
[Multiverse] Beyond Fate

Short Version: "A 'guy' (not reincarnated) with the Spiral Power from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann travels through the Multiverse, knowing absolutely nothing, with 'just' a (not so conscious) System to help him minimally." Long Version: Born from the Concepts of [Spiral] and [Destiny] after the End of the [Void] itself, a new life form journeys through the Multiverse in search of growth and maturity to fully embrace its existence. Unaware of the future dangers it will face and the peculiar individuals it will encounter, the being seeks to navigate the unknown. Worlds: [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End](1st) ----- The first chapters ("Bite" to "Tests(1-8)") use a specific writing style, and starting from "A Sudden Meteor," the writing style changes as it enters the first World (Frieren). I'm trying to improve my writing with each chapter, so if you didn't like the writing in the "Tests," perhaps you'll enjoy the new writing style from the beginning of the First World. ----- Ps: I'll be trying to respond to questions/revisions to the best of my ability, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts~ Ps2(YEAH): I don't take any credit for the Cover Art of this work; it's just the appearance of the Protagonist that I found after searching for a good while. If the Image Owner wishes for me to remove it, I'll gladly do so~

Cosmic_Yellow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs


[Small World] - ???/???/???

A long period of time had passed since Vesper chose his Weapon Mastery. He stopped keeping track when the First Week of training concluded, leaving the remaining work to the System until the self-imposed "deadline" was reached.

[Training has been completed.]

[The month has just ended.]

For someone who had only lived for a single year, spending a month training was an ENORMOUS amount of time, so when Vester saw that he could finally rest, he didn't hesitate to throw himself on the ground to relax.

"Finally!" He celebrated with a cheerful tone.

It would be a giant lie to say that he wasn't pleased with the System notifications every time he improved in something; his progress somehow made him excessively confident in the talent he possessed, something that was discouraged by the System and, after a week, corrected when the System decided to show him certain... battle scenes.

He moved his head from side to side while lying on the ground, paying attention to the now surroundings.

The greenish plain that had, at most, a small spiral destruction had completely changed, now being an area with holes large enough to bury a group of humans without problems, dirt spread over the grass, and even large pieces of rocks broken all around.

"Hunf." He made a small satisfied noise with the 'landscape' he had created. "Open the Status Window!"

Vesper was quite eager to see the Status Window because, during this month, he had set a simple rule: he could only view the complete Status Window once a week to avoid opening it and getting distracted every time a new notification appeared.


[Name: Vesper Chronothread Nebulaspiral]

[Nível: 0 -> 1]

[XP: 0/100]

[Age: 1 Year and 1 Month]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Veserithorn]

[Título: {Spectral of the Divine Spiral}]

[Strength: 1/1,000] -> [Strength: 5/1,000]

[Agility: 1/1,300] -> [Agility: 7/1,300]

[Speed: 1/1,300] -> [Speed: 5/1,300]

[Stamina: 1/1,000] -> [Stamina: 9/1,000]

[Focus: 1/1,200] -> [Focus: 20/1,200]

[Skill: 1/2,000] -> [Skill: 25/2,000]

[Energy: 1/2,000] -> [Energy: 80/2,000]

[Leadership: 1/1,000] -> [Leadership: 1/1,000]

[Tactics: 1/1,000] -> [Tactics: 11/1,000]

[Habilidades Passivas: {One with Destiny(MAX)}, {Veserithorn Advantages(MAX)}, {Elemental Affinity(MAX)}, {Lover of the Spiral(MAX)}.]

[Habilidades Ativas: {None}]

[Maestrias: {Spiral Energy(Nv.10)}, {Archery Mastery(Nv.8)}]

[System Points: {0}]

Vesper shook with joy when he saw his Status Window, especially when his Energy finally reached the 80 points mark. He felt he was MUCH stronger than he originally was in the battle against the Wolf, but it was rewarding to see it in numbers.

"Seems like it was worth training my other attributes," he commented with great satisfaction.

