
[Re:Incarnation] -The Start Of A New Life-

[WARNING]: [There could be horror, erotic details and information in this story, and probably a lot of swearing.]

Tapogin · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Before Anything

Before Reality, Time and space existed, the universe, the multiverse, or even the Omniverse.

It was an entity that ruled everywhere, anytime, and anyway.

An entity without any kind of weakness or limit.

With no beginning or end, which existed because he wanted to, which we can say he created himself.

His name is not known to anyone but he is known as "The True God.

The true God created a universe, the first Universe.

He created it by dividing it into three dimensions, the mortal world, Heaven, and Hell.

The true God decided to divide himself into 3 different entities.

The first part of the true God became Yahweh, this is the entity called by us God, the one and only.

The second part of the true God became Jesus, this is the entity called by us the son of God.

The third part of the true God became Imber, this is the entity called by us the Holy Spirit.

The whole history of this world has happened exactly the same as ours...until the year 1456 when Yahweh, Jesus, and Imber decided that they wanted to make their mark on creation, that is, to extend creation to an endless number of numbers and possibilities.

They collided thus creating something similar to the Big Bang.

This Big Bang did nothing to the universe itself but created something in the empty space outside the universe, that was because the desire and initiative of the 3 entities was to make the Omniverse, to create.

After the clash of the 3 entities, they underwent an extraordinary change by going into a deep sleep.

Yahweh became Deus.

Jesus became the Signattia.

Imber became Fate.

These entities did not all wake up at once and the universe did not change the course of history at the moment.

The first was Signattia in 1457.

Signattia woke up near a river in a field in the town of Targoviste in Wallachia

She starts looking around bewildered wondering where she is, who she is, or what her name is.

Begins to look at his hands then puzzled at her body, for her it seemed to be an unnatural thing.

She is immediately ashamed because she is naked so she begins to cover her fragile and attractive body with her tender hands.

Immediately he looked for some people and luck caused him to find an old woman washing some clothes in the river.

The woman has a headscarf on her head and wears peasant Romanian clothes.

Signattia begins to attract the attention of the woman and approaches her on two legs a little clumsy.

Woman, as soon as she notices Signattia she begins to worry about the safety of the girl too young to be in such a big place alone and naked.

The woman immediately offers the frightened girl a large piece of thin fabric that appears to be a blanket.

The woman tells the girl as she wraps her with the feeble cloth "Don't worry, you'll be fine"

Signattia does not understand the words of old women, but she begins to speak a language that seems to be English but which the woman cannot understand.

Immediately Signattia looks at his hands then the image suddenly becomes blurred.

The girl falls to the pasture fainting as she sees the old woman panicking as she calls for help.

In the evening Signattia wakes up in a bed wrapped in a room with walls and a wooden door, a room of about 5 square meters.

Signattia lies in bed with an excruciatingly painful headache.

She looks around a bit as she notices she is wearing a white coat with red patterns.

The girl sees a table, 2 chairs, a cabinet by the bed, a stone stove that burns and produces heat, a rug, a bed in the other corner of the room, jugs under, a tissue war wooden machinery, some clothes, a window that lights the room and separates the beds, and something that looks like a hanger that hangs some fur clothes on the door.

The girl notices that something is heating up on the stone stove, a kettle with tea.

She begins to fall asleep uncontrollably again.

Signattia woke up one morning a little better but as soon as she got up she noticed a big handsome lad sleeping righteously on some furs by her bed.

Beyond him was the other bed in which the old woman slept.

Immediately Signattia looks curiously much more closely at the young boy thus noticing how handsome and formed he is.

It remains with the gaze of the boy's face that glinted in the first rays of the morning sun, Signattia remains so for many minutes.

Suddenly the girl notices that as soon as the cock howls, the old woman gets up and begins to dress for work.

The woman doesn't even notice the girl but instead starts approaching the sleeping lad and calls him by name to wake him up, "he said.."The girl remains confused at the incomprehensible words of the woman, she could only understand that the boy's name is Andrei but did not understand anything else.

The girl is left staring a little at the woman's eyes and then says in broken English, " What can I do to help you?" to which the old woman gives her a look a little crooked as if she did not hear well and immediately answers her 

"Aaa I think you're hungry my dear girl" says with a warm smile.

The beautiful boy who woke up looked at the girl a little bit analyzing her tender features and then said, "What's Your Name young lady?" but Signattia confused by the strange language of the boy gave him a puzzled but warm and sweet look.

The woman immediately tells the boy" Let's go to work "to which Andrei responds by saying"Yes My momma".

The 2 begin to get their boots on as the girl looks after them a little worried while thinking " What are these people saying?".

Signattia left alone begins to look around the house and analyzing the objects surrounding her comes across a very beautiful fabric that steals her gaze.

Immediately the old woman enters the house with an armful of wood and beckons Signattia to come to her.

The old woman realized that Signattia speaks a different language from the people of Wallachia.

Signattia slowly walks towards the old woman and she begins to show her how to dress for work while telling her "If you want to stay here you have to work with us!".

The girl did not understand but took after the too-gentle woman who guided her to a corral with animals near the wooden house.

The woman shows him what should be done, how it should be done, and where to get the necessary items for his work on the day.

Signattia immediately begins work without being sure of his actions.

The evening came, and the girl finished feeding the animals, and cleaning the yard and the animals.

The woman calls Signattia to the table, while the woman walks to Signattia notices the cleanliness she has done, and very pleased the old woman smiles at her.

At the table were all 3: mother, son, and Signattia.

These 3 ate polenta with sour cream and cabbage rolls.

While the 3 of them were eating, Signattia and Andrei were throwing several sweet glances at each other, it was obvious to the boy's mother that the two young men were in love.

