After being forced to leave ANBU and lead an all-kunoichi team by the Third Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki was hesitant at first. But over time, he realized how much his team meant to him in a lot of ways. [A/N]: If you're as trashy as me then you're gonna love it. Strong! Naruto x Harem. Additional tags— Threesome, Rough Sex, BDSM, Anal, Oral, Mind Break, Blackmail, Abuse of Power and much more. Enjoy!!!
Shinobi were assassins. Murderers, who lurked in the shadows, became one with the darkness. Living lethal weapons they were –every single one. Tales of bloodthirsty shinobi were told to children at night, to make them fear such people.
"This is bullshit!"
Naruto raised a brow at Ino's yell. The gorgeous blond girl was a mess; her hair disheveled, face covered with dirt, hands polished with earth. Her teammates were in the same boat. Pulling out weeds out of a field was tiring, and not the funny kind of weed either.
"No, this is a mission," the young jōnin didn't look away from his book. Jiraiya's first book was so much better than his other ones. "It's been one month since we began. I honestly thought you'd be used to it by now."
"This is not what I graduated for," the blonde continued. "I worked hard for years to become a shinobi, and-"
"Make Sasuke notice you."
"Yeah and- Wait!" she tried to retort, but her sensei shook his head.
"I honestly think I've been easy on you lot." Naruto stood up. The book closed, he put it in his pouch where it would remain safe. Looking at the three genin, he could tell they were working hard. Aside from the clear dirt stains on their clothes, the glistening sheens of sweat on their figures and ragged breathing served as proof. He thought maybe some buildup teamwork would help, which it did. Sakura and Ino had small japes, nothing too worrying though. On pen and paper, they were damn near perfect. However, underneath the underneath, Naruto saw a different story.
Hinata was still withdrawn, Ino prideful as ever, Sakura the least energetic of them. Not to mention, the arguments they had over Sasuke Uchiha. Times like those where when Naruto silently lit a candle in his mind, praying for the lone survivor of the extinct clan to brace himself. The Uchiha boy would no doubt fall under the CRA, like him, and would have to take at least three wives. In his opinion, the system was fucked up and a shitty sham for lonely dudes getting harems. At least, Sasuke will have two eager volunteers.
Sakura gulped. This was easy? The pinkette remembered their everyday training: laps around Training Ground Six, dodging projectiles, followed by hours and hours of heavy labor, and some ridiculous tasks, which were labeled as missions. One thing, she quickly learned was to not piss of their sensei, all of them did. She remembered the first time she complained about her being too tired. Never had she feared explosive tags as she did that day. "Sensei, you can't be serious."
"I am," the Uzumaki said, rubbing his chin in deep thought. Maybe it's time to initiate the second part. Of course, he was doing this for their good. High sex-drive wielding fellow he may be, but they were genin –his genin. Teen soldiers who would one day become naturally honed killers one day. "After we're done with missions, go back home and ask your parents about Phase Two."
Ino, regretting her actions, gained her voice first. Nervously, she began, "What's Phase Two?"
"That would be a spoiler." The jōnin waved his hands. "Now go back to work, this field isn't going to fix itself."
Through it all, Hinata said nothing. One month she'd been with Naruto-kun, seeing him every single day. Each night she would dream of him and her, ever since reading about a particular trait about some Uzumaki. Very naughty dreams, they only increased after she saw him sleeping so cutely one day! Not to mention, her Sensei-kun (a term she came up with in a dream no less) was a slave driver. Day in, day out he'd make them all so tired she barely could say anything to the boy she had a major crush on since forever.
"You're daydreaming again," Naruto stood in front of her and the girl 'eep'd', backing away a dozen feet all red-faced. "I sometimes wonder what goes through your head, Hinata."
"I-It's nothing!" Hinata blurted too loudly. "A-Ah, I was too loud. Sorry!" Hinata heard Ino snickering from the side, Sakura sighed and Naruto shook his head whether from amusement or disappointment she did not know. She just felt deeply embarrassed.
Naruto went back to watching them all and pondered how much of a shitstorm laid in store for him. Hiashi will agree, no doubt. No man however cold would want to brand his daughter with the mark of slavery, and he is a reasonable dude from the talks I had. The main problem lied with Sakura and Ino's parents. While the former's would probably agree, Inoichi may or may not. The man liked to dote on his daughter far too much. Quietly he went back to reading his book, the day would be long and interesting.
"WHAT!" Mebuki cringed at the volume of her daughter's shriek. Kizashi wasn't home otherwise he would have laughed at her energetic scream. "You can't be serious? I'm not going to live with sensei!"
"I know it sounds strange," Even suspicious her mother added in her mind, but still trusted the man. "But you're not the only one who was given that chance. Uzumaki-san doesn't like the way any of the team members were progressing."
