

Sehyeon, a failed idol, applies to the dating app "Destiny" ambassador to become famous. When Sehyeon is matched with a woman of the same sex for the app's preliminary research, she is shocked.

DaoistLC4HM0 · LGBT+
1 Chs

Would You Like to Send a Date Request?


"Did you say she used to be an idol?"


Sehyeon was taken aback, as if she had been struck from behind. After a considerable three-year grace period, she mustered up the courage to apply and return to school. She attempted to become an idol for a year out of the three, but it didn't pan out, so she spent the remaining two years in seclusion, away from the public eye. However, her true identity was revealed before the first class began. With that one word, speculations and curious glances quickly spread throughout the classroom, and she felt like she had become invisible.


"You know, she appeared on the Idol Planet TV show and debuted as an idol..."


"Oh, you mean that audition TV show?"


"Yeah, but I think the debut song was such a flop that the group disbanded immediately."




Sehyeon sighed briefly, roughly taking off the cap she had worn tightly. Once confined within her cap, the crimson strands of her hair cascaded down her delicate shoulders. She frowned slightly, as if her hair was bothering her, and casually swept it aside.


Her hair glistened like waves of sunset, catching the sunlight, while her eyes beneath dark, luscious lashes exuded a hint of arrogance. Her nose portrayed a sophisticated aura, and her lips gave a refreshing vibe. She possessed a striking beauty that surpassed mere glamour, creating an intriguing ambiance that would leave an average college student in awe. The murmurs inside the classroom grew louder, gradually intensifying like clouds swelling and rising.


'I really underestimated myself.'


Sehyeon finally came to that conclusion as she watched her situation become the center of attention. A flood of self-deprecating thoughts overwhelmed her as she acknowledged that she should have vanished for at least a decade, not merely three years. Throughout the day, she couldn't help but feel that her appearance was far from ordinary or one that could easily be overlooked. The tension melted away from her lips as they curved into a faint smile, exuding a sense of optimism.


'Sure, go ahead and gossip all you want. It doesn't matter to me because I'll be successful anyway. This kind of thing will only be an episode to share on an entertaining TV show like "Sisters Whom I Know."'


Sehyeon had a remarkable ability to view herself as the main character in any given situation. She had such a positive outlook that she saw this as a witty anecdote for future TV show appearances, even in the present moment. On the other side, she lacked a sense of practicality.


As she was drowning in excessive self-consciousness, someone approached the seat beside her and asked.


"Excuse me, could I ask you something...?"


At that very moment, Sehyeon stumbled upon the most significant misstep of a lifetime.


"Why bother asking? Is this your first time seeing a celebrity?"




"I'm going crazy. This is so damn embarrassing. Ugh..."


Sehyeon was in a bathroom with the door closed, feeling helpless and unsure about what to do. She repeatedly banged her head against the wall, trying to shake off the vivid memories like a panoramic view.


"Why bother asking? Is this your first time seeing a celebrity?"


"Huh? Haha... No, it's not like that. I just wanted to sit here because it's far from the professor."


With a nod, she casually pointed out the seat next to Sehyeon and placed her bag on the desk.


Then, she kept chuckling.


After a while, she finally burst into hearty laughter, unable to contain himself any longer, and then she said:


"You said, 'Is this your first time seeing a celebrity?' It's hilarious, no matter how much I think about it."


"To be honest, tell me. You immediately regretted saying that, didn't you?"


As she continued speaking, Sehyeon's face flushed with embarrassment.


"Oh, this is so funny. I didn't pay much attention to you, but you suddenly interested me."


She suddenly leaned in, bringing her face closer to her, and pressed for an answer.


"Now that things have turned out this way, how about we become friends? I'm called Eun Dasom. And you?"




'I didn't want to be friend someone who had witnessed my embarrassing moment.'


That Eun Dasom or whoever kept bothering Sehyeon even after the class. If she hadn't run to the restroom, she would have followed her until the end. Her unexpected arrival prompted her to make a new resolution today. She found a new determination, inspired by the events involving her, to live with poise and grace without losing composure. It was a minimal effort on her part to avoid drawing attention at school.


As she was about to open the door, having made such a heartfelt resolution, a voice suddenly broke the silence.


"Hey, have you seen this? They're picking an ambassador for Destiny."


Sehyeon's full attention was immediately captured by the unexpected voice. Destiny... She was aware of the name of that dating app, but she had never used it herself. She has heard that almost every person in their 20s uses that app. Her eyes shimmered with excitement. Having wrapped up her life as an idol and yearning for fame, becoming an ambassador presented her with a perfect chance.


"Destiny? that's so freaking hot these days."


"Yeah, earlier, I saw the teaching assistants going around and posting notices on all the bulletin boards."


"Did our senior students really create that app? Wow, does that mean our school students will be given top priority?"


"Yeah, you're right. I think that Woo Sehyeon will be there too. I remember seeing her on Idol Planet, and she was a total attention seeker."


Out of nowhere, Sehyeon felt dazed when she heard someone calling herself an attention seeker. Although she used to be an idol, she always felt unfamiliar when she heard her name mentioned by others, especially if it was for something negative.


"Woo Sehyeon? But is it okay for her to do something like that?"


