
first real mission pt.3

Journeying deeper into the cave he saw another goblin and it has its back turned, so he held his breath as he couldn't calm himself and then he crept up being him and using his broken stone dagger he grabbed the goblins mouth from beind and loged the dagger in the neck of the goblin killing it.

They contined onwards and then they all entered into a new room.

It had two paths and she used that [listening] skill again and she heard a room full of many steps and then the other one only having three.

She told them and he told them it was best for them to enter the room of three first, and that's what they did.

As they walked down a stairway, thew saw one on a throne of bones and then two standing infront of him.

They both had spears and were covered in fine leather armor, but the one on the throne had a full set of studded leather armor.


It was better than padded and then normal leather which was better than padded.

This time the leader had a plan, he wispered to them it and after a minute they all nodded their heads agreeing on it.

Asmodeus few back his bow string and then shot a arrow tring to hit the goblin's ankle....it hit his ass.

"gaww!" it screeched and grabbed onto its butt alerting the other two, but then another arrow flew throught the air and it hit the other goblin in the arm...completely missing its ankel.

It screeched as well but then both Alethra and Bor kicked the ground rushing at the goblins.

She took the left and he took the right because he was right...haha.

As they got to the goblin the goblin leader stood up grabbing a sword of high quality and it seemed as it had a bit of magic power within it.

He tabbed the goblin to the right, getting his sword loged into the goblin and unable to pull out just like how my mom consived me.

The goblin leader pulled a Graff and roared as he ran at Bor with his sword that seemed to shimmer in the light, and it made him have to abandon his sword and grabb the spear and back away.

This caused Fodel to come out and collide his club with the goblin leaders Magic sword.

Meanwhile as Alethra was going to kill the goblin in a [lethal takedown] like her rival asmodeus, she froze as the goblin looked at her ferociously and snarled at her as he grabbed his spear.

She was having a PTSD moment and a flashback reappeared in her head, but then as she was about to become chow for another goblin, another arrow felw throught the air and hit the goblins other ass cheek.

"aww, I missed his head~" he was a bit upset that he wasn't able to make any of these well though out shots, work right.

The goblin screamed again as he was physically penetrated by another stone arrow in his ass.

But then his body visibly enlarged and it semed as if he was about to go into a rage, or evolution?...maybe both?

But then as asmodeus saw that and Alethra was frozen, he paniced and started firing arrows at random.

One hit his torso, foot on other leg, chest, chest, cock...he was now a cockles male goblin.

He fell to the ground and out of 12 arrows, only 5 arrows hit him.

It was a bit disappointing, but he already knew he sucked so he was just happy to hit something.

He then ran over to Alethra and grabbed her sholder snapping her out of it "we need to help the others, come let's go alethra" he said as he then picked up 3 arrows and then got in position to fire three more.

The two were fighting the goblin leader and as the goblin slashed his sword down, the tank Fodel would block his attack with his severely damaged club and then the warrior Bor would use the spear to attack.

It was a good plan, but the goblin kept jumping back or evading the attacks...it was simply he was too strong for them, his reaction was better and his AGI is better than all of there's.

But he wasn't as smart, he was easily outwitted and he was reacting to easy little thing, it was as if he was trying to be something other than a lowly goblin, but he was trying to become a goblin paladin, a goblin far more superior than a goblin king or champion, a Bing just below a goblin progenitor.

But that was his flaw, he somehow broke throught the limitations of a goblin and his mind evolved rather than his mind, body, and soul.

Asmodeus wasn't too keen on this stuff but Bor was and he figured out his flaw quickly as he attacked and fodel defended.

"Moses get it's legs!" as he said that asmodeus focused on this and as he shot he missed completely but it threw the leader off and fodel was able to land a single stoke on him, clocking him right on the Jaw with his club before going back to defended against the enraged leader who began laughing at their failed attempts at a sneak attack.

But then asmodeus's eyes lit up red and he fired a arrow hitting its ankel and then he shit another one hitting the goblin leader in the neck completely pricing his flesh and posing out the other side.

A grin came in his face and then he got off of his knees and stood up, meanwhile the other two saw his shot to his ankel and then Bor stabbed him in the gut using the spear and then Fodel bashed him with bis club sensing him flying a few feet and then crashing on the gound.

"Yeah we did it, that son if a bitch is dead!!!" Bor cheered and then he hugged fodel and he hugged him back as they thoght that were so done for.

If it wasn't for that lucky shot they would of perished

They looked over to asmodeus to see he was gone, he dissapeared but instead of wondering oh where's the fake ranger, they ran over to Alethra and they triumph in their first major victory as adventures.

But then they heard loud footsteps and they turned with terror as they thought it might of been the real leader and this could of been a mini boss.

But then they saw asmodeus covered in fresh green blood and he licked his lips tasting it and then gave a sweet smile as he had one of his hidden knives in his hand and it was soaked in newly green blood.

He then put it away and he ran up to them "your all so mean, why didn't you wait for me, I wanna join" he childishly said as he jumped to them and joined in their triumph.

