
Dragons [#5]

'He is one freaky man.'

Walking away with his waist hurting and sore, Alrik winced at each and every step.

Apparently, Dagur didn't exactly know what cane after the 'Match' and marriage phase of the whole thing, so when Alrik offered to teach him, he jumped right into the whole thing. Using one of his concoctions, he lubed his fingers and cleaned the guy before playing a little with his prostate, which he quickly found really interesting! So when it came (heh) to the real deal, he was rather aggressive... Alrik couldn't do anything but sing him praise as he rode him like a madman. It went even past the point of his waist hurting and the bed breaking.

Dagur didn't stop until he was satisfied, at which point the deep lust from the battle receded and Alrik came (heh) to the realization that now... Now he is married to another man. Who, by the way, is really aggressive in bed, fuck, Alrik was the one being dominated there - He was ordered to mot stop thrusting if he wanted to keep his cock, which was a threat in itself if it wasn't for the fact that Dagur was totally not going to cut his cock off because he declared his neverending love for it 3 hours after he started riding it. Alrik ended up crying a little bit because it felt good be hugged and held, once in his life, so at the last few hours he pushed down the eager little Berserker and took him slowly and softly, kisses against his neck and shoulders, beard and back, forehead and ears until he was a shivering mess of worldless pleas and cum.

Seriously, he even brought his sword to the bed for some reason.

"Where... do you think you're going? I'm not done yet... A warrior needs to keep going!" Hearing the tiredness in that hoarse voice as he went to get up from the soft ground (courtesy of pelts and wool that he found in the ships!) as a hand also reached out to hold his- It was so soft like this. "C'mon. Let's get some food, then we can think of continuing." Dragon Instincts tell him to keep his 'mate' in their 'nest' so he can 'lay' their 'egs' so their 'young' can be born... That and also providing food for him, which was a weird sensation to just want to go to the sea and bring as many fishes as he could. "Hmn..." Groaning, Dagur rolled to get up, his legs wobbled as he went to get up, so Alrik just took him in his arms, not ashamed of their nakedness, before bringing him down.

Alrik's home were three ships haphazardly stacked on top of each other, but thanks to his abilities, he was able to stabilize their stacked forms, making a better home. It looked now like a thick and weird tower that went about 3 stories high thanks to the dragon's help on the building effort. "Let's go." He carried the sleepy and stubborn Dagur downstairs until they got to the kitchen. They passed by many dragons too, mainly little ones like Terrible Terrors, many Night Terrors, and even a few babies that managed to enter his home because they felt safe around him. Their parents always came to take them back to their nests, too, after they got food for themselves and their babies. There were now two Deadly Nadders, a single baby Gronkle, and a single baby Typhoomerang.

This one was a very lonely boy since his mother was dead when he found him in the neighboring islands, and he didn't have any brothers or sisters, sadly enough. He clung to Alrik like a kitten or a duckling that had imprinted on him, so it was a little tough to keep him outside while he was absolutely being wrecked by Dagur. Let's be honests here, because even though he was the one who topped, Dagur fucked him in more ways than the traditional one! 'It's still raw...' His cock was raw and hurting, and fuck... It felt so good, but it hurt a little, and that made everything better. 'How the fuck did he even get to go for hours after that fight?' They fucked right after their fight, they had all their injuries still, but they kept going and only after Dagur fell asleep after was that Alrik managed to get away to get his herbs and potions to accelerate their healing. "I'll make you some things... I don't have bread, but I have fish, eggs, fruits, juice, and spices... I can do something with this." And while Dagur was grumbling about something, his whole body resting on Alrik's back (which was completely scratched and bruised) as he worked, he did a simple and light dish with fish, a light soup for his stomach so it wouldn't get upset... After all, he didn't want his new husband hurt.



Name: Dagur Oystæindottir

Age: 23

Sex: Male

Race: Human (Berserker)

Lvl: 48

[<SP>]: 1,500/1,500 - 5× End

[<MP>]: 250/250 - 5× Int

Titles: [Deranged], [True Berserker]

Class: N/A


Unassigned Stat Points: 0

Strength: 300

Endurance: 300

Dexterity: 300

Agility: 300

Vitality: 150


Resistance: ???

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 50

Willpower: ???

