


Xushi · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

'What have I done wrong?!'

year 2024

a man was on the edge on top of a 5 storey building,

he was 28 year old and has electric blue eyes and a disorganised black hairstyle, just like his emotions now, he looked down at the bunch of people watching him from the street.

he turned his head watching a his 2 co-worker and 1 co-worktress at the entrance of the stairs

"hahaha, Chris if you dare to jump I will give your mom a "reward", obviously if she don't die sawing you on the News" one of the male co-worker say while laughing historically.

"Chris, don't do it please, my friend, please!" the other one shouted while looking at me worried,

"don't listen to him, if you don't jump you're just a virgin coward!" shouted the co-worktress

at this moment the already worried co-worker begin to shout at the two "Rick! Lavanda! what the f*ck are you guys saying, you guys want him to die!!?!"

the two co-workers turned to him "Shut up Evan, he just want attention, so if he jump he definitely will have it"

"Yeah, yeah" added the co-worktress,

the two co-workers, with a psychopathic face on them, began to run to the black-haired man while being chased by Evan.

when they reached Chris the pushed him over the edge,

Chris' eyes went slightly surprised,

while he was falling a single thought flowed in his head 'what have I done wrong? what have I done wrong to them in my life? why me? why me and only me deserved this?'

while falling, his entire life flashed before his life.

{18 year earlier}

when Chris was just 10 he has many enemies or rather bullies, because of his low stature and physique, so they often punch him or steal from him.

when he tried to tell the teachers about his situation they just replied with a "and what I can do?" or a "they pay me to teach you not to protect you"

so from that day Chris fell betrayed by the school, so he tried to tell this to his parents, but they just shrug thinking that this was just a prank, because they called the school and they say "... there's no report about act of bullism..."

so they scolded him.

from that day Chris can only grit his teeth and resist these act

{15 years earlier}

when Chris began the secondary school he thought that he would make some friends and defend himself,

but he was wrong, totally wrong

at first they just mocked him and joke around him, but that's not the worse part

sometimes on when there's the PE lesson they would just the jumping rope to hit him, and make excuses of "it was a mistake" with a briefly "sorry" and re-begin to hit him,

this continued for the next 3 years

one day Chris tried to hit back only to fall to the ground and being laughed by the entire class.

{12 year earlier}

Fortunately for Chris at the high school almost nobody tried to bully him, and for almost the first time Chris felled something like brotherhood

Evan was there too, he was Chris best friend and Chris was grateful for him to be his friend.

but a event shattered this hope that he growed in his heart.

"Chris Nightfam!" the professor shouted


"Yes, professor!" Chris immediately straightened surprised that he failed asleep,

"you, in my office, after school!" the professor shouted devil-like

the other classmates begin to laugh, some whispering "bruh, he will get banged, hahah"

some girl begin to gossip that he falled asleep to being banged by the professor, because there a voice that the professor is gay

unfortunately Evan wasn't there so Chris didn't dare to say anything

the worse was that this directly gave him the title of ^The prostitute^

so everytime Chris walk in the hallway they would make finger-banging sign to him.

fortunately the professor only gave him extra-homework and nothing more

so Chris continued his studies ignoring the fact

{2 year earlier}

Chris and Evan finally graduated from the University with a PhD degree on Medicine

but what they don't know is that finding jobs is more difficult than they think because all the hospitals and pharmacy don't want them,

so the only thing they can do is apply for a company,

they applied for a 5 year contract, but since is they first job and they don't have any experience they only get 500 dollars a month,

they basically became slave,

Evan taked it well but Chris not, he began to debate with his boss but unsuccessfully,

and again he's being laughed by his co-workers Rick and Lavanda

so the only thing Chris can do is to wait and accumulate all his money to take his revenge

but his hope is shattered, again,

every day in these 2 year was like hell, here they often mock and push him, calling him a virgin or coward,

sometimes they seemed good like offering a coffee but in them there was salt.

After 2 year in this hell Chris decided to end thus suffering,

so he climbed at the top of the building and faced to the edge...


Chris, while falling, smiled with his heart relieved but with a but of regret because he can't do anything to help and repay Evan.