
Crystal [#5]

So, building a house is not something easy.

First things first, they had to decide on where to build it. Jason wanted the home to be right there, just an extension of the one they already shared- but Kaleb managed to convince him to branch out! Quite literally, seeing as he managed to convince Jason that using a tree as the main support pillar of the house was a good idea. And it was a good idea, specially since the tree was sturdy enough that not even a punch from Jason broke it! Then Kaleb and Jason had to go to the nearest library- Jason couldn't exactly be seen out in public since he was a well known figure, but Kaleb couldn't exactly walk directly in because he didn't have documents to get himself a library card.

He didn't exist in this world, remember?

So they waited until the librady closed- Then Kaleb started looking over the computers while Jason went looking for books on carpentry and woodwork, as well as books on engineering and as many books about whatever interested him as he could. Kaleb, meanwhile, learned a few very important things about the world he was in-

First, the year was 2010.

Second, it was known that entities called Slashers were walking around. They were well documented supernatural phenomena, from living dolls that kill people to people dying in their dreams- Apparently he was in a very fucked up world! Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, Chucky, Pyramid Head, Pin Head, Dracula, Vecna, and a bunch of other horror bitches were around! They wrecked havoc around, killing people, but they also- weirdly enough -had rules that they had to follow.

Michael only attacked on Halloween.

Chucky only attacked abusive families.

Pyramid Head only attacked those who somehow ended up on Silent Hill.

Freddy Kruger didn't have any rules specifically, but he didn't attack children below the ages of 14, and anti-dreaming medicine was very well distributed, so there hasn't been any dream related deaths in about 5 years now.

Pin Head only came for you if you opened his cube.

Dracula couldn't leave his castle in Transylvania.

Vecna could only attack anyone every 364 days, with his kill count being limited to 5 people only.

And Jason? He only killed you if you invaded his home at Camp Crystal Lake... but for some reason, all these entities always had people to kill- something attracked people to Camp Crystal Lake, somehow someone got inside Castle Dracula in Transylvania, going through security... Somehow an abusive family bought Chucky or Annabelle and they're causing havock. Somehow someone disturbed the Oni's resting place in Japan, sometimes somebody watched Samara's tape, and weirdly enough, sometimes somebody would sing the Crooked Man's rhyme or say Candy Man five times.

It was like moths to a flame.

Freddy was the only one whose killing ability seemed to have been controlled almost completely- in 5 years nobody died in their dreams! Another thing is that you're never meant to say their name out loud. It gets their attention and you can find yourself under their hunt- Because of that, every Slasher has a title.

Jason is known as Crystal Lake

Myers is known as Halloween.

Chucky is known as Murder Doll.

Freddy is known as Nightmare.

Dracula is known as Vampire.

Vecna is known as Lich.

Pin Head is known as Extreme BDSM.

Pig is known as Oinky.

Plague is known as The Diseased One.

Leatherface is known as Cannibal.

The Trapper is known as Bear.

The Wraith is known as Ghosty.

Ghostface is known as Stabby Stabber.

Pyramid Head is known as Tin Can Head.

And there were a bunch more of known entities, with who knows how many being unknown! The [Slasher's Near You] site gave you a comprehensive list of ways to avoid Slashers and how to maximize your chances of survival if you somehow got their attention. Kaleb was reading the entrance on Jason-

[Jason Voorhees

Hunting Grounds - Camp Crystal Lake

How to Avoid - DON'T ENTER CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE! Don't even get close to it, the lull will end up pulling you there.

How to Survive - Harm him enough he stops pursuing you. A shot to the head will get you some time. Hit him with a car and keep driving until you're out of there... If you injure him enough, you can anger him. If you anger him, he will pursue you to the ends of the earth.

Known Powers - Is always quiet. Seems to be able to teleport and move quickly, and can't die. No matter what, it can't die.

Threat Level - Avoid at all Costs.]

There was a whole list of known victims and possible victims, but before he could read it, a hand touched his shoulder. His very instinct was to lash out, but when he turned to see the familiar mask, he smiled: "Oh, I was just taking a look at your resume- pretty neat, right?" He showed Jason his own page, and was surprised when the big man huffed and turned to walk away, annoyed: "Hey, I think it's neat-" Swiftly, Kaleb collected everything he needed. A whole box of pens and ¼ of the entire stock of blank 3 by 4 paper that there was! He also got a guide for ASL, and a bunch of other books before puttig everything on the bags they had. "-Let's go?"

Jason answered him by picking him up.

They were out of there before sunrise.


"Yes, it worked!"