"Why not?"


"It's a shame she's throwing away her image like this, especially considering she used to be an idol."


"Hey, you know what? Nobody even remembers her anyway."


Sehyeon swallowed her anger. Deep down, she wanted to storm out and give those people a good telling-off, but she had to face the reality of the situation. There's gonna be a boatload of stuff like this happening in the future, and she can't sweat the small stuff every time. 'If I can't hold it in and leave right now, I won't be able to amount to anything. I need to wait and see...'


"Well, you're right. After all, she's just a failed idol, right?"


"Hey there!!!"


'Screw waiting for the perfect time. If I think it's now, then it's freaking now, all right?'


Sehyeon couldn't hold it any longer and forcefully pushed the bathroom door open, storming out. Washed-up idol. That tag had been haunting her nonstop for the entire year. Her idol career's report card was seriously intimidating, no joke. It was genuinely frightening for her to receive the grades on her idol activities. Her world came crashing down when she discovered that her dreams of becoming an idol, which she had been working toward for years, had been shattered. 'You know what's really sad? I've practically devoted my entire teenage years to this, and all I got was that kind of assessment. Do they even have a clue?'


"Oh, no way..."


They shifted their eyes downward, avoiding any direct contact. As they do that, Sehyeon feels an indescribable sense of discomfort. 'Why do they talk trash they wouldn't say to someone's face?


"Repeat it. Did you say, 'a failed idol'?"


"Wait, that's not what we meant..."


"You should've just kept your trap shut. That title is damn lame. If I'm just 'a failed idol,' then what does that make you? A meddlesome extra?"


A tough cookie. Everyone who knows Sehyeon well called her a tough cookie. She rocked high school as an idol trainee but still managed to ace her studies and snag a spot at a top-tier university. She saw the university title as a way to boost her image as an idol, so she aimed to get the attractive label of being a "prestigious university graduate."


Is that why? She has this thing where if anyone dares to criticize her past as an idol, she won't let it go. 'I've put in so much effort; my hard work was never in vain.' It was a kind of warning and self-hypnosis.


"Hey, what's your deal thinking you know anything about me?"


"Me? Of course, I don't know anything about you. You're not even an idol, so why should I bother getting to know you?"


Seyheon inched closer to them.


"Here's the deal: if you've been living such a bland life until now, just shut up and keep living that way."


After speaking with all her might, Sehyeon retreated a step. They let out a small breath as the tension subsided as if they had been holding their breath in fear. Did that sound trigger something? She seemed to remember something she had forgotten and abruptly turned around.


"Ah, and..."


Sehyeon stopped after tapping with her graceful fingers on the person in front of her, who was donning a varsity jacket.


A mischievous smile crept across her face as she glanced at the student number on the varsity jacket within reach of her fingertips.


"Listen, it seemed you were casually and rudely throwing my name around just because I'm an idol. But you know what? I'm actually your senior."


With a beaming smile, Sehyeon said her goodbyes.


"Hey, it was great meeting you, my junior!"



"Seriously? Is it a girl?"


A strange girl caught Sehyeon's gaze as she mindlessly scrolled through her phone screen. She gave the Destiny app a shot to become an ambassador. But still, it disappointed her with results utterly different from what she had hoped for. Now, she's lost all faith in the app.


'Ugh, this app is so dumb! I'm into guys, you know?'


Sehyeon blinked her eyes once or twice, doubting what she saw. She gave it another shot, trying to focus on the screen, but no matter how hard she looked, it was always a girl. And not just any girl, but a beautiful one with a mature aura.


Out of all the pictures of men in sexy outfits on the phone screen, the photo of a career woman in a white shirt caught Sehyeon's attention with its unique vibe. She seemed like a character detached from reality, as if she didn't belong in a place like this.


In her tresses, a touch of gray, eyes as impenetrable and unreadable as night, a face of gentle curves, and a slender, graceful neck. She had this intriguingly serene vibe that made her come across as untouchable and intellectually sharp. With her frosty and wintry aura that feels like every day is winter, she immediately caught Sehyeon's eye.


That's when it happened.


Sehyeon thought, 'Wow, this girl gives off a serious vibe of having no social skills,' when her attention was immediately drawn elsewhere.


"Wait, a 100% success rate?"


'No way! Is it possible? Like, a 100% success rate in dating?'


Sehyeon couldn't believe her eyes as she glanced at the data. She quickly returned to the list and double-checked the profiles she had rejected earlier. She browsed further, and there were tons of guys' profiles, but she couldn't find anyone with a 100% success rate, not even someone over 90%.


She was utterly hooked by that 100% figure.


She has dated many guys, but she's never been fixated on love, not even once. Her motto is to not stop anyone from coming to her or leaving her. It was inconceivable for her to even entertain the idea of sharing love reciprocally because love was merely something others bestowed upon her.


Guess what? The app matched her with a girl who promised a 100% success rate!


As Sehyeon rechecked the girl's profile, a curiosity flicked within her.


Just as Sehyeon was about to reach for the button below the profile picture that said, "Would you like to send a date request?"…


You have received a date request from Seo Jinmyeong.


Will you accept?


She pointed at Sehyeon.