The mother thinks "This girl is quite hardworking and quite good at it, if she continues like this then she will surely be my lad's long-awaited wife".

The years passed, and the 2 young people found love for each other, they married and had 3 beautiful children, Signattia received the name "Andreea" that she always uses, sad that the old woman died during these 5 years, the 2 worked and toiled hard for their family and even managed to raise their living conditions and even managed to reach a completely higher level but not much different from the simple man from the country they still had.

The whole beautiful story lasted only until [June 17, 1462] when the night attack took place.

Even though they were not directly within range of the war the Ottoman soldiers had no mercy on them.

They tried to enslave Andrei and the children but the children fled and escaped and they tried to rape Andreea right in front of Andrei, Andrei being a grown man fought soldiers with his bare hands destroying soldier after soldier thus killing 60 soldiers and saving his wife for a moment.

Everything went well until Andrei from the acquired injuries and accumulated fatigue fell to the ground.

The soldiers began to regroup, Andrei at the sight of this told Andreea to run in the direction of the children while he fought with the oncoming soldiers.

She runs away as Andrei rises to stand up to the soldiers, he is ready to die for his family.

As Andreea fled, she looked tearfully into her eyes at her husband, who was penetrated by The Swords of the Ottoman enemies.

Andreea flees as she sees how the surrounding forest is increasingly burned by the flames of the Ottomans.

Andreea fell to her knees with tears in her eyes at the sight of the 3 bodies of her children lying down burned.

She took their burned bodies in his arms while with tears in his eyes, he cursed the entire army of the Ottomans for the destruction of her family.

Andreea kept her eyes closed and then pulled a knife from a child's body and as a last words of farewell before stabbing herself in the neck she says

"Please Andrei, do not wait for me in heaven because I will go to hell to make sure that our children do not, I will make sure that these wretched Ottomans burn forever in the flames of hell as they burned the bodies of our children".

As soon as the knife went through the girl's neck something happened, a white light came out of his wounds which immediately turned black with a red tint and crystals came out of them.

The Signattia shone in a dark light as it was lifted into the air by invisible forces.

"My name is Signattia" said the girl with black eyes and tears of blood.

Signattia began to destroy the Ottoman army unnoticed by using his otherworldly powers.

Vlad Tepes was the only one who could obsess over his presence while he was also killing Ottoman after Ottoman, Signattia amazed by his cruelty, ingenuity, and power, thought that he would destroy the Ottoman armies much easier if she had an ally and he is also the best candidate to be the hero of the Romanian countries.

She cast a spell on Vlad that made him stronger with every soldier killed, all falling past him, his allies, and enemies.

He turned the bodies of his enemies into food and power to continue the massacre of the Ottomans while protecting the bodies of his comrades at all costs.

In this universe, Signattia became directly involved in the course of history thus changing the events, the night attack no longer ended with the Ottomans escaping defeated, the events meant that not a single Ottoman escaped alive or dead from that war.

Vlad The Impaler became a feared vampire who did not dare to touch any man from Transylvania, Moldavia, or Wallachia.

In this universe, Signattia together with Vlad The Impaler teamed up and destroyed the entire Ottoman Empire along with the vast majority of the world.

It was a catastrophic disaster, Vampires began to appear from all corners of the world.

Then Fate woke up [1475]

Fate is basically the embodiment of fate that binds us all together.

He begins to analyze the universe realizing that not even a little bit of that universe remained intact or untouched, hell was destroyed by Signattia, so Fate decides to destroy Heaven Too, everything is destroyed while the mortal world is 95% in ruins.

Fate notes that because the universe is nearly destroyed many other universes are approaching it ominously fast.

Basically, This is the Prime Universe, it is what keeps the whole Omniverse in existence because all the other universes were created as an extension of it, and for it to remain existing several different universes began to merge with it thus functioning as a kind of glue and as a replacement for the missing pieces of the Prime Universe.

Fate was greatly astonished by this since it is in theory the work of the Akashic records even though they have no conscience.

Fate unlike Signattia, woke up with fully developed strength and memories of who and what he is.

As the universe rebuilds, Fate observes how the mortal world splits into 2 completely different worlds, Heaven and hell making the same thing.

Fate took advantage of the universe's moment of weakness and modified the monster world a bit to create an expansion of only 100 levels.

As the universe was rebuilding, the equilibrium system sealed Signattia into a space with no known name or location.

Vlad remained free but since much of his force depended on Signattia he was left with a weakness for the sun just like the other vampires, resulting in all vampires disappearing except Vlad, his son, and some 100,000 vampires that were hidden.

Vlad could destroy the whole world himself, but more slowly, however he was not going to do it since he had people to protect, and that world was only 95% destroyed.

So in his place, he left his vampire son to protect the people who would one day form today's Romania even if in this universe it did not happen anymore, and Vlad The Impaler now known as King Dracula went far away where he sealed himself and so remained for a very very very very long time.

As soon as the reconstruction of the universe was over, everything started over in a way.

It was Year 0, in the reconstruction of the universe, little of the system code was added to it by Fate, thus appearing in the system for the first time in this universe, but for a possible disaster due to the creation of the system in the Prime Universe, Fate was also sealed in his created expansion of the dungeon world.

Because the code was added while the universe was rebuilding, the system took root in the universe, if the system was removed from the universe then it would again bring destruction upon the universe and later the Omniverse.

That was for today, come next Monday PAAAAAAAAAAA

Nobody is evil in theyr own story, but in this story everyone is evil, the gods can and are as evil as humans if they need to be, the high rank as a god of a being doesnt make it any different than a wicked human or an rabid animal.

Tapogincreators' thoughts