The main focus of Vesper's training was undoubtedly Energy, as this was what would allow him to use the Bow; after all, he didn't have arrows, so he needed to create them somehow.

He was obviously aware of this because it was a point that the System raised when he was choosing the Weapon Mastery, a point that was resolved when the idea of creating arrows made of spiral energy arose.

Spiral Energy was constantly rotating at various speeds, being extremely slow or absurdly fast according to the strength and will of those who used it, and this was an extremely powerful factor in the hands of an Archer.

Shooting arrows that were constantly spinning, giving them an absurd piercing power, was incredibly lethal. He could do this with other weapons as well, like putting Spiral Energy in a Spear, increasing the weapon's penetration, but it wouldn't be as effective as creating arrows and shooting them because, whether he liked it or not, the weapon would be damaged according to the speed at which Spiral Energy rotated.

"I still remember my reaction, haha," he chuckled awkwardly while talking to himself, a habit developed during this month.

When the First Spiral Arrow was shot into the ground, 30 meters away from him, Vesper expected only a similar effect as before, but it was actually much more exaggerated.

The arrow pierced the ground and went almost 15 meters deep by itself before finally 'stopping,' and when it stopped, the spiral energy began to affect the surroundings where the arrow was stuck, distorting everything from the inside out in a few moments.

The result? A hole almost 30 meters deep and wide was opened with a single shot. It was frightening to think about how this would be in the future.

"I focused on keeping the power of the arrows at the level of the first arrow, regardless of whether I gained more Energy or the Mastery increased. If I shoot an arrow with 80 Energy and 10 Mastery in Spiral Energy..." He felt a shiver throughout his body, imagining the havoc the arrow would cause, prompting him to stand up.

"Let's save these thoughts for later; now is the time to return to battle!" He self-motivated while stretching, and the fatigue he had before couldn't be seen anywhere.

[Do you want to resume creature summoning?]


He held the Bow in one hand while pressing [Y] with the other, confirming.

[Creatures being summoned again.]

[The rules remain the same.]

With this System prompt, a new group of animals was summoned.

This time, instead of a single wolf, it was a massive pack of 15 wolves.

All 15 seemed ready to pounce on Vesper the instant they were summoned, causing Vesper to feel a slight concern that was quickly dispelled when he remembered this month he spent training.

"Focus, Vesper! Your attributes are now much higher than those of an ordinary human; you didn't spend this month training for nothing!" He encouraged himself, reflecting on this long, hellish month of training, unaware that a single month of training would not normally change someone's strength so drastically.

Vesper quickly leaped backward, initiating the fight, causing the wolves to chase him when his jump threw him away from them.

During this month, Vesper trained on how to move with his new physique and how to move while using a bow. It was precisely this type of training that caused his Bow Mastery level to skyrocket, sending new knowledge about the Bow and Arrow directly into his brain.

Whenever Vesper's foot touched the ground, he quickly propelled himself backward with another thrust that increased the distance from the pursuing wolves even more. When he was almost 30 meters away, he held his Bow mid-air and materialized a spiral energy arrow.

The arrow had a bluish tint with a bit of purple at the tips.

When this same arrow appeared on the Bow, the wolves seemed to have sensed enormous danger, warned by their instincts, causing them to slightly freeze during their movement.

Vesper's sharp eyes, honed due to his archery training, noticed this slight change in the wolves' movement, and he quickly pulled the Bowstring and released it when he felt it was the ideal moment. The arrow shot at an extremely fast speed toward the wolves.

In less than a second, the arrow crossed the 30 meters and pierced the head of one of the wolves without any problem, getting stuck intentionally in the center of the wolf's body.

When the arrow was fixed enough, the Spiral Energy in it began to expand and distort everything around it, pulling the wolves toward the corpse of their companion while the ground around was destroyed, and in the same way, a large dust cloud was raised, almost as if it were censorship for what would happen to these wolves.

Vesper just stared at the dust cloud in silence while landing on the ground, with the momentum of his jump ending. When the necessary seconds passed, and the dust cloud subsided, he saw the result of his arrow shot.

