
[Only I'm Need] (RWBY)

‘No reason for me to be a hero. No reason to stop the robber. But I wanted to test myself. See how far my mind could go before shutting down. And so I sneaked up to the robber. I grabbed the gun barrel and his arm and swung it down on my knee. The crack was disgusting. The shiver it sent through my spine. The disgust that almost erupted through my mouth. But I held out. And I killed. With the first kill, the robber, I felt my heart clench, the bile from my throat rise once more, the tears that felt though my eyes. But I held out. The second kill was easier. A old man somewhere in his 60s. The third kill was even easier. The bullet torn through her chest with no resistance. And the fourth, fifth, sixth. And then the seventh. A young cute girl no younger then what seemed to be 5 years old. That was the hardest. The bullet tore through her head with little resistance. And you know what hit me the hardest about that. I didn’t cry no more. I felt the vomit rise no more. And I felt my heart clench no more. I adapted to killing. Im use to it by the seventh. By the death of a child, I was use to killing. But it didn’t matter what I felt. I put the gun against my head. And pulled. Not because of the child. But because even before the robber this day was the worst. My home gone. My job gone. Everything gone. So I might as well go out with a bang. =-=-=-= But why do I still feel alive. And so small.

FrozenNeko · อื่นๆ
15 Chs

[Duel and Forging]

[AN: Will be using genuine Martial Art terms.]

=-= Beacon Arena =-=

Three people were situated inside a fighting arena and another was situated outside the arena acting as the fights judge.

The three people were Raven, Quail, and Zero Two. They were positioned in a triangle form.

"Two against one, or every person for themselves?" Raven said.

"You guys good with one vs one?" Quail responded.

As soon as Glynda both saw Zero Two and Raven nod, she started to decide who fought Raven first.

"Very well, Zero Two first then Quail second," Glynda said.

As Quail walked off the stage and into a nearby seat, Raven and Zero Two got into their fighting stance.

Raven got into an Iaijutsu stance with her right hand on the handle of her katana and left a hand on the sheath of her katana. The katana was on her left side hip. [Right-handed]

And Zero Two got into a left side back stance. In her hands was a metal spear with the entire spear being made of a unique metal alloy. The spear was gripped near the top with her left hand while the back was gripped with her right hands. The spear was parallel to the ground with it leveled by her hip. [Right-handed]

"Everyone ready?" Glynda asked.

Raven and Zero Two gave a nod.

And as soon as both of them were ready, she swung her hand down from its position above her head and said, "FIGHT!"

Both of them dashed towards each other with Raven unleashing an Iai strike that was infused with fire dust towards Zero Two at the last moment.

And in response, Zero Two blocked the strike but didn't expect the blade wave, but was able to bearly dodge it.

Zero Two counterattacks with three spear jabs that were blocked by Raven, Raven then ducked down, attempted to swipe at Zero Two's legs.

Zero Two then used a titan catapult lift to throw her in the air, dodging the strike.

While Zero Two was in the air, she predicted Raven would fall back, so she summoned a glowing red hammer and threw it at Raven.

Raven, on the other hand, was caught back by the abrupt hammer and instinctively raised her sword to block the hammer.

And believing her strength to be enough to block the strike, she was surprised when she suddenly found herself being pushed back with burning heat that burnt pieces of her clothing off before she was able to redirect it.

'It burnt right through my Aura?!' Raven thought in shock. She at least expected her Aura to take a hit but the burning hammer burnt right through her Aura.

No, it didn't burn it away, and then damaged her.

It burnt THROUGH her Aura. Her Aura was only reduced because of the impact of the hammer but the flames basically bypassed through it.

Raven then looked closer at Zero Two's face.

'She's holding back.' Raven thought. She could tell Zero Two was holding back strength and her semblance. Although her speed wasn't that fast, her strength and semblance were crazy strong.

Even if Zero Two's face was shrouded in a cold mask, she could read the subtle signs.