"Well I'll work harder, but there's no way I'll be living with him," Sakura closed the argument, crossing her arms. Besides, what would Sasuke-kun think if he heard I was living with sensei? He'd think I was in love with him and would forget about me. Sensei was cute, no scratch that her sensei was handsome but no Sasuke Uchiha. The latter looked like a prince, carved out of stone by aristocratic gods. "And I doubt anyone else will agree too."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," Sakura finished. "I don't know why you're insisting on it, Mom."
"Maybe because I saw you the other day," Mebuki began, her eyes narrowed. "Ino and Hinata didn't look that tired. You on the other hand looked like were about to keel over."
"That's nothing," Sakura denied. "I have lower chakra reserves, even sensei said that. It's not like we're a clan or something."
"You shouldn't think that way, Sakura." Mebuki shook her head. "You don't have to be from a clan to be a good shinobi."
"But Sasuke-kun-"
"Is he the Fourth Hokage?" Mebuki spoke, Sakura said nothing. "Minato and I were in the same class. He graduated way before any of us, the youngest until… Nevermind. The point is, he didn't come from a clan and yet he became the Yellow Flash." Slowly the gears in her head turned. Blond hair, blue eyes, skills at a young age that made a person of her daughter's age a jōnin and his last name was… Uzumaki. Kushina you sly bitch. She found herself both happy and a bit jealous. The tomboy got the hottie. That is priceless. All of the redhead's talk about not being married to someone 'flaky' was hilarious.
"Mom, are you okay?" Sakura spoke. "You were smiling."
"Nothing, dear," Mebuki giggled a bit. "Do as you will, but remember this: if you don't improve you'll have to move in with your sensei."
"Hai, hai." Sakura went back to her room, tired, sweaty and angry. Maybe I could, she thought naughtily, reaching for her desk and grabbing the small six-inch portable shaft she bought. I haven't thought of Sasuke-kun like that lately. But today… Sakura locked the door and slid off her pants, never mind her dirty state.
"That's stupid," Ino threw her opinion as fact. Her parents sat before her and she frowned heavily. Her features seemed cruel. "What the heck is our sensei thinking?"
"Think of it as a training trip," Ino's mother, Kasumi, replied very calmly. Her husband was sitting beside her as they finished dinner. Inoichi was glad his daughter refused. He'd heard tales of Naruto Uzumaki, and his high-sex drive. A lot of kunoichi talked about it, it was almost searing to his ears –a father's ears. "Besides, you're still in the village. You can come here anytime you want."
"But why I would move in with him?" Ino asked. She didn't find this the least bit amusing. First off, Sasuke-kun would be pissed. Secondly, it would look so wrong. "Don't you see the controversy in all this? Moving in with sensei? People would say its favoritism, plus we're girls! That's just asking for gossip."
Kasumi looked at her husband, Inoichi sighed. He honestly wondered who wore the real pants in their relationship sometimes. "Choza and I moved in with our sensei a long time ago. The two of us were rather… weaker than he thought and went through months of rigorous training." And torture.
"Wait, wait. Weak? You?" Ino couldn't believe the words her father had just said.
"That's right," Inoichi continued, his wife seemingly approving him telling the tales of his more shameful days. Good God that smirk is sexy, he thought as his wife sent him a barely noticeable sly look. He smiled and continued. "Yes, very weak. Shikaku was supposed to move in, but he was too lazy. Said packing all his things were troublesome."
"Typical," Ino shook her head disapprovingly, glad that there was no slacker in their team. Well they did have Sakura, but she got tired really quickly every time. Even more than her. "Who was your sensei again? I forgot."
"You never asked him that before," Kasumi replied. "You were too busy being fabulous for a boy who never notices you."
"The three of us," Inoichi cut in. Smart his daughter may be, but Kasumi's wit was sharper than every kunai on his person. "The three of us were taught by the White Fang, Sakumo Hatake."
"Hatake?" Ino's ears perked up. A swoon returned. "That's the same name Sasuke-kun's sensei has."
"Yes, Kakashi is his son," no sooner than the words left his mouth, his daughter's blabber began. Inoichi did not want his daughter to move in with a man whose sex-drive was known a bit too publicly. Then again, his daughter was all but grown-up; sixteen, flowered, beautiful, and a kunoichi who knew better. He couldn't even say anything about her lifestyle. Part of him wanted her to move in, part of him refused on every count.
"Well, I have to go now." Ino said goodnight and left, leaving the two of them alone.
"You could've said something," Kasumi began.
"She'll learn soon enough."
"Oh and I'm just throwing this out there," his wife spoke. "I prefer Naruto over Sasuke any day."
"Kasumi that's unfair. You know how broken both of them are."
"I know," Kasumi continued. "But that doesn't change the fact that Sasuke is more unstable. I don't want my daughter getting close to someone like that."
"But you'd let her get close to a former ANBU?"
"He's seen what lies beyond, and he's still here. In one piece, despite the burden he has." Kasumi pointed out. "And he got over them by his own accord."
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Just uploaded some steamy stuff on patreon. Anyways, Got shit ton of work. Gonna be a busy week. Will upload consistently tho.