A mountain of crushed meat could be seen in a single location, with some fur occasionally covering certain parts of this 'mountain' next to some paws sticking out of it in certain parts, covered by a large amount of earth.

The environment around the meat mountain was severely distorted, causing the stones to build the base of this 'mountain,' making the sight even more bizarre.

Vesper's stomach turned slightly, but he resisted the urge to vomit because it was just meat and not as grotesque as it would normally be due to the amount of earth and stone covering much of it.

"I need to get used to this kind of thing; it's uncomfortable to look at this kind of reaction when I shoot an arrow," he thought to himself as he stared at the pile of meat before looking away, taking a deep breath.

[The Wolf Pack has been killed.]

[It was detected that the User had previously killed a wolf.]

[The [Increase] has undergone changes.]

[+1,000% > +6,000% due to a repeated action.]

[Received Experience has increased.]

[5EXP per Wolf > 300EXP per Wolf]

[A total of 4,500EXP was obtained after the death of the 15 wolves.]

[Due to the detection of a large amount of Experience, new functions have been unlocked.]

"Huh?" He questioned confused since previously when he gained EXP, this function had not appeared.

"So, she was reserved for a significant amount of Experience... but why?" He questioned the System.

[To assist the User according to their preferences.]

[The new function is called [Upgrade].]

[It allows the User to use the received EXP to increase the level of their Skills, not just their own level.]

[Every 10 levels, the required EXP to increase a Skill level by 1 increases by 1,000, starting from '0 to 10,' requiring 1,000.]

"That..." He murmured, somewhat fascinated by the option. "This way, I should be able to master my Skills even faster." Vesper began to think about how he should use this current EXP.

He sighed when he reached the final decision, deciding where the Experience would be sent.

"Let the XP naturally go to my level; for now, the strength of my Masteries is high enough." He commented to the System.

"Until now, I haven't risked shooting a single arrow at full force, so I don't even know the destructive power of it. Continuously strengthening it will only make correct usage impossible due to lack of experience..." He murmured to himself, as if comforting himself for making that kind of decision.

"That is, not considering those racial advantages I have." He concluded his train of thought.

He was genuinely curious to see what would happen when he fulfilled certain... conditions.

< Upon reaching Level 5/25/50/75/100, new EXTREME benefits will be unlocked. >


[Experience has been sent to the Level.]

[Level 2 achieved]

[Level 3 achieved]

[Level 4 achieved]

[Level 5 achieved]

"Huh?" He questioned, confused when he saw that the notifications stopped. "It can't be... right?" Vesper seemed to have arrived at a certain line of thought that slightly alarmed him.

To see if he was correct or not, he quickly opened the Status Window and moved his eyes to the Experience section.

[Level: 1 -> 5]

[XP: 0/10,000]


Where did that enormous amount of experience he had received before go? And what happened to this ridiculously escalating experience limit?

"Any explanation?" He questioned the System.

[The User's experience will always be reset when they reach one of the levels to unlock 'new' things.]

[Next to this, the experience limit will increase enormously.]

[In normal cases, this XP level would only be reached around Level 50 and above.]

[But since the User's Race carries requirements and provides extreme advantages, it is becoming 'fair,' making level advancement more difficult.]

[It is necessary to remember that this is in no way intentional or done by someone 'conscious.' This was set the moment the User was created/made, as if the natural order of things made it so.]

"I... understand..." He said with conflicting emotions, not liking the feeling of his own race delaying his progress in leveling up but at the same time understanding why.

"Show me the Level rewards first and then whatever I have unlocked when I reached level 5."


[Level 2: +5 Status Points]

[Level 3: +5 Status Points]

[Level 4: +5 Status Points]

[Level 5: +5 Status Points + {Eyes of Destiny(Lv.1)}]

"A total of 20 Status Points and an... Active Skill?" He questioned, surprised to finally see an Active Skill, no matter how hard he tried, he could never create an Active Skill during his training.