But then as it shortly ended they all looked to him and pointed to all that blood that wasn't there before and he poked his tounge out "you just forgot one more, I took care of him hehe" he said but then he walked over to the leader and took out that same bloody knife.

He then got down on his knees and stabbed the goblin leaders head "what are you doing?" Alethra asked but then she said.

"I was asked to deliver the head of the goblin leader to then family of a fallen adventurer, I'll be taking my head now and leaving" he said as he started cutting away at its thick flesh which seemed to be harder than it looked.

"I didn't know they asked us to do this for the quest? I guess it was just a optional thing" Fodel said to them and then they nodded in agreement.

He cut of the head but then he had to deal with the bone and he just used a bone cutter mahiru gave him for and he sawed away at that untill he got a head in his hand.

He then looked to them confused "are you not leaving?" he asked but then they chuckled "were going back to the guild to collect the reward, it said exterminate and we killed the leader so we basically cleared out the hive" Bor said and then he used a wipe and cleaned the blood off his face.

"Once we leave the cave let's split up, you guys go get your goodies and I'm just going to bring this head to its new owner" he said but then thay raised their brows "don't you want to reward money as well, after all that's why you came here?" Alethra said but then asmodeus laughed.

"If you guys want how about you treat me to dinner back in Camelot, see you letter, you know where to find me if you ever wanna say hi" he then took the head and ran off like a fucking NPC in like every MMORPG.

"You go a deal Moses!" Bor yelled out as he was still getting his name wrong.


Getting outside he saw a girl leaning against a tree, and there were goblin corpses everywhere "oh you got it, congrats" she clapped as she had her eyes closed still and he ran up to her.

But then as she opened her eyes she saw a pretty beat up and cut up asmodeus, it shocked her and she frowned as she looked at him.

"What happened in there, full detail" her voice was fulled with anger and he then started explaining everything, as he said what happened and everything that went on she was filled with rage.

"I'll kill every last one of them!!!"

she was about to go to the cave but then she heard "don't worry master...I already did and those adventures helped me~"

She looked at him confused but then she looked at his clothing she saw as it was all stained in goblin blood.

She balled her fist and then opened her hand as she tried calming down "I see" but then he smiled again "I killed them, are you proud of me master" he said overjoyed but there was a hit of psychotic on his voice as he said the first part...it was a bit crazed.

She walked up to him and then in one push of her hand forced him against a tree "oh so you killed them and want praise huh?" she said and he nodded his head.

But as he said that she frowned and grabbed his neck and overlapping the bruse on his neck which she noticed when she first saw him.

She then grabbed his crotch and gave him a sadistic look.

"After all that happened in there, you didn't just do your job but you help a bunch of puny adventures with their quest, you disobeyed and left no survuvors even the children.


and you expect me to prase a Demon like you, one who was so weak that he had to rely on a bow and then when he could use it anymore he was forced in a wall and almost defiled by a gay goblin" she said sqeezing his crotch and making him squeal.

His breathing turned heavy and his eyes seemed to be getting dazed...or changing color?

"Listen here Demon, I'm going to defile and violate you myself to make you learn, don't ever, let me hear a peep from you again about prase when you dissapointed and failed me" she had a sadistic expression but then he grabbed her hand.

"My body belongs to master, use me as you please, if this is what grants big sister pleasure then defile and do whatever you want to me♡" he said as drool came down from the side of his mouth...from mostly from the chocking.

Her eyes opened wide as he wasn't being for real was he but the she heard "but its my first time. . .So please be gentle" she immediately let go and he fell to his knees.

She backed away as she was just fucking with him, she wasn't being serious, she was just hoping he'd kick and pleade for mercy before she told him it was a joke for completing his first mission.

"Dose big sister master regret saying that to Asmodeus, Asmodeus hopes she's not, Asmodeus wants to please master, Asmodeus wants masters affection in any way she'll give it to him" his eyes started turning pink as his tail appeared and stared swaying around joyously.

She backed up as he sat up and put has hands up to his chest and close to his mouth.

"Asmodeus will do anything for master, Asmodeus will kill everyone for...Master, master is everything to Asmodeus" 'what's with the third person talking' - she thoght.

"Asmodeus loves master" God why is he sounding like a more yandere version of albedo.

But then he yawned "Asmodeus is hurting and exhausted...taking a nap" he then fell down and his tail dissapeared as then necklace lit up again.

He fell asleep and she was shocked as she couldn't believe a little bit of teasing would cause this.

Demon's are kinda intense, was it the angel who made him like this for mahiru or was it just a Demon loyalty thing, because she sure as hell knew no human, beastkin, or elf would do this sorts of thing, not even monsters did that with eachother we unless it was to a progenitor, but it wasn't by choice.

She was hesitantly but then she picked uonthe headed and then grabbed him, as she did she saw the adventures waking out of the cave and they noticed her with him in her arms and the guys immediately started charging her but then she dissapeared.

Leaving without a trace for that she was there.

this week I'm just doing mass releases because it's my first week haha, so after that then I'm going to get to my upload schedule, kay~♡

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts