
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

The General’s Little Gher 14

When Huo Zhang's convoy returned, everyone was shocked to have the crystal-horned tiger captured so quickly. It usually took at least a week for anyone to be able to lure out a single tiger and the casualties of the battle could reach up to 2 figures.

Thanks to Bai Liang's information in advance, there were no casualties from the assault. Huo Zhang didn't tell the emperor about the nest they found, and the soldiers who were injured under Bei An's assault were reported to have gotten hurt from the hunt. Tian Qing-Shan also followed along with this arrangement and ordered the soldiers to keep quiet about Bei An. As for Lan Gao-Ye, they didn't need to worry about him self-reporting himself.

Huo Zhang's achievement was rewarded handsomely by the emperor, and Tian Qing-Shan became even more favoured. Since they were the ones who retrieved the crystal-horned tiger, they gained the right to lead the rite alongside the emperor.

Leading the rite was the main reward the princes wished to get. What made the rite very important was the fact that the sacred dragon itself would choose the next emperor from among the imperial princes and nothing could veto it. Throughout history, those who led the rite with the reigning emperor, the prince who presented the offering, had a higher chance of being chosen. Only a couple of exceptions were recorded where the sacred dragon didn't choose the prince leading the rite.

Excluding the reigning emperors who got rechosen, only 1 prince in the past got chosen despite not leading the rite and caused a massive civil war–which was the current emperor. He declared in his coronation he would step down once his sons were old enough to take over his throne.

Huo Zhang's reputation also soared in public eyes, making Lan Gao-Ye even more livid. He didn't know what happened with Bei An since neither he nor none of his spies returned to report to him. He didn't dare make any rash move though it didn't mean he wouldn't make any move at all.

Bai Liang chose to wait and observe. Since the outcome of the hunt was eventually the same as the original trajectory, the following events were similar as well. Lan Gao-Ye was silently preparing to go all out.

As for Lan Qi-Yuan…

Huo Zhang stored the anonymous reports in his hands and looked at Bai Liang painting by the window, sunlight bathed his figure with a warm halo despite the coldness enveloping the world. His eyelashes fluttered ever so slightly following the focus of his eyes and the sleeves of his robe swayed gently with each of his precise strokes.

If time could stop at this moment, he wouldn't mind admiring his wife for a lifetime. Still, he preferred Bai Liang to look back at him, so it would be better if the world stopped for both of them. Then, they could spend their life however they wanted without anyone's disturbance.

Feeling Huo Zhang's eyes on him, Bai Liang didn't need to guess he was having one of his daydreaming. When Huo Zhang finished his work and had nothing to do, his mind became busy for a change. It was cute though, and he didn't mind it. It would be better if he could see what Huo Zhang was thinking.

A pair of arms enveloped him into a familiar embrace, and he returned his attention to the present. He leaned his weight on Huo Zhang, a smile of amusement plastered on his face. "What happened with your paperwork? You always promised you wouldn't get distracted but here you are again."

"I'm cold." Huo Zhang kissed Bai Liang's mole.

Bai Liang chuckled and enjoyed Huo Zhang's caress. "Alright. Warm yourself up."

Huo Zhang rested his chin on Bai Liang's shoulder and looked at his painting. "Once Master Xia retired, will you agree to succeed him?"

"By then, I'm sure we'll be raising our child. I don't want to be too busy." Bai Liang nuzzled to Huo Zhang.

Huo Zhang tightened his arms and planted a kiss on Bai Liang's shoulder. He wondered what good deed he made in his past life that heaven granted him this happiness. But somewhere inside him, he had an inexplicable belief that it wasn't heaven that granted him this happiness, but the person in his arm was the happiness who delivered himself to him.

They were basking in each other's warmth when a knock came to the study. A servant informed them that the emperor summoned Huo Zhang to the imperial palace to discuss about the rite's procession. Huo Zhang grumbled in annoyance, but he could only comply. He let Bai Liang go and held his hand in return before heading out together.

When Tian Qing-Shan, the emperor, and the officials in the meeting room saw him arrive with his wife, they were already numb to it. The fearsome general became fearsomely shameless and brought his wife everywhere like conjoined twins.

There was a time when his wife had an appointment with Master Xia while he needed to go to a meeting as well and the participants of the meeting described the experience as if their fate was being judged by Yanluo himself. The meeting didn't last half an hour.

Thankfully, Huo Zhang's wife was sensible and often a life-saver. Only he could calm Huo Zhang down when he was in a foul mood. Moreover, his beauty healed their sore eyes though nobody dared to look at him for more than 3 seconds or else they would be stared back by Huo Zhang for the rest of the meeting.

Bai Liang listened to the discussion while comparing it with the procession in the revelation. Since it was a custom, hardly anything was different. The path was always the same and Tian Qing-Shan had sent a scout to confirm that it was still safe to use. To ensure it wouldn't be tampered with, he had placed several guards to secure the perimeter and prohibit anyone from passing through.

They would parade from the capital to the top of the sacred mountain until they reached the spiritual lake where the sacred dragon resided. For the members of the parade, every gender must be included and all ghers must participate to show their appreciation towards heaven for their existence. Whether they walked or rode a transport differed in each rite depending on the rite's purpose. This year, they decided to let the ghers ride a carriage since this was mainly for selecting the crown prince.

As such, the princes would have to walk whether they liked it or not. The ones who would be riding a horse would be the emperor, Huo Zhang, and his private unit that would lead their respective batch of 500 soldiers. Huo Zhang himself would lead the emperor's exclusive imperial guards and ensure his safety.

Once the meeting was over, the emperor left first with Tian Qing-Shan. Huo Zhang and Bai Liang followed after. While the rest dismissed themselves, the four people held another private meeting in the emperor's private study.


When the day of the Sacred Dragon Rite arrived, the participants of the parade had been ready before dawn. To reach the top of the mountain, while the full moon was at its highest, they must leave the capital at daybreak.

All of them wore plain white robes and covered their faces with white veils. 1 out of 50 soldiers carried the empire's national flag on their horse and let it flutter majestically. The whole scene was solemn as they waited for dawn to arrive. Once the first light spilt across the horizon, Huo Zhang blew the whistle for a full minute and the ceremony drums ensued, sending the convoy off to their journey.

Bai Liang rode the carriage at the very back with 5 other ghers including Yu Shen-Jia. They were required to stay silent during the procession to prevent the smallest conflict from arising. As such, he used the time to monitor the key figures who could affect the trajectory with Xue Liang.

Within the convoy, Lan Gao-Ye led the ministers and their sons with Lan Qi-Yuan. They walked behind the princes who were behind the emperor's eunuchs at the very front. As they started climbing up the sacred mountain, he confirmed they were going the usual route and a vicious smile slipped under his veil.

The sky above them brightened through the passage of time and even when the sun was at its peak, the convoy didn't stop. They kept walking and walking with the sun slowly descending from its peak until dusk arrived.

Soon after the sky darkened, the soldiers lit up their torches one after another, and Lan Gao-Ye waited in anticipation. But when nothing happened after a couple of hours passed, he became restless and knew something was wrong. He wanted to convey his unrest to Lan Qi-Yuan, but with the silence around them, his voice would attract attention.

He calmed himself down. For this day, he had prepared more than one plan. If either of them succeeded, the empire would enter the era of Lans.