And if Zero Two didn't hold back, Raven could've been burnt alive.

Although that won't happen again. Raven won't be caught surprised once more.

Raven dashed forwards and slashed at Zero Two at blindly speeds and Zero Two responded by going on the attack, only dodging and blocking when necessary.

After clashing for a bit, Zero Two saw an opening on Raven and took the full chance of that, by kicking Raven across the arena.

Raven was able to recover by throwing her sword behind her and the sword stuck to the ground.

Just as Raven was about to pass by her sword, she grabbed onto it and was able to swing her way around and used her momentum to launch into an unsuspecting Zero Two who was on the aggressive.

Zero Two was knocked back but recovered by using planting her spear and feet into the ground resulting in the arena being ripped up and rocks and debris flew everywhere.

Looking at the board, Zero Two's 'Aura' (Light shield) was at 43% while Raven's Aura was at 39%.

As the two started to duke it out again, Quail, on the other hand, was in deep thought.

'How should I fight Mother? She is obviously a front line speed type fighter and I'm more of a speed opportunist fighter. Should I do hit and run? No that won't work, she probably has more speed than me. Then maybe I fight with distractions and at a distance. Make her deal with more than one target and surround her with projectiles. Then I'll hit and run, wear her down at a distance, throw a grenade maybe. Maybe do a little running with her chasing me and wear her down with grenades, throwing knives, and bullets. But she does have more speed than me so I'll have to use my surrounds. Although the arena is bare, I could use Dust to create obstacles.'

Quail's thoughts were cut off, by a voice.

"Amazing isn't it."

"What's amazing?" Quail said turning around and saw that the voice was Ozpin.

"The fight of course," Ozpin said.

"Mmm yeah." Quail said absentmindedly.

"It truly is. For your wife to be able to match up against your Mother is truly terrifying. The speed and power she possesses are the same if not stronger then Raven's. What is your wife's name? I was never able to learn it." (1)

"Zero Two. That's her name"

"A truly unique name. Is there a story behind it?"

"There is. But it's a story only shared between me and Zero Two."

"Ah. I apologize for overstepping my boundaries."

"No need to apologize, you did not know."

"Is there a restroom nearby Headmaster?"

"Yes there is, walk out that door and right in front of you is the restroom and armory," Ozpin responded.

"Truly convenient. Then again people do need easy access to weapons in a combat class." Quail said walking away.

Ozpin meanwhile stared at Quail's back and sipped his coffee. His thoughts were only known to him.

=-= Restroom =-=

After taking a piss, Quail started to stretch, which resulted in popping bones in several parts of his body.

Afterward, Quail checked his entire loadout, Last Word (hand cannon), class grenades, regular grenades, all sorts of Dust, and Bo-staff.

Well, Quail actually wanted to grab a sniper rifle and shotgun, but they were stored in his vault back at the hotel.

Yes, vault. While working on a job when they were bounty hunters, their target was a person who was able to use their semblance to create storage bags.

Their employer wanted them to capture this person and bring him to their employer but then they had a better idea.

They captured this person, forced the storage bag maker to make Quail and Zero Two a vault with the size of a 30x30 feet room. The maker was then severely reduced in power and severely ill afterward because of working on a project that was just barely his/her skill level.

They brought then brought this person to their employer who demanded to know why the maker was so ill and sick.

After saying they found him like that. The employer was enraged and claimed they lied, which they did and tried to kill them.

They then retailed back and slaughtered everyone in the building to make sure no evidence of their bounty was left behind and then burnt the place to the ground.

Innocent or not, they could not care.

The vault, which looked like a 5x5 suitcase, was left at their hotel. Of course, they also left countermeasures so no one would steal it.

Needless to say, no one without the ability to go intangible would even enter their room alive.

=-= Back to Raven and Zero Two =-=

Both Raven and Zero Two were panting while using their weapons to support their weight.

Both of Aura and 'Aura' were both about to land into the red zone which was about 15%.