"Show me the description of this Skill first." He asked the System, which quickly complied with the request.

[Eyes of Destiny(Lv.1): The Eyes of Destiny grant the user enhanced vision, allowing sharper perception of the environment. At the current level, this skill provides the ability to identify patterns and clues to imminent events, offering an advantage in anticipating upcoming occurrences. However, the interpretation of these visions can be nebulous and requires practice for more precise understanding.]

"A bit too simple for such an exaggerated name..." He muttered with his expectations somewhat 'destroyed.'

[It is necessary to remember that this Skill is at Level 1. Unlike Masteries that provide knowledge of how to use 'such a thing' as they increase in level, Active Skills do not work that way.]

The System suddenly appeared to clear up some doubts for Vesper.

[As Active Skills level up, they unlock more of their capabilities (new abilities) while enhancing existing ones. In this way, a Skill called 'Fire Mastery' that initially is only manipulating the Fire of a candle can indeed allow complete Mastery of Fire when at a specific level.]

Vesper nodded, understanding how this worked now, making a certain expectation grow again, thinking about how this Skill would be when it reached a higher level.

"Show me now the Reward I received when I reached Level 5." He ordered the System when he returned from his imagination.

[{Veserithorn}'s Reward is being generated.]



[The Reward has been successfully generated.]

[A new Active Skill has been acquired.]

[{Destiny Theft(Lv.1)} has been successfully acquired.]

[Does the User wish to see the information?]

"Yes!" He questioned hastily as a new sensation connected with his body, as if he had perceived a new 'member' in his body when the Skill was generated.

[Destiny Theft: Allows the Veserithorn to steal the Destiny of other beings after certain conditions are met. (+)]

[(+): Destiny can be stolen in various ways, with currently only 2 forms being available.

1st Form: {Death Theft} -> Whenever the Veserithorn kills a Living being, he can steal their experiences and training results, allowing him to transfer these effects to himself.

Example: Killing a Human Warrior and using {Death Theft} will allow the Veserithorn to steal the Warrior's path of destiny, transferring directly to the Veserithorn the experiences of Training, Studies, and even other types of Experiences (that do not negatively affect the Veserithorn), potentially increasing his Stats and providing him with new abilities.

2nd Form: {Feats Theft} -> When the Veserithorn takes actions that strongly hinder the Destiny of someone strongly favored by Destiny, part of that Destiny will be directed to the Veserithorn, allowing the Veserithorn to encounter the 'lucky encounters' of this person and even increase his own luck by an extremely high margin.]

"That..." He murmured, relatively fascinated as he stared at the new Skill.

With this Skill, he should become ridiculously powerful after he manages to reach some civilization.

"And if my guess is correct, I can steal the destiny of the Monsters that appear here too, right?"


"Lastly. What are these beings 'favored by Destiny,' and why do I have a Skill involving them? Wasn't I made by Destiny? In that case, shouldn't I help them instead of hindering them?" Vesper was extremely confused about this part, unable to understand.

[Veserithorn stands outside of Destiny, something the very personification of Destiny allowed. At this level, he is the one with the highest level of 'favor' from Destiny, as the personification holds a massive attachment to Veserithorn due to its origins.]

[Thus, Destiny will not interfere with any action Veserithorn takes, whether to change the Destiny of others for good or ill.]


That was the only word Vesper could use to describe this blatant favoritism that Destiny had for him, but he wouldn't complain about it.

'Time to distribute the status points.' He thought to himself, putting aside these complex matters; there was no need to unnecessarily dwell on them.

Thus, Vesper spent the next few minutes distributing the stats the way he preferred after thinking it through.

[Strength: 5/1,000] -> [Strength: 10/1,000]

[Agility: 7/1,300] -> [Agility: 10/1,300]

[Speed: 5/1,300] -> [Speed: 10/1,300]

[Stamina: 9/1,000] -> [Stamina: 10/1,000]

[Focus: 20/1,200] -> [Focus: 20/1,200]

[Skill: 25/2,000] -> [Skill: 30/2,000]

[Energy: 80/2,000] -> [Energy: 120/2,000]

[Leadership: 1/1,000] -> [Leadership: 1/1,000]

[Tactics: 11/1,000] -> [Tactics: 12/1,000]

When Vesper finished distributing all the stats, he felt a pleasurable sensation engulfing his entire body as his energy increased enormously.

