards the tall prince who had short blonde hairs,slightly muscular stature visible even in his royal golden robes with dragon patterns he wore,captivating golden eyes,a very handsome masculine face wearing an amiable smile making him the perfect dream of all ladies accompanied by who I presume the Princess who like her brother had a tall and slender body draped in a Phoenix pattern golden robes hugging her captivating hourglass figure,long golden hairs tied to a bun with a golden hairpin, captivating cherry lips on an extremely beautiful face resembling that of a goddess walking on mortal land,mesmerizing golden eyes capable of stealing the soul of any passer-by.

"And who may you be"said the 2nd Prince Arthur whon smiled warmly to my greetings.

"Lexus your Highness,I'm just a nobody you should pay attention to and receiving your presence is my highest honor"

surprised I was to see him behaving this friendly but I didn't show it rather I had an almost fanatic expression masking my caution towards him.

You see,I specifically dressed as a butler to avoid attention while welcoming the guests and despite so the prince was still friendly and courteous towards me.... which means either he knows my identity and is trying to befriend me or he is just that friendly which is impossible for no member of the Imperial Family will be this kind unless they have other motives especially a candidate to the throne like him.

"Hahaha Lexus it is,I think I remember there existing a nephew of the Duke named Lexus hmmm or is it my imagination"he said with a pondering expression.

"Well your Highness I suppose I'm the one you mentioned"I said with a helpless expression,it's not as if I can lie to his face can I after all he can still find out later and put me in a difficult spot.

"Oh the---

"Welcome to our humble abode your Highness"came a mesmerizing voice interrupting Arthur who still had something to say.

Irritated at being interrupted, Arthur wore a frown but upon turning,his expression changed to a charming and friendly one upon setting eyes on Ashley my niece who wore a long loose blue gown which did less in hiding her tall stunning hourglass figure visible from outside ,blue eyes yes like a calming ocean while having a mesmerizing smile capable of bringing disaster to an Empire,blue diamond earrings further complementing her beauty,her hair were left to fall freely like a waterfall urging one to caress its smoothness while accompanied by her was Alya who wore a tight blue gown hugging her tall hourglass figure further emphasizing her curves, captivating sensual blue eyes,her blue hairs tied like a ponytail,her extremely beautiful face along with her beautiful smile was toxic making wish to die with a single command.All in all while one radiated an inviolable and friendly presence,the other radiated a tempting yet cold presence making them opposite to each other with their beauty not lacking when compared to the princess and even slightly surpassing it,a testament to the dazed state of the prince who looked like a lustful idiot while staring at the duo.

"Cough Cough"I coughed snapping the prince out of his dazed state while giving me a grateful look before he responded to Ashley

"Greetings Lady Ashley and Lady Alya,your beauty truely widened my view and I must say you look magnificent in that dress"

Looking at the Prince who got lost in his conversation with my niece,i wasn't surprised for if there was a beauty ranking,they both would have occupied the first spot and even I would have been dazed and tempted by  both of them especially Alya but alas even if she is served before me I dare not touch her due to their physique with Ashley possessing a God grade Physique called *Reincarnation Physique* while that of Alya is the *Extermination Physique*and unlike what most of you might think like the case where if I sleep with her our life and death would be bound together then No No I assure you that is least of my problems,and it is one of the main reasons I refused her advances and i'm trying to get far away from her as possible before her's and her sisters physique truely awakens.Well you want to know the abilities hehe continue reading and I'll tell you in the future but just know that nothing good associates with the word "Extermination" and "Reincarnation"