The arena was littered with craters, scorch marks, rocks, ice, water, and even some part of the arena was still on fire.

Raven then got into an Iai strike stance while Zero Two stood in a left side back-stance.

As both of them stared at each other, Quail walked in and as soon as Raven heard the door open, she bolted forward and at the last second drew her sword towards Zero Two. The sword was so fast that after images and the wind itself was howling.

Zero Two, on the other hand, waited till the last second and as soon as Raven drew her sword, she pushed her spear forward with such strength and speed that the wind around it formed a cone.


As soon as Glynda said that, both of the women immediately stopped their strike.

Raven's sword against Zero Two's throat with Zero Two's spear against Raven's heart.

Both their Aura's severely low with only 5-10% remaining.

"That was a nice match! Now if the two of you would please gently remove the pointy sticks from each other's throat that would be nice." Quail, who was on the stage, gently grabbed the points of the weapons and moved them away from each other's vital points.

The two women were still staring each other intensely as if they held a grudge while panting from exhaustion.

Quail, noticing that Raven was currently in no condition to fight against him as she had very little Aura and exhausted while he had full Aura, he decided it was a good idea to attempt to get to know his Mother better so he subtly dragged Raven and Zero Two towards the mess hall.

"We'll come back after lunch Miss. Goodwitch!" Quail shouted out while dragging the two.

As he walked Raven and Zero Two were glaring at each other, even when Quail was holding one of each of their arms and dragging them, they continued to glare at each other.

As they arrived at the mess hall, Quail sat both of them down on opposite sides.

"Umm, I'll just grab some food for you guys. Just keep doing *hand spaz gesture* whatever you're doing."


After noticing that there was no food and also remembering that school doesn't start until about two weeks, Quail sighed softly.

'Guess I'll just make lunch,' Quail thought.


"So, how do you guys like lunch?" Quail said presenting them their lunch.

Garlic butter herb steak bites with the plate hot to help keep the bites warmed up. He also gave them a glass with red wine to help compliment the steak.

As he sat to the side he idly used his scroll, reading a novel.

"Darling. I assume you ate already?" Zero Two called out while still eating and glaring at Raven.

"Ate in the kitchen. And why are you two so mad with each other.

Almost simultaneously they both answered.

""She cracked my spear/sword!""

All they received in response was the sound of Quail slamming his forehead into the table.

"Give me your weapons." Quail basically demanded.

Quail then scooted down the table from his seat next to Zero Two and placed both weapons on the table.

He first looked at Zero Two's and noticed hairline fractures near the head and base of the spear with the ending looking better than the other areas.

He also noticed the middle area right below the blade having indents that seemed to be caused by a sharp bladed weapon.

After examing Zero Two's spear, he moved to his Mother's and inspected hers.

After pulling the katana out, the first thing he noticed was the many point-like indents on the sword and had numerous cracks throughout it.

He examined both weapons even further and did some testing before coming back to the two women who were just about done eating.

"Yosh, after some examing, the best thing I suggest is to create a whole new blade. Mother, your blade is beyond repair with the structural integrity severely damaged. Ze Tw, while your spear might be repairable, I think it's time you got a new spear. Plus I had an idea laying in my head for some time about a new weapon, so I'll make you a new one hopefully before school starts. Mother, if you want I can forge you a new blade. It will still be able to change Dust types, but it will also include something unique about the blade. Is that ok?"

Zero Two bit her bottom lip while still wearing her cold mask. She then spoke softly. "But, that's your first gift to me."

"*sighs* Darling, I'm not saying to throw it away, but you need a new weapon. A weapon is a tool meant to kill and protect. And to do that you need a proper weapon." Quail said.

Zero Two sighed and nodded

"Mother what about you?"

Raven thought about the pro and cons. The pro was that this would greatly increase her relationship with her son, the con was that Raven didn't know how good his craftsmanship was. Although from the way Zero Two's spear held up stronger than her sword then it most likely was superb and better than her smithing.

