
Cottage Love

Daniel cried out in pain, his ankle hurts so much! Stupid idea, fucking stupid idea! Why would he want to hike, alone, in the middle of nowhere!? That's so stupid, why didn't he think about the dangers? Now he's alone, in the middle of nowhere, with a sprained ankle. Ah , and there's no signal here too, so he's double fucked.

"Somebody!" He cried in agony as his muscles tensed, his body convulsed. Falling from such a height? There's no way he didn't at least broke something! "Help!" He cried once again, hearinh his voice echo in the darknesss of the woods around him, his backpack had a flashlight, a hiking kit, a water bottle, some food, and his sleeping bag alongside a tente, he came prepared to hike- not fall to his (almost? not certain) death! He heard a stick snap behind him, his fear was increased by several fold, his mind created different scenarios where he dies and his corpse is never found, where he is devoured by a beast, and where he is sacrificed by someone to an old God and the world falls in chaos due to his death.

Dramatic, i know.

"Are you alright?" A low, almost somewhat deep, echoing, rumbling voice spoke from behind him. He turned to see a beast of a man, shirtless, tall, and extremelly hot. Probably 6'7? (Maybe, he has the High Ground after all) his brown hair, tanned skin, and thick burly beard alongside his hairy bdoy makes him so hot... He also has this ax on his hand, a big heavy-looking ax that could probably cut a whole tree in half with a single swing... "Do you need help?" The man once again spoke to him, making his body shiver from the sudden wave of arousal that invaded his head. Daniel blushed and absentmindedly nodded, as if he was hypnotised by the man's voice alone. "Hold on." The man quickly got to him, wrapped his arms around his waist before taking him in a gentle princess carry. his hairy body pressing against him made him stop and think: 'Wait, what?'

He was tired, and if he stayed behind on the forest he could get hurt, so he accepted the help of this gorgeous stranger- even if he turns out to be a psycopath, maybe he'll get some Stockholme Syndrome? Maybe he already is falling for him, so a syndrome like that wouldn't change shit. He watched as the man walked through the trees like he owned this forest and knew it with the palm of his hand, maybe he lived here long enough to know every single tree? Maybe he's some kind of druid that is living here? That would be cool...

"Hey, we're here." That was the last thing he heard before he closd his eyes, sleep overcoming him.

When he openedhis eyes again, he was in a cozy, barely lit room, the flickering light of the candle on the table beside the bed he was sleeping on gave this place a cozy and home-like atmosphere- which was not that hard since he never had a true home before, a foster kid he was, going from home to home after his mom killed herself, leaving him behind. "You're awake. Good." The same voice that brought him to a llustful sleep spoke, he looked at the direction the voice came from and saw the same man, wearing a red shirt that looked rather tight around his body. "Now you can eat something, you've been asleep for almost two whole days, with a terible fever. I had to feed you some medicine, sorry about that, since i the only thought of was to open your mouth and... Well, you know, keep it open." He had this red hue on his burly face, his green eyes shone wiht a shy light, making Daniel have this urge to tease him.

"Oh, really?" The teasing tone was evident, Daniel smiled when the man looked away, he was so adorable! "Thank you ver much,can you tell me your name? I'm tired of calling you Mr. Hot Bear in my head." Where did this confidence came from? He never openly flirted with someone befofre! This must've sounded so corny and bad! He looked closer and saw the dumbfounded look on the mna, he looked to be frozen in time, so more teasing was necessary! "Hey, Handsome? Are you there? Do you want me to kiss you to bring you back to the land of the living?" What the fuck is he doing? He doesn't know, but it's working! The man stuttered with a red, blushing face and huffed, his ears were so red that Daniel thought they maybe were sensitive, bitable perhaps? "The name's Owen, pleasure." Thhe man tried to be polite, but of course Daniel had to ruin it with a dirty joke: "That sounds about right, People always feel pleasure when looking at me." The fuck!? No one ever even smiled or was polite to him before! Where did this come from?

"Huh, is that so?" It seems the man wanted to retaliate, but sadly for him, Daniel is used to people wanting to embarass or humiliate him, so he learned rather early how to keep his face in check. No blush, a straight face with a sly smile on his lips as he nodded with fake confidence, saying: " Exaclty like that. Now, can you tell me hoe ~exactly~ did you feed me thy medicine, milord?" The teasing couldn't be stopped, he wanted to see the man blush, he loved that expression.

This went on for a few minutes until Daniel heard his stomach rumbling inside his body, he was hungry. He thanked the man, Owen, for taking him in and nursing to the best of his capabilities. There was no signal, but Owen knew the way to leave this forest, he lives here for 10 years now, he came to live here when he was 20 because of some family matters that he didn't give any detail, that's his problem and although Daniel is curious about it, he didn't dare ask about it infear of making Owen angry at him. When night came, he discovered that there was only one bed (Which is kinda obvious, he lives fucking ALONE) and although Owen wanted him to have the bed for himself, Daniel couldn't let him sleep on the floor while he slept on his bed, so after several minutes coaching the man while also teasing him about it, he accepted sleeping beside him on the same bed.

'No naughty thoughts, Daniel.' He said to himself as the burly, beefy owen lied beside him, on teh same bed. It fel rather comfortable, when was the last time he had someone to sleep beside him? He doesn't remember. And sincerely, this feels amazing, the heat amanating from the man was gentle and at teh same time felt like a raging inferno, he was attracted to it like a moth to the flame, and when he came to himself, he was already hugging the man. He felt the man stiffen, but he liked this contact, he pretended to be asleep, cuddlinng with the man's chest. He thought he heard a rumbling sound coming from the man's chest, but he couldn't care about as sleep came and took him to the arms of Morpheus. That night he had a wonderful dream, about Owen and him, it dended up with lots of "uice" around, but he was happy! He lived with the man in his cabin, he was with Owen, tehy were together, and that was wonderful.

Maybe it was going too fast, but he fell in love with the man. He soon realized, he doesn't want to leave him, he doesn't want to leave this place. This place was the best thing that happened to him! He loves this place with a deep and strange passion, he wanted to be here forever now.

He opened his eyes, he was on the bed, thre were a pair of warm arms around his waist and a head on his shoulder, a very handsome man slept on top of him and he didn't care- no, he loved it, he loved the warmth from this man. This almost unnatural heat that emanated from him, this fluffy hair, those deep green eyes, hir fluffy and curled hair, his fluffy ears- 'Wait' Daniel stopped his hands, they were holdin a pair of fluffy bear-like ears, they were adorable 'He is a literal bear?' Daniel was a man that loved the supernatural, he himself experienced some things that couldn't be explained normally by science, so he just accepted the supernatural. After all, when he suddenly teleported from a fall that was about 500 feet to a fall of about 50 feet and survive with a sprained ankle only? Yeah, that doesn't make sense at all. He is okay with this, but touching a bear's ears wakes them up apparently because the man on top of him, with his chest that was pressing against Daniel's abdomen, slowly got up, looking down at him with his eyes shining in a deep red color. Slightly arousing he must say. "Good mornig, My bear."

He didn't know then, but that phrase would be repeated every single day. For the rest of their lives together.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

You must be curious, but i've hard month, lost some relatives to Covid, and lost my motivation to it as well apparently. I've been on AO3 writting some things too, if you want to read. Same name, DaoOfGay.

Plus, my will to live is slowly slipping away from my grasp, like i'm holding grains of sand, but i guess i'll get a hourglass to keep it inside. Time is endless after all.

Written while listening to [Like Real People Do by Hozier, but Cottagecore.]

DaoOfGaycreators' thoughts