Charisma: 50

Perception: 100





<Berserker Fighting Lvl Max>, <Artistic Skills lvl 4>, <Survival Skill Lvl 6>, <Leader Lvl 8>, <Hunting Lvl 3>, <Pain Resistance Lvl Max>, <Physical Damage Resistance Lvl Max>


<Deranged Mind Lvl Max>


'Huh, he's strong.' He had to hide his grin as he set the table, ushing the small dragons to take their own food (He was swarming with the Night Terrors all wanting food, so he gave each of them a fruit and told them to go hunt if they wanted to eat, because he was going to feed his Mate now.) and leave as he prepared the chair to be as comfortable as it could. "There we go..." He sat the boneless man down on his lap as carefully as he could, placing the wooly blanket on top of his waist to keep discomfort to the minimum. "I'm okay -" The stubborn man tried to refuse his help, but Alrik just grabbed his arm and stopped him from trying to get out of his lap, forcefully holding him there. "Let me feed you... We're together now."

It might seem quick, but that's how it's done here! Do you like that someone? Does that someone like you back? Then get together! Easy and simple.

"Trolls, my back is killing me... Heh, at least I'm not the only one dying, right?" Dagur's hand came and tugged on Alrik's cock that throbbed in both pain and interest, it was fucking raw as shit and they were naked, so yeah, it was too easy to be teased.

Ah... This is going to get worse, isn't it?

-Scene Cut-

"And so you're abandoning your dragon hunting ways?" Alrik questioned dubiously - Damn, is his cock so good it makes people have whole character archs in one night? "Yup." Dagur just grinned until he saw something move in the corner of his eyes and reacted by attacking it- His arm was immediately caught by Alrik's hand, stopping him from attacking a baby Deadly Nadder that was flying towards Alrik. "Huh, reedemed, right?" His fingers traced the muscles of his arm, each scar and each hair... It was something that made him a warrior, a strong warrior. "Let me teach you." He held the baby Deadly Nadder in his hands and gave it to the reformed dragon hunter- Pending, since, y'know, years of hunting dragons don't go away in a single dicking session! You need more of them dicking sessions to become reedemed.

"Starting by the very beginning... Getting used to dragons." That's it. That's the first lesson he had Dagur learn, and that was by letting him get close to them without the need to fight them, which would take a while for him to get used to! "We can also do that thing you asked me... To show you all I know so I can teach you and then you'll teach me everything you know? Here. I think I can teach you this first." Raising his hand, Alrik slowly and repeatedly scratched the neck of the Nadder until the little one passed out. It had been barely three seconds before the Nadder was boneless. "See? Easy."

I wasn't easy for Dagur.

I mean, he did try, which was awesome to watch as he failed continuously, but it was also adorable. They ended up talking, talking about who they were and what they wanted.

"Well, I'm Alrik Oystæindottir... I am a protector for these creatures. They're compassionate, loving, and caring. They deserve to be respected and treated as such, which is why I protect them from Dragon Hunters." He laid back, Kamalu was lying on his stomach, lazily sleeping like a cat a few feet away from them. "I plan on making a sanctuary, a place where all dragons can live... I mean, I am working on it already, as you saw." His fingers slowly twisted the hair of Dagur's head as he was giving him nice viking braids. He also let this soft melody from [Howl's Moving Castle - Merry Go Round of Life] play out loud at a slow pace since he could control the speed of the music, it was only a background noise.

"Huh, that's great, I think?" The smaller but more ferocious Berserker grinned upwards as his head rested on the lap of the calmer Berserker that was Alrik: "Name's Dagur, leader of the Berserkers... I want to get my tribe back, I want to become stronger, I want to find my sister, and I want to have my revenge on Hiccup." With each goal, he raised a finger of his hand, and soon he had four fingers raised: "That's about it."

"What did this... Hiccup do?"

"Oh, he humiliated me and shit like that, plus he has a Night Fury, so now I gotta kill his dragon!" Dagur was met with the frowning face of the man above him that looked at him with raised eyebrows: "I mean, the whole Hooligan Tribe betrayed the pact we had with them, so the Berserkers had the right to attack them... plus, it's fun." Rolling his eyes, Alrik held Dagur's head between his hands and looked into his eyes as he said: "Give up your revenge... Focus on more on finding your sister, I'll help you and stuff, okay? Revenge for the sake of being petty isn't fun."

"B-but... Night Fury!"

"I'll get you a Skrill."

"Holy Loki, deal."