"Go ahead," Raven said nonchalantly.

If her new sword failed, then she could also remake her own.

"Any preferences? Zero Two, Mother?"

"Red color please and thank you." Zero Two said finishing her meal.

"Preferable modeled after an Odachi," Raven said finishing her meal as well.

"Well, I guess we'll postpone our fight Mother. When we head to the hotel, I'll start on both of your guy's blade immediately. Should take about a week total for both weapons. And don't worry about a temporary weapon, I got some you guys can use. Actually, why don't you guys go ahead together to the hotel while I inform Glynda about the postponed match? Get to know each other or go shopping or whatever you guys like doing. Actually, I might be gone for the rest of the day as I'll need to find a private and empty space to start my forging."

With that Quail left to go inform Glynda while Raven and Zero Two got up from their seats.

"We must not hold any more grudges." Zero Two said sternly.

"Correct," Raven responded.

"Then what will we do while Quail informs Glynda about your postponed match?" Zero Two asked.

"We could look for clothes and shoes?" Raven said unsurely.

"You know any good places then?"

"Hmm, I think I still remember some quality shops. Follow me"

With that, the two women left for some shopping.


After informing Glynda, Quail headed to the hotel and grabbed the vault, which was a 5x5 looking suitcase. He also left some money, clothes, anything essential, and the temporary weapons back at the hotel.

He then rented out a warehouse for a week and proceeded to take a cab to the warehouse.

After arriving at the warehouse, he plopped the suitcase down in the middle and opened it up.

When he opened it, the bottom part showed a keyboard with the top half being a large screen.

The suitcase was fully programmable so Quail added a 'loadout' along with other things.

You would be able to select certain items and put them together for a loadout. All you then needed to do was select said loadout and all the items in the loadout would pop out.

Quail selected his forging loadout and a forge, anvil, power hammer, tools, material, and stuff like that popped out and around him.

After he started up his forge and it was brought up to his desired temperature he started forging.

And using his semblance at the same time.

His semblance, which he named himself, was named Enchanting Forger.

After forming a weapon and having the weapons desired abilities, his semblance would then show him the steps to forging the weapon. The Enchanting part of his semblance allowed him to imbue only the weapon effects he had pre-planned and not effects he thought of midway.

Currently, his semblance can only replicate weapons with basic abilities. Not complicated and complex only something currently basic. He also has to have knowledge of how it works to be able to work.

For example, setting a blade on fire, having it shoot sword waves, pinning an enemy in the air, striking an enemy down if thrown full force, stuff like that.

An example of something that doesn't work is Iron Man's armor because he simply doesn't have the knowledge of how to make it work. While he may be good in engineering, he can only create simple things like mech shift weapons, but not a whole suite of mechanical armor. He just isn't that smart.

Another thing is something like boosting gear. While the concept is very simple, to actually have the energy and power to boost your current self by 2x is insane and quite frankly impossible.

If Quail was to make a blade that ignites on fire, you would have to have a power source for the fire. Like Dust.

The same thing with sword waves, you need a power source to supply the energy output of the sword waves.

Once again Dust. Unless you want to use Aura of course.

That's why Quail made most abilities dependent on either Dust for an elemental type ability and Aura for others.

Or a combination of both.

=-= With Raven and Zero Two =-=

"How do you think this look?" Zero Two said spinning around in her new outfit.

"It looks pretty on you, really brings out your body. How about these boots?" Raven said.

"Those look gorgeous on you!" Zero Two responded back.

It has been a few hours, but Zero Two truly has gotten used to Raven's company and presences.

Although, she still has her cold mask since she is in public. But she shows emotion once in a while.


[AN: Aburt ending cause I've could've gone more with this chapter, but I needed to release this one for you guys. This chapter is the fourth remake of Chapter 15

Next chapter is a short timeskip with the fight between Raven and Quail.