'Huh, surprising.' Jason watched as Kaleb excitedly smiled- he had been working on solutions for the many problems of making a cabin in the woods "big enough to fit a family, Jay", which was mainly nails. He could get them if he really tried, but nails were going to be a problem- until Kaleb figured out how to literally fuse wood pieces together, making them one. 'I guess magic is useful...' He turned to work on cutting down a tree with the ax Kaleb got for him (he will never tell anyone he felt giddy about getting a new ax from Kaleb) when he felt it-

Somebody entered his territory.

His whole body locked up, it was a familiar presence that came through one of the many Doorways that Slashers would to go and come from The Realm. 'Myers.' His tense body must've warned Kaleb about what was going on, because he stopped talking and turned to look directly towards the doorway. Jason felt his body grow cold for a moment as he saw Myers and Kaleb make eye contact.

"Huh. Creepy guy." Was all Kaleb said before going back to work on the cabin's flooring. He had been using whatever spell he used to repair things to fuse the various layers of wood, foam stolen from the many beds of the camp and the sleeping bags of campers. "Jay, one of your creepy stabby friends is here- Halloween!" Jason was... surprised by this reaction. Myers was one of the most feared Slashers there were- he was the Boogeyman, the fear, he was also the enforcer who would keep everyone in check- He was here because of that, Jason's pretty sure. The Entity sent him here to check up on him after a few days, to either bring him back under its control, or to destroy him.

'What do you want?' He glared towards Myers- they were sort of friends once, but he didn't want to risk Kaleb... He is important. He is the wife, right? 'Leave!' With a threatening and kinda protective stance, Jason approached Kaleb as he worked mindlessly on the flooring of the cabin, fusing the floorboards to one another and them to the tree they were using as a base ("We can use the tree to make stairs up to the first floor- What do you mean 'its called first floor'? The "first floor" is the ground floor. The one above it is called first floor- What do you mean Nuh Uh!?") pillar for the second floor that Kaleb planned on making.

Kaleb... If Myers is going to be a threat, he'll have to dispose of him. He can't let him harm his... wife? Well, yes. Wife. Kaleb is definitely his wife- it just feels weird to think about it. He feels suddenly shy whenever he thinks of being married to such a good wife- Okay, focus!!!

'Who is he?' With a malicious glare, Myers turned to look at Kaleb, who completely ignored him- it was like he was never even there. Jacob knew Myers hated being ignored, like he hated whenever someone invaded his territory. 'The Entity wants you back- I will bring you back, I will take care of this one.' Myers was suddenly there, right beside Kaleb- His speed was always the best, The Entity enhanced that aspect of him so much he could move faster than most people could blink, but Jason was not most people.

His machete slashed towards Myers just as his knife was going towards Kaleb- there was a click of metal as Jason's machete flung Myers' knife away. They were soon brawling, Jason was maniacally trying to protect Kaleb while Myers frantically tried to murder Kaleb, and Kaleb acted like nothing was happening.

Until he pulled his hand back, and Myers fell like a puppet cut off of its strings.

Jason could see it- the entangled web that The Entity had wrapped around Myers being was just... gone. It has unraveled like a ball of yarn being burned away, turning into nothingness and fading away into a sprinkling light as Kaleb's hands glowed softly: "There. I fucking hate spiders." With that said, he turned back to work. And Jason? Well, he approached the Doorway to The Realm, tapped it, and threw Myers back inside. The Realm was created by The Entity, but it couldn't control everything there- Now that Myers was free from The Entity's control, he would do whatever he wanted.

Nothing of that was Jason's problem- he was going to help his wife ('...cute.') with the construction of their new home. "Help me here, Jay-" Think of the devil... Jason easily lifted his wife above his head by holding him by the waist, allowing him to afix the frames of the cabin together, like he had glue them together. "-there! Thanks love."


Jason went back to work, a lot on his mind but not enough words to describe everything he thought of. He knew that word- his mother explained it to him, he has seen and heard teenagers call each other that, and he knew what love was. But always between men and women- I mean, can two men love each other like a man and a woman can? Is that even possible? He has never seen such a thing, but he did think of Kaleb as his wife... Well, if you have sex with someone, you're married to them. And he isn't a woman- I mean, Kaleb isn't a woman either, but he does fit the womanly looks. He is smaller and thinner than him, weaker too.

So he naturally was the wife.

But... is love between two men normal? Allowed? He doesn't know. He wants to know, he can tell Kaleb is special- not only because of the magic and the fact that he can disconnect Slashers from The Entity, but because... URGH, what words describe this!? He doesn't know! It feels weird, but nice, but weird again- He wants to kill someone, just to not feel this.

Suddenly, he watched as the red string appeared... Kaleb looked at it, confused, as the line began to thicken- it was a fine line with the thickness of hair, but it suddenly grew to be as thick as a person's finger. It might not seem much, but now Jason felt like he could stretch that line much, much longer. The color of the thread also slowly changed into a soft pink coloration.

Just like Kaleb's cute little face whenever he was blushing.