In this case, what he felt wasn't just the effect of +40 points, which came from his racial passive, but of surpassing the 100 points mark.

At each mark of 100 points, there was a huge difference. Thus, someone with 99 points in an attribute would be up to twice as weak as someone with 100 points in that attribute, not considering if the person had more than 100 points.

For example, Vesper's situation is the perfect example. The 'old' him with '80 points in Energy' has at least 5 times less Precision and Energy Manipulation than the 'new' him with 120 points.

In normal cases, the Energy Attribute wouldn't give this feeling of pleasure, filling someone's body with energy. But being Veserithorn had enormous advantages, especially with this title of 'Lover of the Spiral.'

It was something Vesper discovered while training; he had an unlimited amount of Spiral Energy, but he couldn't bear even 0.1% of it in his body due to obvious problems that came from having a weak body and control—he would simply explode and keep dying eternally as he reincarnated.

Thus, whenever Vesper's Energy Control increased alongside his Energy Stat, the Spiral Energy in his body increased even more, allowing him to grow extremely fast in a few moments.

It was like some kind of 'unregistered advantage' of the System.

"I'll never get tired of this feeling~" He said with a slightly melted tone of pleasure, which seemed to ignite something in the energy in his body, causing it to shake for a moment.

"..." He stopped for a bit while feeling the energy shake before shaking his head with a small smile on his face, deciding to move again.

"Let's continue the tests then. If everything goes according to the original Plan, I should face up to 100 Hordes of animals before finally moving on to the next level: Real Monsters, at an initial level above superhuman that increases as I manage to pass the stages."

"By then, I should be able to gain a large amount of experience and possibly something 'extra,' like a higher Mastery level, and get perfectly used to these new Eyes."

He recapitulated the 'newly formed' plan in his mind while clenching his fists together.

"You can summon those animals again, System!" He declared with a certain excitement while gripping the bow firmly.


[The animals will begin to be summoned.]


----- ----- ----- -----

And another chapter done.

The general idea of things is slowly being solidified as I acclimate Vesper to battles and start teaching him to use his mind, making the 'tactic' stat serve a purpose instead of just being there for decoration.

His Leadership won't increase until he has someone to communicate with since he can't simply lead himself.

All other attributes have also increased and will continue to increase more from now on.

I don't have a predefined strength level for each stat, so maybe the Strength System will be quite confusing as the work progresses until I can fix everything perfectly because I'm creating everything based on the protagonist precisely because I don't have any world in mind yet.

Last but not least, his Level 5 skill and the experience balancing. The skill was mainly created because I like this kind of concept and also for the better progression of the story in the future since, as mentioned, the protagonist will be a kind of 'Villain' to most Worlds.

And he won't be a villain for being evil or anything like that, but simply for going against the Protagonist. And this doesn't mean that the main cast will hate him, or that he will be a 100% good hero, or even that he will deeply involve himself in the story and follow it correctly.

He will simply do what he pleases while leaving everything in my hands to try to make the story, events, occurrences, and dialogues as interesting as possible, instead of just doing something ridiculously insane and that something having 0 impacts on the Work.

Well, I think you can understand more or less how far the Protagonist will go with all this. He will undoubtedly be someone with absurd luck.

(Fun fact: At this moment, he is luckier than Sinbad from Magi. Which is already ridiculous luck just to think about~)

Now with all that said, until next time~!

(A/N: Soon the explanations and chapters full of new information will start to decrease. I believe I need to provide basic information and build a solid foundation before starting to do various things one after another. I know it can be unpleasant to read a fanfic that only throws information and has little to no development or at least a battle, so believe me when I say that I am minimizing explanations as much as possible :p)