
William - 01

Laros- Or rather, Will, got out of his Pod with a sigh of relief, his muscles moving and stretching as he flexed them. "Evelyn, what time is it?" As his voice rang out from his room, a mechanical female voice answered his question: [Right now is 05:00 AM, sir, your schedule has been updated. Your mother wishes to see you today at 07:00 AM, you have another request from the Office as well.] Will groaned tiredly, another request? How many people have angered the goverment this time that he has to go out there and fucking kill them?

William Behovan Ghestian Von Hosiavy Rosal, or Will for friends (Which he doesn't have), is a highly trained government agent that specializes in spy work, assassination, torture, and others. In fact, everyone from the Rosal family is trained from a young age to know the ways of assassination, torture, spying, seduction, medicine, martial arts, and many other subjects that may help one in their work to pull the roots of the weed growing in the government's garden. Thanks to the new age of technology, the old ways could be used to train the young! As son of the third daughter of Avandia Rosa Everlasting Rosal, matriarch of the Rosal family, he was expected to be better and do better than others, as she was also once daughter of the third daughter as well, and rose on the ranks of her family faster than any could have seen.

This put a social pressure on him, his mother saw it fit to... train him, harder. From the tender age of 5 he was put on a pod and transported to the Rosal World of Training, where he was put alongside a batch of older children to be ruthlessly trained by the older men and women of the Rosal family- There they had infinite lives and could die endlessly, the pain was the same one would feel in the real world, but after each death the pain felt was doubled, making so the children had to learn fast how to survive or die- They were put against each other, to compete, to kill each other, and as the youngest and weakest among them, Will died many times. To the point of the pain of a paper cut becoming unbearable, and a child's mind when put under extreme stress will do one of two things: Break or become stronger. His mind became stronger, his pain resistance threshold became almost inhuman, his mastery of the family's martial arts grew faster than the other kidd due to his fervent fear of pain that grew stronger every day.

To this day, he still fears pain.

But he welcomes it, knowing pain is just another way of life, because living is a pain and death is the eternal relief.

"Ugh... Evelyn, tell me the details of the request of the 'Office'." Will already had a headache thinking about who he has to kill now- Damn, you think being a confident super assassination proficient in the arts of killing, seducing, and torturing would make him immune to some shenanigans of his life, but nope! His mother expects him to have a heir, a heir!? He doesn't even like women, what the fuck is he supposed to do!? What even is sex? He wss taught how to kill, not how to make lives! [Very well-] Evelyn's mechanical voice stopped for a single second before a male voice came through: ["Agent Thanatos, you're tasked with dealing with these seven targets-"] Seven images appeared before his eyes as the holographic lenses on his eyes worked as they should, effortlessly. ["These seven ministers are from outside the empire, they threaten our work and they are to be captured alive, tortured, extracted of every information they have before they are killed."] Soon he started receiving all the knowledge and information the goverment had on these seven people- Oh well, no rest for the wicked!

His hand tapped against the wall on the left side of the corridor to his room, a single slit popped from the wall before it slid sideways and opened into a secret entrance, William walked in without a thought as he sipped on his coffee to keep himself awake enough to capture seven people and torture them all- He will do it in a day, since if he kidnaps them one by one, they'll get security, and he hates dealing with any kind of security. The room had a metallic sheen on the walls and floor, but the center of the room had a floating flat silver surface, and floating above the silver floating table was a hologram of his most recent missions- Names, dates, data he gathered and was given to him, mostly those he gathered since he didn't trust the government as far as he could throw it- And seeing as it was a conceptual thing and not something he could throw, he doesn't trust them at all.

"Evelyn, reschedule my meeting at to tomorrow at the same time."


"Thank you dear." William's hands stretched as he picked up a small silvery slab on the wall, pulling it out of the wall and letting it fall before him- It unfurled as if it was a piece of cloth before it stretched out before him, he just walked towards it and it melted onto his body, forming a tactical armor that hugged his body, protecting him from almost anything and everything. 'Ah, i love this little thing.' It was made from nanotechnology, it could hold back even a N1KZ-07, his favorite and one of the deadliest sniper destroyers. From the hole on the wall, he could see his baby, safely stored inside.

It was time for another job.


Zyos pulled back the bark from the large tree, pushed around some rubble before he carved out a... barely usable door for his hidden home, a cavern that he will live in for the next few years, taking out his [Basic Tools Kit], he opened it, and immediately all the tools he could ever need simply fell out of the small packet.

It was time to make a home for himself.