What happens when some random guy gets the chance to go to a fictional world with 2 wishes? Well interesting things happen. *NO HAREM. *KINDA OP MC. *FUNNY MOMENTS. *HERO MC BUT IS NOT A PUSS PUSS.
I awoke to Gunther jumping up and down at the bottom of my bed, "Stop~" I said tiredly, Gunther stared at me with those dead eyes of his, "Ugh, Okay Papa is getting up.." I said and got up scratching my ass, sorry? Don't act like you haven't scratched your own ass hypocrite! Hahaha.. I need to stop talking to myself, maybe the Crown mode is effecting me? Nah~ I am okay.-
I went to my closet grabbed my school uniform and put it on. I went downstairs Gunther following, "Mourning sweetie, Did you have a good sleep?" My mother said with a warm smile, I nodded and went over to the fridge and grabbed the milk and got some cereal, I poured said cereal and then put the milk in.-
As I was munching on my breakfast my mother looked at her watch, "you have one hour before School starts." She said and walked away to wake up my father.-
I finished and patted Gunther on his head and called up to my mother, "I am leaving Mum!" I said grabbing my bag, "Okay! Have a good day sweetie!" She said and I left.-
I took the train to UA and got there 25 minutes before classes started. I entered class to see everyone mingling and socialising, Ugh gross, Is probably what I would have said in my past life, But I am reformed! Haha.-
I sat down and grabbed my air buds and started listening to NF, apparently Music was the only thing that stayed the same in this world, things like restaurants, movies, animes and games changed to different things which kinda sucked bro.-
I chilled, heh, and looked over the class and my eyes landed on a green haired girl and a blush made its way on my face, Shit! That stayed when I came here?! You are probably asking yourself what are you talking about mate? Well…-
In my past life I kinda had a huge obsession with Tsuyu… Okay! I get it! I'm a virgin beta! But you have to admit you had a anime girl crush that got a bit fanboyish. As I was thinking to myself a thought hit me like a train… Shit, my search history… it has hundreds of rule 34 of Asui…. My roommate probably destroyed it? Right? Yeah, yeah that was in the roommate contract, if he didn't then he would be breaking his oath.-
I looked at Tsuyu and couldn't help but inspect her, Her hair long green, her body curvy she had a nice pair of breasts, which didn't get showed in the anime, maybe because she is older then when she was in the anime? Yeah that probably right, her face was cute as fuck and her lips were curled but not in an unattractive way it just added to her overall cuteness.-
God, I am totally simping right now… I slammed my head on the desk drawing attention from the people sitting near me. But I just kept my head on the desk in embarrassment.. I should probably talk to her? No! She will think I'm weird.. Shit, this is why I didn't any girls in my past life, I was so weak willed when it came to making advances. And no girl wants a depressed man..-
Soon class started, it began with English with Present Mic. It was so easy! I speak English fluently since it was my first and only language in my past life, now that I mention it, I can speak three languages. Japanese, English and Russian. Anyway, Mic noticed how good I was at English and jokingly said an entire sentence in English to which I answered back in fluent English, he was shocked and gave me a paper and asked me to write a Quick essay in English, he said it could be about anything so I wrote about Winter, it was a bit sad and lonely, So what?! I like things like that..-
It went something like this…-
[As Snowflakes dropped and landed on my skin I couldn't help but shed a lone tear, I hadn't felt this embraced by anything in my life, The snowflakes felt like they were becoming one with me and I loved that. But soon, the snowy winterland ended like it always did. What replaced it? A dry uncaring heat. Summer didn't like me, and I didn't like it ether, Winter I related with, it was cold, lonely but could be caring when it wanted to. Many would disagree, but this is my life and I love the winter… Perhaps you should to.]
A bit corny but I tried my best I am no poet, this was what I actually believed, Winter was amazing.. anyway, Present Mic was impressed and said he would give me some of the English exams early since I seemed so advanced in the subject.-
I thanked him, this meant if I passed them I could have free time in this class to do my homework and shit so I don't have to do it when I am home.-
Next was mathematics with Ectoplasm, I am meh with math, I can do it but I get no enjoyment doing it. In my past life my teacher said I was good at maths and I should study to get a job in th subject but I just didn't feel any joy doing it. So I am slightly above average in this subject, I just listened in and answered the questions Ectoplasm asked.-
After that it was lunch time, I eat by myself and after the bell rang we had midnight she taught modern Hero art studies, which was interesting, I didn't really like midnight in the sexual way. I just didn't like her personality, plus bondage was never really my thing..-
Soon was Heroics.. and we were greeted by someone I was kinda looking forward to seeing…-
Yo! Hahaha I'm back! I hope you guys liked this chapter next is the Heroes Vs Villains, where the class fight each other? Yeah you get what I mean…
Au revoir!